Liberal buzzwords of the day

he was never close to being the Dem nominee. Black America has a lot to say on who will get the Dem nod...he has never one a southern state and wasn't going to do so. Better chance of Jones winning in Alabama twice.
Why spend so much time even worrying about liberals and their buzzwords? Clean your own house because the Republican party is an absolute mess!

The real problem is people like yourself really and truly believe this what you are talking about.. Yet the trickle down economics theory is a lie that leaves this country weak every time they leave office. This nonsense the right peddles requires things like voter suppression. Immigration where we punish dreamers and refuse to build a realistic path to citizenship. Separating families. Evading our tax responsibility.... significantly increasing our debts. Bullying. Disrespect for women. Disrespect for minorities. Just a general disrespect for government in general.
You continue to be one of the most ignorant posters on this board although the competition is getting tougher. You are better suited in the war room where you can project Jimbo's next coaching job or lecture on the spread offense.
Yes I am mad, and you should be too as our liberty and freedom is being taken away by a government that wants full control of our lives. Instead you are rejoicing. I guess ignorance is bliss.
Too damn bad you are mad! Now you know how the rest of us who didn't vote for that racist moronic bully POS who led the domestic terrorist insurection at our capital! That coward high tailed it out of town instead of insuring a "peaceful" transfer of power. Like a real American president would. He would rather lather up his stupid pack of hyena base than provide the courts evidence of voter I couldn't care less if you are mad. So are we! People died there. Has he once even mentioned them? No! He can go to hell for all I care! Damn right we will rejoice!
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You continue to be one of the most ignorant posters on this board although the competition is getting tougher. You are better suited in the war room where you can project Jimbo's next coaching job or lecture on the spread offense.
1a: destitute of knowledge or education
an ignorant society
also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified
parents ignorant of modern mathematics
b: resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence
ignorant errors

Born in raised in SoFlo as well. Welcome an offline discussion (email nothing like sharing ideas without yelling to get stuff understood if not agreed too. But yeah, I grew up in Carver Ranches on 28th street, Hallandale Beach Blvd was 29th and then Lake Forest was the next neighborhood. When I was a small kid, Lake Forrest was white (some white Hispanics that did not live as Hispanic, like literally I found out when we were adults) and Carver Ranches was all black. It was a sundown town. A guy who is now a friend (Jonathan) and I share stories about being run out of each others neighborhood after sunset. Having grown up on the border and being in gifted I had a lot of white friends and as you can tell, I didn't much care about the "rules". Hell I joined the cub scouts at Lake Forrest as opposed to the one at Carver Ranches Park (it was slightly closer to be honest). Short of it is, there were some seriously segregated areas. Davie was a hardcore sundown town. There is a great national book Buried in Bitter Waters that covers the topic.

But I welcome a chat, you seem like a good dude.
I played football for Driftwood and remember the field in Lake Forest had a TV tower right next to it. The year I played they had Oddibee McDowell on the team. Went to high school with also and one of the best all around athletes I ever saw. Do you remember the Bbq place called 7 Sisters on Pembroke and 56th. Some of the best ribs I ever ate and their sauce was to die for. It was a sad day when they closed.
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I played football for Driftwood and remember the field in Lake Forest had a TV tower right next to it. The year I played they had Oddibee McDowell on the team. Went to high school with also and one of the best all around athletes I ever saw. Do you remember the Bbq place called 7 Sisters on Pembroke and 56th. Some of the best ribs I ever ate and their sauce was to die for. It was a sad day when they closed.
Dude of course, that's my neighborhood! My mom owned a store on 56th ave and 24th street. I got my haircuts across the street at Pink Palace, the guy that first cut my hair as a kid (Mr. Harris) son owned it.

We called that park Tower Park! That's where I played soccer, t-ball, football. Our first year Driftwood beat us 32-0. not a typo...32-0 lol. We had no clue about soccer, 7 years later we won the title, about 50% of the same kids. The McDowell family and my family are close. I'm an opps baby much younger than my siblings but my brother and sister went to HS with Oddibee and she was in his graduating class. That neighborhood produced so many great athletes, he was among the best of em.
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1a: destitute of knowledge or education
an ignorant society
also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified
parents ignorant of modern mathematics
b: resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence
ignorant errors
LOL coming from one of CD's biggest competitors
Dude of course, that's my neighborhood! My mom owned a store on 56th ave and 24th street. I got my haircuts across the street at Pink Palace, the guy that first cut my hair as a kid (Mr. Harris) son owned it.

We called that park Tower Park! That's where I played soccer, t-ball, football. Our first year Driftwood beat us 32-0. not a typo...32-0 lol. We had no clue about soccer, 7 years later we won the title, about 50% of the same kids. The McDowell family and my family are close. I'm an opps baby much younger than my siblings but my brother and sister went to HS with Oddibee and she was in his graduating class. That neighborhood produced so many great athletes, he was among the best of em.
Looks like your sister and I were in the same grade. Who knows, I may have had some classes with her. Small world.
Crazy, you went to Miramar or McArthur?
MacArthur. That was back when we had a great wrestling program and possibly the best girls cross country team ever. One year while I was there they took all the top 5 spots at the state meet led by Sue Overby and Gina Bowling. Oddibee won state at wrestling as a senior just a few weeks after losing part of his spleen.
MacArthur. That was back when we had a great wrestling program and possibly the best girls cross country team ever. One year while I was there they took all the top 5 spots at the state meet led by Sue Overby and Gina Bowling. Oddibee won state at wrestling as a senior just a few weeks after losing part of his spleen.
You remember Aaron Smith (tank) he won states I want to say 77/78ish at Miramar? He was a heavyweight, his kid brother Raynard was a beast running back. My brother and him were best friends. I know all those names, I was a git but they are "famous".
You remember Aaron Smith (tank) he won states I want to say 77/78ish at Miramar? He was a heavyweight, his kid brother Raynard was a beast running back. My brother and him were best friends. I know all those names, I was a git but they are "famous".
Not sure about Aaron Smith but I did have quite a few friends that went to Miramar. I remember when we rode dirt bikes and horses across the street from Miramar High before they built Foxcroft condos. It's nice to think back about S. Fla before it got built up so much.
Not sure about Aaron Smith but I did have quite a few friends that went to Miramar. I remember when we rode dirt bikes and horses across the street from Miramar High before they built Foxcroft condos. It's nice to think back about S. Fla before it got built up so much.
My eldest brother transferred from Mc to Miramar. The horticulture department at Miramar was cool. Miramar v. Mcarthur homecomings were fun AF.
My eldest brother transferred from Mc to Miramar. The horticulture department at Miramar was cool. Miramar v. Mcarthur homecomings were fun AF.
MacArthur also had a good horticulture program and every year they would redo the square in front of the school. We stunk at football while I was there but yes the homecoming games were fun. I still have a t-shirt from what they called the Turkey Bowl one year because neither team did well that year.
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MacArthur also had a good horticulture program and every year they would redo the square in front of the school. We stunk at football while I was there but yes the homecoming games were fun. I still have a t-shirt from what they called the Turkey Bowl one year because neither team did well that year.
Love old SoFlo stories, remember the Hollywood Sportatorium, when I was a kid my brother took me to see the Mothership land when Parliment came to town. Also the speedway, Cha Cha Muldony and Big Daddy Don Gartlis, we loved going to that stuff.
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Love old SoFlo stories, remember the Hollywood Sportatorium, when I was a kid my brother took me to see the Mothership land when Parliment came to town. Also the speedway, Cha Cha Muldony and Big Daddy Don Gartlis, we loved going to that stuff.
Yes. My brother took me to my first concert out there. It was Head East, Pat Travers and Rush. $10 to get in and t-shirts were 3 for $5 at the end of the night. Sounds like you had a pretty awesome older brother as well.
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The Big Lie
Trump cult

You should all be so proud that you will destroy this once great nation. We can now immediately start apologizing to the world for our former greatness and leadership as we will intentionally weaken ourselves to be fair. China and Russia are quite pleased. We can begin energy dependence on countries that despise us. Brilliant. Watch energy costs skyrocket. We can open our borders for the flood of illegal, uneducated, and unskilled immigrants and provide them benefits such as health care when we can't even provide health care to our own US citizens. Incredible foresight to increase voting block for power in perpetuity despite selling out on the current citizens that will actually pay for these benefits. We can start sending business and manufacturing jobs back to China. Screw the American worker. We can continue to chip away at the first and second amendment until they are abolished. These are key and the most important steps for tyranny. We can watch shithole countries start to screw with us because this administration is so weak. I could go on but what's the point. The excuses for Biden are already starting and they will blame Trump for all the failures of this administration, and there will be many. We are a resilient nation, but I'm not sure even we can survive the bullshit that's coming.

Shameful the way these Dems run their party, they have no idea what a patriot is..
Yes. My brother took me to my first concert out there. It was Head East, Pat Travers and Rush. $10 to get in and t-shirts were 3 for $5 at the end of the night. Sounds like you had a pretty awesome older brother as well.

Great times , but looking back omg it was a fire tramp .. Wall to wall people and craziness...
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This! To be honest the Button South wasn’t much better!
That was one of my regular spots and I remember when it opened it was called the Agora Ballroom. Saw Pat Travers, Molly Hatchett, Peter Frampton, and quite a few a few more there, including Muddy Waters.
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Great times , but looking back omg it was a fire tramp .. Wall to wall people and craziness...
Definitely a bit crazy out there at times. I helped a guy I didn't know jump the wall one time and then decided to do it myself just for the fun of it. Cut my elbow on the razor wire at top and then when I rounded the next corner, I saw the cops going to town with billy clubs on a guy they caught jumping the wall. I never tried that one again. Also remember they had an old school bus that they used as a temporary jail holding tank.
The Dems should call the Capital insurrection Pearl Harbor II.
It is ludicrous how nuts they are over it and ignored everything else and still ignoring new riots.
What made this country great is free speech and free enterprise. The Democrats are openly seeking to stop both. We will not let that stand by whatever means necessary. They would be wise to back off.

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