
Aug 14, 2007
GOD....It feels good everytime Uncle Joe puts an adult back in the room to handle our business. The business of 'merica!!! Our tax dollars on behalf of the American people instead of peole that are criminals trying to sell Americas soul to the highest bidder illegally then admitting it and getting pardoned. Damn I am proud to be an American. Time to CLEAN HOUSE!#MERRYMAID!!

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GOD....It feels good everytime Uncle Joe puts an adult back in the room to handle our business. The business of 'merica!!! Our tax dollars on behalf of the American people instead of peole that are criminals trying to sell Americas soul to the highest bidder illegally then admitting it and getting pardoned. Damn I am proud to be an American. Time to CLEAN HOUSE!#MERRYMAID!!

Another idiotic post by this idiot....
GOD....It feels good everytime Uncle Joe puts an adult back in the room to handle our business. The business of 'merica!!! Our tax dollars on behalf of the American people instead of peole that are criminals trying to sell Americas soul to the highest bidder illegally then admitting it and getting pardoned. Damn I am proud to be an American. Time to CLEAN HOUSE!#MERRYMAID!!

Are you talking about the same Susan Rice involved in the Bengazi coverup where Ambassador Stevens was killed and a number of U.S. citizens?
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Susan Rice is highly respected in the international and national community of those in the business. She will be affirmed in about 5 Minutes when it hits the floor.
Susan Rice is highly respected in the international and national community of those in the business. She will be affirmed in about 5 Minutes when it hits the floor.
She has tremendous baggage from the Bengazi disaster and is questionable as to a future confirmation.
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Yup, 8 years of failure's. He is a few of them
Affordable Care Act - Failure
Bengazi- Failure
Ferguson, Mo. - Obama and Holder's failure on race relations.
Iran Nuclear Deal - Failure
Middle East Peace - Failure. Thank goodness for the Trump team's success.
His weekly parties at the White House...bad look. Lol
His racist wife..bad look
His weakening of our military- bad idea.
Positives...sanctioning the killing of Osama Bin Laden.
In case you are not up on current history, Russian Collusion was never proven.
All the above are a small sampling of just some of the total failures of the Barak Hussain Obama administration with the exception of one positive event.
Yup, 8 years of failure's. He is a few of them
Affordable Care Act - Failure
Bengazi- Failure
Ferguson, Mo. - Obama and Holder's failure on race relations.
Iran Nuclear Deal - Failure
Middle East Peace - Failure. Thank goodness for the Trump team's success.
His weekly parties at the White House...bad look. Lol
His racist wife..bad look
His weakening of our military- bad idea.
Positives...sanctioning the killing of Osama Bin Laden.
In case you are not up on current history, Russian Collusion was never proven.
All the above are a small sampling of just some of the total failures of the Barak Hussain Obama administration with the exception of one positive event.
8 years of failure for YOU...not the rest of us. Because your interested in him failing. The fact is he succeeded. He was reelected for a reason. The ACA got 20 Million who couldn't get insured a reprieve allowing them to live like the rest of us. Do you think they believe he failed.

Trump was voted out by a record breaking number. Stop lying to yourself and he will be brought up on charges next year in New York. I am sure of it humiliating him even more. Calling people racist doesn't mean anything. I know it sucks but America always corrects its self. The Trump era is over and ending in MAGA tears. In the famous words of the great Donald J. Trump......#YOU'RE FIRED!!!
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Yup, 8 years of failure's. He is a few of them
Affordable Care Act - Failure
Bengazi- Failure
Ferguson, Mo. - Obama and Holder's failure on race relations.
Iran Nuclear Deal - Failure
Middle East Peace - Failure. Thank goodness for the Trump team's success.
His weekly parties at the White House...bad look. Lol
His racist wife..bad look
His weakening of our military- bad idea.
Positives...sanctioning the killing of Osama Bin Laden.
In case you are not up on current history, Russian Collusion was never proven.
All the above are a small sampling of just some of the total failures of the Barak Hussain Obama administration with the exception of one positive event.
Donald Trump will never compare to Obama. America stood up for Obama for 8 years. America Kicked Trump out after 4. GOD BLESS AMERICA BLM
Yup, 8 years of failure's. He is a few of them
Affordable Care Act - Failure
Bengazi- Failure
Ferguson, Mo. - Obama and Holder's failure on race relations.
Iran Nuclear Deal - Failure
Middle East Peace - Failure. Thank goodness for the Trump team's success.
His weekly parties at the White House...bad look. Lol
His racist wife..bad look
His weakening of our military- bad idea.
Positives...sanctioning the killing of Osama Bin Laden.
In case you are not up on current history, Russian Collusion was never proven.
All the above are a small sampling of just some of the total failures of the Barak Hussain Obama administration with the exception of one positive event.
Yup, 8 years of failure's. He is a few of them
Affordable Care Act - Failure
Bengazi- Failure
Ferguson, Mo. - Obama and Holder's failure on race relations.
Iran Nuclear Deal - Failure
Middle East Peace - Failure. Thank goodness for the Trump team's success.
His weekly parties at the White House...bad look. Lol
His racist wife..bad look
His weakening of our military- bad idea.
Positives...sanctioning the killing of Osama Bin Laden.
In case you are not up on current history, Russian Collusion was never proven.
All the above are a small sampling of just some of the total failures of the Barak Hussain Obama administration with the exception of one positive event.

Obama wasn't a failure. The government was the failure. How can you brag about your party purposely hurting the American people. You're that stupid and hung up on a party that you'd rather hurt America than have a true bipartisan and functioning government smdh. You can't brag that Obama failed because any failure is a direct result of pettiness superseding this country by Republicans. Mitch McConnell said he deliberately tried to make him a lame duck president. And I don't give a rat's ass about Pelosi or Schumer for that matter either. These people are supposed to put the people first and it's not happening. It's a power struggle and average American people are the ones who suffer. But keep sucking one particular party off. Oh and just incase you didn't know it Trump lost and he damn sure didn't deliver on every promise either.
  • Like
Reactions: gdowning70're on point bro. It's a new day in America and these racist, Trump loving SOB's can't handle it. This El Cubano idiot needs to head back to El Cubano if he's got a problem with it. This is the US where Democracy always rules. The people dictate who runs shyt, regardless of party affiliation, and the people say NO MORE AGENT ORANGE aka DJT.
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