Let’s talk politics, the debate and our choices!


Gold Member
May 13, 2005
Did you watch the debate?
im a life long republican, 63, educated, white, and statistically upper class.

First of all, it is a disgrace that these two are our only choice.
DT is crass, vulgar, and un presidential, but I support almost every policy he has undertaken. It’s like swallowing bad medicin.
China steals our best jobs, our technology, and those should be brought home.The trade deals of the past 50 years have benefited others at our economies expense.
We have lost the ideals of the American dream. No where else on this planet can you live where the fruits of your labor put you in the 1%. THAT is America! Go do it, prosper and the fruits of your labor are limitless.

The alternative seems to be, dont worry the government will take care of you. Free everything; college, housing, living wage etc. Only problem someone pays that bill.

The bill for that DOES come due.

I worry about this country. We are a country of workers from many different parts of the globe, but a diverse group looking for a better chance of success. Does anyone think the people in Washington DC have our backs?

just venting
This is a very diverse board, I’d like to hear your opinions, who you are, and what you think.
my opinion is we aren’t nearly as polarized as the media paints Americans to be. We’re more similar than different.

Let me hear your thoughts.
I’m a lifelong independent and tend to side republican on economy and center on social issues. As another póster once said (I think it was @kamco360) and it describes me as well. I am fiscally conservative socially moderate. I absolutely detest Donald Trump but I voted for him in 2016. Economy was good pre Covid but he is a Narcissist, racist and can’t tell the truth even when it hits him in the face. Still can’t deny his accomplishments. He has turned courts conservative and built up economy before Rona and is crazy enough to scare countries like China. He has divided our country almost to the point of no return.

I can’t believe this is who we are stuck with for the next 4 years frick or frack. I think Trump better up his game because he has done a lot to sabotage his re-election. This should have been an easy victory and I would not be surprised if Biden won. The country will be fine as long as the republicans don’t lose the senate, even if Biden wins. Scary time for our country and 2024 can’t get here fast enough, it can’t get worse. Can it?
If you are looking for eloquent statesman as candidates we haven't had one since Lincoln. Trump is what he is but his intentions have been to help the country and he has been unfairly attacked often illegally by the left. Biden has a very shady past and has never been in the private sector. His plagiarism ,lies about his past have not been reported on by a media that isn't interested in truth but advocacy for a political dogma. These two are polar opposites.
Trump is the anti swamp and didnt go into politics to make a buck. Almost all of today's politicians are in it for the money. Thats why Trump has been so set upon. He has never had a chance to do anything but fight back.They were reporting leaked private conversations of his the first week he was in office. Few people could have withstood this . Lots of people have sold their country out for Chinese Money-the Clintons,Obama, Bidens ,and even Mitch Mcconnell have.Lebron James sure has .
If you are looking for eloquent statesman as candidates we haven't had one since Lincoln. Trump is what he is but his intentions have been to help the country and he has been unfairly attacked often illegally by the left. Biden has a very shady past and has never been in the private sector. His plagiarism ,lies about his past have not been reported on by a media that isn't interested in truth but advocacy for a political dogma. These two are polar opposites.
Trump is the anti swamp and didnt go into politics to make a buck. Almost all of today's politicians are in it for the money. Thats why Trump has been so set upon. He has never had a chance to do anything but fight back.They were reporting leaked private conversations of his the first week he was in office. Few people could have withstood this . Lots of people have sold their country out for Chinese Money-the Clintons,Obama, Bidens ,and even Mitch Mcconnell have.Lebron James sure has .
Good analysis sabrose
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Did you watch the debate?
im a life long republican, 63, educated, white, and statistically upper class.

First of all, it is a disgrace that these two are our only choice.
DT is crass, vulgar, and un presidential, but I support almost every policy he has undertaken. It’s like swallowing bad medicin.
China steals our best jobs, our technology, and those should be brought home.The trade deals of the past 50 years have benefited others at our economies expense.
We have lost the ideals of the American dream. No where else on this planet can you live where the fruits of your labor put you in the 1%. THAT is America! Go do it, prosper and the fruits of your labor are limitless.

The alternative seems to be, dont worry the government will take care of you. Free everything; college, housing, living wage etc. Only problem someone pays that bill.

The bill for that DOES come due.

I worry about this country. We are a country of workers from many different parts of the globe, but a diverse group looking for a better chance of success. Does anyone think the people in Washington DC have our backs?

just venting
Kevin I always say this; Trump is an asshole, he says stupid things, behaves petty at times BUT I"M NOT HANGING OUT WITH HIM, NOT HAVING SUPPER WITH HIM, NOT GOLFING WITH HIM> He ran as a businessman who had seen enough of the damage lousy policies were doing to our country from BOTH SIDES! NAFTA, CHINA, IRAN DEAL, etc......He is not wrong. He is right and he has begun to reverse these deals to better level the playing field or put America first in the deals. In fairness to Trump he has been assaulted from every side since winning in 2016 and I think last night we saw some of that anger and frustration come thru and it hurt him because he missed several opportunities to hit home runs on Obamacare, Race relations, law and order and current chaos, and getting his message across on accomplishments of which there were many. I hope he does better next debate assuming Biden doesn't opt out. I am white Jewish Navy Veteran 58 years old.
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I’m a lifelong independent and tend to side republican on economy and center on social issues. As another póster once said (I think it was @kamco360) and it describes me as well. I am fiscally conservative socially moderate. I absolutely detest Donald Trump but I voted for him in 2016. Economy was good pre Covid but he is a Narcissist, racist and can’t tell the truth even when it hits him in the face. Still can’t deny his accomplishments. He has turned courts conservative and built up economy before Rona and is crazy enough to scare countries like China. He has divided our country almost to the point of no return.

I can’t believe this is who we are stuck with for the next 4 years frick or frack. I think Trump better up his game because he has done a lot to sabotage his re-election. This should have been an easy victory and I would not be surprised if Biden won. The country will be fine as long as the republicans don’t lose the senate, even if Biden wins. Scary time for our country and 2024 can’t get here fast enough, it can’t get worse. Can it?
He is not a racist. That is the media brain washing you sorry
It's laughable to see posts glorifying a racist president who is in bed with White extremists and foreign operatives like Russia to undermine our democracy. Trump sought the office of president not for the benefit of the country but his own. His tax plan benefited wealthy individuals like himself and big business. He is a failed businessman who is hell bent on bankrupting this country.

Trump watched 200k people die needlessly of Covid-19 due to his failed leadership and non-existent plan. At the debate last night he mocked Biden for wearing a mask. WTF!! His own CDC said wearing a mask prevents the spread.

If the past 3 years wasn't enough, the debate last night showed Trump to be ignorant, uninformed, void of ideas or plans to MAGA. His performance last night further divided this country with his shout out to a White extremist group, The Proud Boys, to stand back and stand by.

Trump does not deserve 4 more years!!
Did you watch the debate?
im a life long republican, 63, educated, white, and statistically upper class.

First of all, it is a disgrace that these two are our only choice.
DT is crass, vulgar, and un presidential, but I support almost every policy he has undertaken. It’s like swallowing bad medicin.
China steals our best jobs, our technology, and those should be brought home.The trade deals of the past 50 years have benefited others at our economies expense.
We have lost the ideals of the American dream. No where else on this planet can you live where the fruits of your labor put you in the 1%. THAT is America! Go do it, prosper and the fruits of your labor are limitless.

The alternative seems to be, dont worry the government will take care of you. Free everything; college, housing, living wage etc. Only problem someone pays that bill.

The bill for that DOES come due.

I worry about this country. We are a country of workers from many different parts of the globe, but a diverse group looking for a better chance of success. Does anyone think the people in Washington DC have our backs?

just venting
I agree with this 100%
If you are looking for eloquent statesman as candidates we haven't had one since Lincoln. Trump is what he is but his intentions have been to help the country and he has been unfairly attacked often illegally by the left. Biden has a very shady past and has never been in the private sector. His plagiarism ,lies about his past have not been reported on by a media that isn't interested in truth but advocacy for a political dogma. These two are polar opposites.
Trump is the anti swamp and didnt go into politics to make a buck. Almost all of today's politicians are in it for the money. Thats why Trump has been so set upon. He has never had a chance to do anything but fight back.They were reporting leaked private conversations of his the first week he was in office. Few people could have withstood this . Lots of people have sold their country out for Chinese Money-the Clintons,Obama, Bidens ,and even Mitch Mcconnell have.Lebron James sure has .

Agree, I'll go with anti swamp. I'm tired of the BS career politicians on both sides of the aisle that haven't addressed a single important issue for the citizens in over 20 years.
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I’m a lifelong independent and tend to side republican on economy and center on social issues. As another póster once said (I think it was @kamco360) and it describes me as well. I am fiscally conservative socially moderate. I absolutely detest Donald Trump but I voted for him in 2016. Economy was good pre Covid but he is a Narcissist, racist and can’t tell the truth even when it hits him in the face. Still can’t deny his accomplishments. He has turned courts conservative and built up economy before Rona and is crazy enough to scare countries like China. He has divided our country almost to the point of no return.

I can’t believe this is who we are stuck with for the next 4 years frick or frack. I think Trump better up his game because he has done a lot to sabotage his re-election. This should have been an easy victory and I would not be surprised if Biden won. The country will be fine as long as the republicans don’t lose the senate, even if Biden wins. Scary time for our country and 2024 can’t get here fast enough, it can’t get worse. Can it?

You are representative of the VAST majority of voters - fiscally conservative and socially moderate. Both parties like to utilize social issues to polarize voters, when in fact that is a secondary topic for most.
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Another dumb azz he misspoke you fool

Did he also misspeak about the central park five or the Charlottesville neo-nazis ? Save your honor and integrity and just admit you're wrong about him being a racist.
Did he also misspeak about the central park five or the Charlottesville neo-nazis ? Save your honor and integrity and just admit you're wrong about him being a racist.
AND ANYONE ELSE LIKE @cdwright40 or @Raoul2 read it
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Did he also misspeak about the central park five or the Charlottesville neo-nazis ? Save your honor and integrity and just admit you're wrong about him being a racist.
Biden said he didn't want his children to go to schools with blacks. Do you want to go back in time and bring up all of the racist comments Biden has made. Your not black if you vote Trump.
Ahhhhhh Obama Care!

ACA, was anything but affordable. In its first four years healthcare doubled in cost for the average family, choice became non-existent- many states were left with a single provider. It provided insurance for 20M Americans, but has left another 30M unable to afford it. It doesn’t work, and a much better solution could have been solved through legislation directed at insurance companies if politicians weren’t in there pockets.
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I’m a lifelong independent and tend to side republican on economy and center on social issues. As another póster once said (I think it was @kamco360) and it describes me as well. I am fiscally conservative socially moderate. I absolutely detest Donald Trump but I voted for him in 2016. Economy was good pre Covid but he is a Narcissist, racist and can’t tell the truth even when it hits him in the face. Still can’t deny his accomplishments. He has turned courts conservative and built up economy before Rona and is crazy enough to scare countries like China. He has divided our country almost to the point of no return.

I can’t believe this is who we are stuck with for the next 4 years frick or frack. I think Trump better up his game because he has done a lot to sabotage his re-election. This should have been an easy victory and I would not be surprised if Biden won. The country will be fine as long as the republicans don’t lose the senate, even if Biden wins. Scary time for our country and 2024 can’t get here fast enough, it can’t get worse. Can it?
TBC, you produce many an insightful post, but I'm surprised you've bought into this bogus racism narrative. Trump is not a racist. He has a legion of prominent African American supporters, not the least of which is Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King. This is one of the many comments she has made:

"You know, we all believe the same. That's something the president has said, one race, one human race," King said. "So, he's not a racist, absolutely is not," she continued, "and the programs that he has moved forward, the higher job market is helping African Americans. The criminal justice reform, helping African Americans."
It's laughable to see posts glorifying a racist president who is in bed with White extremists and foreign operatives like Russia to undermine our democracy. Trump sought the office of president not for the benefit of the country but his own. His tax plan benefited wealthy individuals like himself and big business. He is a failed businessman who is hell bent on bankrupting this country.

Trump watched 200k people die needlessly of Covid-19 due to his failed leadership and non-existent plan. At the debate last night he mocked Biden for wearing a mask. WTF!! His own CDC said wearing a mask prevents the spread.

If the past 3 years wasn't enough, the debate last night showed Trump to be ignorant, uninformed, void of ideas or plans to MAGA. His performance last night further divided this country with his shout out to a White extremist group, The Proud Boys, to stand back and stand by.

Trump does not deserve 4 more years!!

Exactly correct
TBC, you produce many an insightful post, but I'm surprised you've bought into this bogus racism narrative. Trump is not a racist. He has a legion of prominent African American supporters, not the least of which is Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King. This is one of the many comments she has made:

"You know, we all believe the same. That's something the president has said, one race, one human race," King said. "So, he's not a racist, absolutely is not," she continued, "and the programs that he has moved forward, the higher job market is helping African Americans. The criminal justice reform, helping African Americans."

So you can’t be racist if You have a black friend? Lol. Just because he has supporters doesn’t mean it isn’t true. It’s my opinion that he is. Whether I say Racist or prejudiced, favors white people about the same to me. But it’s my opinion I am not brainwashed by media or bought into any narrative. I havent watch cnn or Fox News since a month into Rona (life has been great without them). I don’t have to like him to vote for him but it pains me to do so as the man is a piece of $hit. Again just my opinion. Too bad these are our only choices.
ACA, was anything but affordable. In its first four years healthcare doubled in cost for the average family, choice became non-existent- many states were left with a single provider. It provided insurance for 20M Americans, but has left another 30M unable to afford it. It doesn’t work, and a much better solution could have been solved through legislation directed at insurance companies if politicians weren’t in there pockets.
Where is Trump's plan that he keeps talking about?
So you can’t be racist if You have a black friend? Lol. Just because he has supporters doesn’t mean it isn’t true. It’s my opinion that he is. Whether I say Racist or prejudiced, favors white people about the same to me. But it’s my opinion I am not brainwashed by media or bought into any narrative. I havent watch cnn or Fox News since a month into Rona (life has been great without them). I don’t have to like him to vote for him but it pains me to do so as the man is a piece of $hit. Again just my opinion. Too bad these are our only choices.
A black friend? I referenced the niece of Dr. King. Meanwhile Joe's friend, Senator Byrd, had strong ties and was a member of the KKK. You dont like Trump and will not vote for him. I respect your choice. But this racism argument is absurd.
A black friend? I referenced the niece of Dr. King. Meanwhile Joe's friend, Senator Byrd, had strong ties and was a member of the KKK. You dont like Trump and will not vote for him. I respect your choice. But this racism argument is absurd.

You have me wrong I’m voting for him unfortunately as the choices aren’t great. If there was a half way decent choice against Trump more Even a little closer to the center I would vote against him in a heartbeat. And my reference to a black friend was To make a point. I have buddies back home in Jersey who say I can’t be racist/prejudiced I have black friends which is silly. It’s just my opinion on him being a racist and you disagree which is the beauty of America. I have seen trump from when he ran his casinos into the ground, He has always been a moron. I never say that about any president but this one it’s true. Don’t have to like him but I can’t side with too far left.
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