Latest polls.. ouch

Why would you think it would be black Americans. It’s mostly been Antifa so far with elements of BLM that are tied in with Antifa. The vast majority of Antifa of whites.
Read carefully. I was stating that the ostensible cause was the killing of black folks by cops. I wasn’t identifying the faux rioters. This widespread rioting that ive never seen which supposedly corresponds with Biden losing polls as a result of it...that was the premise I was addressing.

now if you think these nationwide widespread antifa riots were not related to cop killings then I’m not even certain what OP point was
Let’s assume that there were widescale riots spurred by black Americans being angered at yet more black deaths at the hands of law enforcement (Minneapolis, Nashville and Atlanta) and vigilantes (Atlanta). Maybe, just maybe the quelling of these “riots” has more to do with the passage of time since the last “bad apple” cop killing

I've noticed the murders and senseless deaths of African Americans in Chicago South Side have continued without abatement yet no rioting for those black deaths, I guess a “black apple” killing is ok?
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I've noticed the murders and senseless deaths of African Americans in Chicago South Side have continued without abatement yet no rioting for those black deaths, I guess a “black apple” killing is ok? didn’t take long for the whataboutism to show up.
Any large gatherings without social distancing and masks are super spreaders. Common sense.
Must be why Biden only had a tenth of the rallies that Trump had too only spoke for a fraction of the time as well.
One can be upset about climate change but focus on a cure for pancreatic cancer at the same time...conflating the two is not hypocrisy. Go read a book.
I think conflating hot air and your talk is not hypocrisy!
One can be upset about climate change but focus on a cure for pancreatic cancer at the same time...conflating the two is not hypocrisy. Go read a book.
You realize your attempt to spin and change the optics of your statements doesn’t work with me. I would’ve thought you would have figured that out already.
#NEW CNBC/Change Research poll:

Biden 52% (+10)
Trump 42%

Biden 53% (+8)
Trump 45%

Biden 51 (+7)
Trump 44

Biden 50 (4)
Trump 46

Biden 51 (+3)
Trump 48

Biden 50% (+3)
Trump 47%

Biden 49 (2)
Trump 47

LV, 10/29-11/1

This is the closest 10 point race ever.

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