As expected, it appears the Republican party may split in two in the near future.
Ross Perot? Ron Paul?It’ll never happen. They may siphon off enough votes to fugk the GOP a la Jill Stein and Ralph Nader with the Green Party.
it’s dumb
It’ll never happen. They may siphon off enough votes to fugk the GOP a la Jill Stein and Ralph Nader with the Green Party.
it’s dumb
It’ll never happen. They may siphon off enough votes to fugk the GOP a la Jill Stein and Ralph Nader with the Green Party.
it’s dumb
I‘ve voted Republican for years, ever since I got out of the Army. The Republican party has steadily gone downhill for years. The only reason Im still a Republican is so I can vote in the primaries. If the Republican Party runs from the Trump agenda, I’m out. There’s no reason to keep voting for a bunch of phonies. They’ve proven thev don’t have the fortitude to stand up to the socialist/communist branch of the Democrat party.
The so called Trump agenda is little more than a repackaged version of the GOP agenda with an added touch of allegiance to one man instead of one country. That’s quite a peculiar hill to die on.
Not even close Raul, not surprising you would say something like that.
How is it different ?
Where have you’ve been the last four years?
You’re an idiot! You don’t understand anything about conservatives yet feel like you’re an expert on them. It’s pretty funnyHow is it different ?
You’re an idiot! You don’t understand anything about conservatives yet feel like you’re an expert on them. It’s pretty funny
Alt reality for Radical RaoulHe’s not an idiot, just completely delusional.
You’re an idiot! You don’t understand anything about conservatives yet feel like you’re an expert on them. It’s pretty funny
Holy shit. From a guy who does no research, this is hilarious.If you and grbcane knew what conservatism is, then when not tell us. I'd be interested to know how Trumpism is true conservatism over what the GOP platform has been all these years. Especially since the leader of Trumpism - Donald Trump - has contributed more money to Democrats than many Democrats have.
I have my doubts that you actually know what your own principles are and am hoping you can prove otherwise.
If you and grbcane knew what conservatism is, then when not tell us. I'd be interested to know how Trumpism is true conservatism over what the GOP platform has been all these years. Especially since the leader of Trumpism - Donald Trump - has contributed more money to Democrats than many Democrats have.
I have my doubts that you actually know what your own principles are and am hoping you can prove otherwise.
Holy shit. From a guy who does no research, this is hilarious.
The Trump wing of the Republican Party is a mixture of conservatism and Populism. I love all these so called conservative experts that claim Trump isn’t conservative. He only accomplished more of the conservative agenda than these so called conservatives, with opposition no other president has faced. It turns out a lot of these conservatives only cared about selling cruises, magazines, and campaign contributions.
So you're not actually a conservative, but rather prefer a mix of conservatism and right wing populism. That's obviously not pure conservatism in the traditional sense.
The Trump Agenda is not fiscally conservative because the debt went up by 36% under his watch and there was no attempt to reduce it. The Trump agenda isn't socially conservative since Trump, a two time diverocee, doesn't go to church, openly boasts of sexual assault, chases adult performers for sexual favors, and doesn't actually believe in any social policies he claims to support. He's obviously not a defense conservative either since he, as a known draft dodger, apparently believes military service is for suckers and losers. So at the end of the day, you would have to ask what the Trump agenda actually is, beyond transactional fealty from people who want to use him to advance their own agenda.
Do you ever get tired of posting propaganda?
The Republican Party split into two????? Just wait until the far left loons butt heads with Biden and the moderates!!!! LOL...LOLAs expected, it appears the Republican party may split in two in the near future.
Hate to break it to you but the new dem moderates are the republicans. You basically have the extremist libs, communists, the extremist lib lites, socialists (dems) and the republicans (the new moderate democrats) that could give two shits about anything as long as they keep their jobs.The Republican Party split into two????? Just wait until the far left loons butt heads with Biden and the moderates!!!! LOL...LOL
You literally just provide my overall point. You think Trump is who we all follow blindly off a cliff. The fact is the Republicans Party as a whole if no different than the Democrat Party. They’re both in it to line their own pockets off of your stupidity.If you and grbcane knew what conservatism is, then when not tell us. I'd be interested to know how Trumpism is true conservatism over what the GOP platform has been all these years. Especially since the leader of Trumpism - Donald Trump - has contributed more money to Democrats than many Democrats have.
I have my doubts that you actually know what your own principles are and am hoping you can prove otherwise.
You literally just provide my overall point. You think Trump is who we all follow blindly off a cliff. The fact is the Republicans Party as a whole if no different than the Democrat Party. They’re both in it to line their own pockets off of your stupidity.
The reason why 70+ million Americans supportedTrump is because he was the first President in many many years who actually tried to do things for the people. Hence why the establishment turned on him and went full out to have him removed. I’ve never said I agreed with everything he did / does. I’ve criticized him many times.
The facts are his policies. Stop listening to what he said and pay attention to his policies and you’d see he did more for Americans than any of the last 5 Presidents combined!
Unfortunately you and your dimwit buddies are too stupid to realize it.
I can say a bunch random shit too but be specific and lock in your stance. I’m not going to play the moving goal post game with you.So in a nutshell, you're ok with enabling the corruption, self-dealing, blatant lies and deceit, and the turning of Americans on one another - all for a few judges and policies that will get reversed once the next guy gets elected ? That sounds like a losing bargain in the long run since you will have ruined your own credibility to enable a guy who is very clearly only using you for his own personal self-aggrandizement. Seems like very shortsighted logic that will end it tears for all involvement.
What’s even funnier, Putin cancels all who oppose him too, but somehow we are the fascists? The clowns are either really stupid or complicit. They love the govt tit! Can’t get enough of it. We just want to be free and small govt. stop bleeding the country of our money and freedom.Cash they'll never get it. It must be like a game where their party winning is the ONLY thing that matters. It's the ends justify the means to them, where their end is to have ALL the power and crush any possible conflict. Rights Laws, anything that doesn't enforce their agenda and power is cancelled. At least thats the Results of the actions they have actually done and have tried to do/ . The Unity pledge must of meant Unify to Them and ALL they think is Right (by them), must common ground in the middle.
As expected, Radical Raoul allows Trump to live in his head, even after he is gone
Hate to break it to you but the new dem moderates are the republicans. You basically have the extremist libs, communists, the extremist lib lites, socialists (dems) and the republicans (the new moderate democrats) that could give two shits about anything as long as they keep their jobs.
Face it, the republicans have been selling out for years. Hell bill clintons policies were more right than guys like romney and there are so many more on the right that just aren’t as out spoken. It’s all parlor tricks.
we saw the beggining of this under busch’s shit show. Say what you want about Trump but he was a true independent if we ever saw one. The republican party as a whole has been dead for years. All he had to do was just except that you can’t be an asshole in chief. His ego just couldn’t let that happen. Shame.
Be honest, how many times did you get sick of his attitude that our country was his country and that we were all just so lucky to be living in it? How many times did you get sick of him taking a press conference just to brag about his own accomplishments and take shots at everyone that was against him instead of just letting someone else do his talking for him or god forbid just talk about his teams accomplishments and leave him self out of it? We get it, your the president or were but it’s not all about you but with him he always verbalized it that way. Great policies but man, what an asshole/lousy politician.
can’t just be a great policy maker to be the president. I wish it were that way but clearly you have to be “presidential” if you want to stay a president.
Word is Biden Admin made some calls to protect the hedge funds. If so heads better f’ing roll!Trump's intentions were noble, his policies on target, but his ego (and kids) derailed him. I might disagree or at least debate re: the definition of presidential, but Trump did waste a lot of valuable political capital on stupid stuff. But by far more than anything within DC, he is being proven correct by the GameStop situation. I am waiting for anyone to tell me why a large hedge fund can trade on a stock when private investors can not trade? Then Google deletes 100,000 negative comments about RobinHood, then Facebook deplatforms the group?
No deep state proterction of the big hedge funds and suppression of individual investors to be seen?
Cortez, you have seemingly been silent on this issue (at least that I have seen, I am spending far less time on this board)? I look forward to you posting a single and new post about your opinions of GameStop. You have earned enough political capital on this board to create your own thread.