Liberal buzzwords of the day


Gold Member
Jan 9, 2003
The Big Lie
Trump cult

You should all be so proud that you will destroy this once great nation. We can now immediately start apologizing to the world for our former greatness and leadership as we will intentionally weaken ourselves to be fair. China and Russia are quite pleased. We can begin energy dependence on countries that despise us. Brilliant. Watch energy costs skyrocket. We can open our borders for the flood of illegal, uneducated, and unskilled immigrants and provide them benefits such as health care when we can't even provide health care to our own US citizens. Incredible foresight to increase voting block for power in perpetuity despite selling out on the current citizens that will actually pay for these benefits. We can start sending business and manufacturing jobs back to China. Screw the American worker. We can continue to chip away at the first and second amendment until they are abolished. These are key and the most important steps for tyranny. We can watch shithole countries start to screw with us because this administration is so weak. I could go on but what's the point. The excuses for Biden are already starting and they will blame Trump for all the failures of this administration, and there will be many. We are a resilient nation, but I'm not sure even we can survive the bullshit that's coming.
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The Big Lie
Trump cult

You should all be so proud that you will destroy this once great nation. We can now immediately start apologizing to the world for our former greatness and leadership as we will intentionally weaken ourselves to be fair. China and Russia are quite pleased. We can begin energy independence on countries that despise us. Watch energy costs skyrocket. We can open our borders for the flood of illegal, uneducated, and unskilled immigrants and provide them benefits such as health care when we can't even provide health care to our own US citizens. Incredible foresight to increase voting block for power in perpetuity. We can start sending business and manufacturing jobs back to China. Screw the American worker. We can continue to chip away at the first and second amendment until they are abolished. Most important steps for tyranny. We can watch shithole countries start to screw with us because this administration is so weak. I could go one but what's the point. The excuses for Biden are already starting and they will blame Trump for all the failures of this administration, and there will be many. We are a resilient nation, but I'm not sure even we can survive the bullshit that's coming.
Well said. Let’s just start with today. Nothing will be said about the cost of Biden’s party today. Nothing will be said about the cost of the clothes they wear today. Nothing will be said about crack head hunter, nothing will be said about reaching out to the 150 million conservatives today. What will be said is how bad racist we are . How President Trump is a racist. How bad the group proud boys are . Nothing. Said about ANTIFA And BLM they are good . How bad are country is and we need to apologize to other countries for our success and it is our fault they are shit hole countries. The will bring white supremacy up twenty times today and claim all conservatives are part of them. The word cult will be used describing President Trumps supporters twenty times. How women is a man and a man is a women that there is no gender. The interpretation of Gods word as they see it not his Word. And much more. The good news Millions of people know none of this is truth the lies they spread about Conservatives and Christians. The sad news is they will keep many on the plantation unknowingly as they use racism and hate for there platform and continue to line their pockets and families pockets with money and power from foreign influences. Yep we all will be judged by one man sooner then later. ALL LIFES MATTER
The Big Lie
Trump cult

You should all be so proud that you will destroy this once great nation. We can now immediately start apologizing to the world for our former greatness and leadership as we will intentionally weaken ourselves to be fair. China and Russia are quite pleased. We can begin energy dependence on countries that despise us. Brilliant. Watch energy costs skyrocket. We can open our borders for the flood of illegal, uneducated, and unskilled immigrants and provide them benefits such as health care when we can't even provide health care to our own US citizens. Incredible foresight to increase voting block for power in perpetuity despite selling out on current citizens. We can start sending business and manufacturing jobs back to China. Screw the American worker. We can continue to chip away at the first and second amendment until they are abolished. These are key and the most important steps for tyranny. We can watch shithole countries start to screw with us because this administration is so weak. I could go on but what's the point. The excuses for Biden are already starting and they will blame Trump for all the failures of this administration, and there will be many. We are a resilient nation, but I'm not sure even we can survive the bullshit that's coming.
People like AOC & Bernie have created a group who will grow over time in our politics. This is truly a scary time where people aren’t allowed to have their own belief system unless it fits in the box of what people like them think.
People like AOC & Bernie have created a group who will grow over time in our politics. This is truly a scary time where people aren’t allowed to have their own belief system unless it fits in the box of what people like them think.
The communist Karl Mark or Stalin said a bullet wound never be needed to take over America with communism. I think differently.
People like AOC & Bernie have created a group who will grow over time in our politics. This is truly a scary time where people aren’t allowed to have their own belief system unless it fits in the box of what people like them think.
This is spot on .. I sit in the middle and really don’t do politics , but it’s very alarming to see free speech being supressed in this country that I have served over 42 missions for .., very sad day ., I hope Biden can help unite this country , but , sadly , I believe we are too far past that line in the sand .. I see it everywhere ( news, streets , this board )... I will pray for this great country , but for the 1st time in my life , I have doubts .. Gods speed to all
The Big Lie
Trump cult

You should all be so proud that you will destroy this once great nation. We can now immediately start apologizing to the world for our former greatness and leadership as we will intentionally weaken ourselves to be fair. China and Russia are quite pleased. We can begin energy dependence on countries that despise us. Brilliant. Watch energy costs skyrocket. We can open our borders for the flood of illegal, uneducated, and unskilled immigrants and provide them benefits such as health care when we can't even provide health care to our own US citizens. Incredible foresight to increase voting block for power in perpetuity despite selling out on the current citizens that will actually pay for these benefits. We can start sending business and manufacturing jobs back to China. Screw the American worker. We can continue to chip away at the first and second amendment until they are abolished. These are key and the most important steps for tyranny. We can watch shithole countries start to screw with us because this administration is so weak. I could go on but what's the point. The excuses for Biden are already starting and they will blame Trump for all the failures of this administration, and there will be many. We are a resilient nation, but I'm not sure even we can survive the bullshit that's coming.

Why spend so much time even worrying about liberals and their buzzwords? Clean your own house because the Republican party is an absolute mess!

The real problem is people like yourself really and truly believe this what you are talking about.. Yet the trickle down economics theory is a lie that leaves this country weak every time they leave office. This nonsense the right peddles requires things like voter suppression. Immigration where we punish dreamers and refuse to build a realistic path to citizenship. Separating families. Evading our tax responsibility.... significantly increasing our debts. Bullying. Disrespect for women. Disrespect for minorities. Just a general disrespect for government in general.
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Why spend so much time even worrying about liberals and their buzzwords? Clean your own house because the Republican party is an absolute mess!

The real problem is people like yourself really and truly believe this what you are talking about.. Yet the trickle down economics theory is a lie that leaves this country weak every time they leave office. This nonsense the right peddles requires things like voter suppression. Immigration where we punish dreamers and refuse to build a realistic path to citizenship. Separating families. Evading our tax responsibility.... significantly increasing our debts. Bullying. Disrespect for women. Disrespect for minorities. Just a general disrespect for government in general.
See what we mean 😢 Never are they doing anything wrong. We disrespect everything and everybody. As usual another that has been convinced to stay on the plantation with same old same old .
He never has held a job. Lived off welfare . He is now a multi millionaire after becoming a politician with three different homes . His wife stole money from the university. As usual a hero for the left.
I never understood the appeal, nor do I wanna, he's the left version of Trump and his supporters are just as dogmatic. Maybe he's slightly less dangerous but the sycophants around him are not.
I never understood the appeal, nor do I wanna, he's the left version of Trump and his supporters are just as dogmatic. Maybe he's slightly less dangerous but the sycophants around him are not.

I think one of the problems these days is that people simply parse politicians based on terms like left, center, and right without actually assessing the quality of their policy ideas as it relates to improving the quality of life for citizens.
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I think one of the problems these days is that people simply parse politicians based on terms like left, center, and right without actually assessing the quality of their policy ideas as it relates to improving the quality of life for citizens.
You sir love to muddy the waters. Nothing about Bernie’s policy ideas are center or right. They’re not only left but far left. A freeloader making freeloader decisions. I’m not sure you realize how close to him being the Dem nominee we were. Even the left knew this was a bad idea.
You sir love to muddy the waters. Nothing about Bernie’s policy ideas are center or right. They’re not only left but far left. A freeloader making freeloader decisions. I’m not sure you realize how close to him being the Dem nominee we were. Even the left knew this was a bad idea.
he was never close to being the Dem nominee. Black America has a lot to say on who will get the Dem nod...he has never one a southern state and wasn't going to do so. Better chance of Jones winning in Alabama twice.
You sir love to muddy the waters. Nothing about Bernie’s policy ideas are center or right. They’re not only left but far left. A freeloader making freeloader decisions. I’m not sure you realize how close to him being the Dem nominee we were. Even the left knew this was a bad idea.

Predictably untrue. A vast majority of his policies are considered centrist in a vast majority of Democratic nations around the world.
Predictably untrue. A vast majority of his policies are considered centrist in a vast majority of Democratic nations around the world.
There is truth to that but here he is considered far left. I'm a Centrist, Center Left actually, Bernie....I can't bro. I literally said I'd vote for every GOP other than Trump or Cruz if Bernie won. Much prefer a Center Right over Bernie but just my position. I know a lot of black folks (over 35) that feel the same. Young folks were more open to him to be honest but that had to do with minimum wage and student loan forgiveness, the first I like the second ...yawn. Never understood guys that go to Bethune and complain about loans when FAMU is 2 hours away.
he was never close to being the Dem nominee. Black America has a lot to say on who will get the Dem nod...he has never one a southern state and wasn't going to do so. Better chance of Jones winning in Alabama twice.
Dude you gotta stop with the black America stuff. We are all Americans. As long as you separate us then we will continue to stay separate. If you want that then go find another country and start your own govt.
There is truth to that but here he is considered far left. I'm a Centrist, Center Left actually, Bernie....I can't bro. I literally said I'd vote for every GOP other than Trump or Cruz if Bernie won. Much prefer a Center Right over Bernie but just my position. I know a lot of black folks (over 35) that feel the same. Young folks were more open to him to be honest but that had to do with minimum wage and student loan forgiveness, the first I like the second ...yawn. Never understood guys that go to Bethune and complain about loans when FAMU is 2 hours away.

We do get stuck in the left/right mindset when discussing politics, perhaps to the detriment of evaluating the ideas and policies we should be talking about.
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Healthcare, Climate Change, Minimum Wage, Education etc.
Are you f’ing serious?mandatory govt ran healthcare is not a centrist idea. Climate change taxes and green policies are absolutely not a centrist idea. A standard $15 an hour minimum wage and or a living wage is not a centrist idea. Universal free education isn’t centrist either. You’re out of your tiny little mind!
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Are you f’ing serious?mandatory gift ran healthcare is a centrist idea. Climate change taxes and green policies are absolutely not a centrist idea. A standard $15 an hour minimum wage and or a living wage is not a centrist idea. Universal free education isn’t centrist either. You’re out of your tiny little mind!

These are all centrist ideas in a vast majority of Democratic nations around the world. For example, any politician in a country like England or Canada who suggests privatizing healthcare would get voted out of office immediately. In other countries you could never be able to get away allowing college education costs to saddle kids for the rest of their lives. These are all problems that are unique to the mess we've created here over the past few decades.
The Big Lie
Trump cult

You should all be so proud that you will destroy this once great nation. We can now immediately start apologizing to the world for our former greatness and leadership as we will intentionally weaken ourselves to be fair. China and Russia are quite pleased. We can begin energy dependence on countries that despise us. Brilliant. Watch energy costs skyrocket. We can open our borders for the flood of illegal, uneducated, and unskilled immigrants and provide them benefits such as health care when we can't even provide health care to our own US citizens. Incredible foresight to increase voting block for power in perpetuity despite selling out on the current citizens that will actually pay for these benefits. We can start sending business and manufacturing jobs back to China. Screw the American worker. We can continue to chip away at the first and second amendment until they are abolished. These are key and the most important steps for tyranny. We can watch shithole countries start to screw with us because this administration is so weak. I could go on but what's the point. The excuses for Biden are already starting and they will blame Trump for all the failures of this administration, and there will be many. We are a resilient nation, but I'm not sure even we can survive the bullshit that's coming.
You mad?
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These are all centrist ideas in a vast majority of Democratic nations around the world. For example, any politician in a country like England or Canada who suggests privatizing healthcare would get voted out of office immediately. In other countries you could never be able to get away allowing college education costs to saddle kids for the rest of their lives. These are all problems that are unique to the mess we've created here over the past few decades.
Lmao your idea of what centrist and the rest of the free world are very different. England and Canada are far left in their policies. England has come back a bit to the center but they have jumped far off that cliff. Their basic rights are even protected anymore. They’re literally issuing warrants for people for social media posts. It’s that bad there.
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Lmao your idea of what centrist and the rest of the free world are very different. England and Canada are far left in their policies. England has come back a bit to the center but they have jumped far off that cliff. Their basic rights are even protected anymore. They’re literally issuing warrants for people for social media posts. It’s that bad there.

Think about it this way - if half of America and the rest of the world think these are good ideas and you think they're "far left", then maybe you're so far right that the center seems very left to you.
Dude you gotta stop with the black America stuff. We are all Americans. As long as you separate us then we will continue to stay separate. If you want that then go find another country and start your own govt.
My man, there is zero fault in recognizing reality. Their are communities, distinct communities that blend together to make the great American melting pot. Some of those communities vote together, some are targeted by those who support them and those that don't. Black American is not saying that we are not American, damn right, my dad was a WW2 vet as were his brothers. My unc (other side) died in Nam. Granny is a Gold Star woman. She's also black, lives in a black neighborhood, eats black food, goes to a black church and speaks AAVE. Same as the four men I named, that makes us no less American than Rubio is as a Cuban American.

Have you seen Debbie Wasserman's district? That thing is gerrymanded to make sure she gets the black vote.

I don't understand the disinterest in a subgroup of the American body recognizing the reality, "evangelical" is used broadly and we know it to mean white evangelical because if it just meant evangelical then Rev Warnoff and Rev Wright would be inclusive because literally, in the black church, they are referred to as Evangelist.
Dude you gotta stop with the black America stuff. We are all Americans. As long as you separate us then we will continue to stay separate. If you want that then go find another country and start your own govt.

come on Cash you know that's a bullshit statement so I'm not gonna hop on that but damn bro.
My man, there is zero fault in recognizing reality. Their are communities, distinct communities that blend together to make the great American melting pot. Some of those communities vote together, some are targeted by those who support them and those that don't. Black American is not saying that we are not American, damn right, my dad was a WW2 vet as were his brothers. My unc (other side) died in Nam. Granny is a Gold Star woman. She's also black, lives in a black neighborhood, eats black food, goes to a black church and speaks AAVE. Same as the four men I named, that makes us no less American than Rubio is as a Cuban American.

Have you seen Debbie Wasserman's district? That thing is gerrymanded to make sure she gets the black vote.

I don't understand the disinterest in a subgroup of the American body recognizing the reality, "evangelical" is used broadly and we know it to mean white evangelical because if it just meant evangelical then Rev Warnoff and Rev Wright would be inclusive because literally, in the black church, they are referred to as Evangelist.
I was born and raised in SoFla and the idea of segregation is so foreign to me it actually pisses me off. I don’t understand that thinking
I was born and raised in SoFla and the idea of segregation is so foreign to me it actually pisses me off. I don’t understand that thinking
Born in raised in SoFlo as well. Welcome an offline discussion (email nothing like sharing ideas without yelling to get stuff understood if not agreed too. But yeah, I grew up in Carver Ranches on 28th street, Hallandale Beach Blvd was 29th and then Lake Forest was the next neighborhood. When I was a small kid, Lake Forrest was white (some white Hispanics that did not live as Hispanic, like literally I found out when we were adults) and Carver Ranches was all black. It was a sundown town. A guy who is now a friend (Jonathan) and I share stories about being run out of each others neighborhood after sunset. Having grown up on the border and being in gifted I had a lot of white friends and as you can tell, I didn't much care about the "rules". Hell I joined the cub scouts at Lake Forrest as opposed to the one at Carver Ranches Park (it was slightly closer to be honest). Short of it is, there were some seriously segregated areas. Davie was a hardcore sundown town. There is a great national book Buried in Bitter Waters that covers the topic.

But I welcome a chat, you seem like a good dude.
come on Cash you know that's a bullshit statement so I'm not gonna hop on that but damn bro.
I think each of you are right. White ,Black Asian, Latin. Indian, Jewish , French, Islamic , British, and many more have migrated to this country for a better life. We are a melting pot of races and each and every race should be proud of there heritage. But we got to be Americans first if we are going to live in this country. It is like this when our politicians take a knee disrespecting the American Flag but wear a African symbol around there neck it sends the wrong message. When the NFL players ( Jacksonville) take a knee in a foreign country and turn their backs on the American Flag 🇺🇸 during the national anthem but then all stand for the British national anthem and flag it sends a wrong message. Bottom line politicians want to keep racism alive and strong and separate us while they line there pockets with foreign money and big corporations money. No excuse for the Killings that go on in Chicago every weekend. No excuse for the family morals structure being destroyed, No excuse for having no Law and order No excuse for whites and blacks blaming each other. Government can not raise families only dad and moms can raise a family and teach them to be responsible instead of blaming others for there actions. ALL LIFES MATTER NO MATTER WHAT.
Born in raised in SoFlo as well. Welcome an offline discussion (email nothing like sharing ideas without yelling to get stuff understood if not agreed too. But yeah, I grew up in Carver Ranches on 28th street, Hallandale Beach Blvd was 29th and then Lake Forest was the next neighborhood. When I was a small kid, Lake Forrest was white (some white Hispanics that did not live as Hispanic, like literally I found out when we were adults) and Carver Ranches was all black. It was a sundown town. A guy who is now a friend (Jonathan) and I share stories about being run out of each others neighborhood after sunset. Having grown up on the border and being in gifted I had a lot of white friends and as you can tell, I didn't much care about the "rules". Hell I joined the cub scouts at Lake Forrest as opposed to the one at Carver Ranches Park (it was slightly closer to be honest). Short of it is, there were some seriously segregated areas. Davie was a hardcore sundown town. There is a great national book Buried in Bitter Waters that covers the topic.

But I welcome a chat, you seem like a good dude.
My mom went to Palmetto and grew up in Cutler Ridge, I was born over there but raised on the SW coast though. My dad was a cop for two years in Florida City before we moved.
Good shit bro, I had an uncle/aunt and cousins in Perrine. love SW FL, an org I'm on the board with did scholarships at FGCU.
I went to FGCU. Very first semester when it opened. All of about 500 on campus. Not sure what’s on campus now but it’s a helluva lot more than 500. I think there was 6 dorms on the lake and remember the chicks walking out and studying on the beach. No chance I was studying anything but them.
Think about it this way - if half of America and the rest of the world think these are good ideas and you think they're "far left", then maybe you're so far right that the center seems very left to you.
Why do you hate people of the Jewish Faith? Why do you defend someone that calls for Genocide of Jew's?
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