The Big Lie
Trump cult
You should all be so proud that you will destroy this once great nation. We can now immediately start apologizing to the world for our former greatness and leadership as we will intentionally weaken ourselves to be fair. China and Russia are quite pleased. We can begin energy dependence on countries that despise us. Brilliant. Watch energy costs skyrocket. We can open our borders for the flood of illegal, uneducated, and unskilled immigrants and provide them benefits such as health care when we can't even provide health care to our own US citizens. Incredible foresight to increase voting block for power in perpetuity despite selling out on the current citizens that will actually pay for these benefits. We can start sending business and manufacturing jobs back to China. Screw the American worker. We can continue to chip away at the first and second amendment until they are abolished. These are key and the most important steps for tyranny. We can watch shithole countries start to screw with us because this administration is so weak. I could go on but what's the point. The excuses for Biden are already starting and they will blame Trump for all the failures of this administration, and there will be many. We are a resilient nation, but I'm not sure even we can survive the bullshit that's coming.
The Big Lie
Trump cult
You should all be so proud that you will destroy this once great nation. We can now immediately start apologizing to the world for our former greatness and leadership as we will intentionally weaken ourselves to be fair. China and Russia are quite pleased. We can begin energy dependence on countries that despise us. Brilliant. Watch energy costs skyrocket. We can open our borders for the flood of illegal, uneducated, and unskilled immigrants and provide them benefits such as health care when we can't even provide health care to our own US citizens. Incredible foresight to increase voting block for power in perpetuity despite selling out on the current citizens that will actually pay for these benefits. We can start sending business and manufacturing jobs back to China. Screw the American worker. We can continue to chip away at the first and second amendment until they are abolished. These are key and the most important steps for tyranny. We can watch shithole countries start to screw with us because this administration is so weak. I could go on but what's the point. The excuses for Biden are already starting and they will blame Trump for all the failures of this administration, and there will be many. We are a resilient nation, but I'm not sure even we can survive the bullshit that's coming.
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