This is so perfect. Funny! Couldn't have happened to three more deserving hypocrits. Another Democrat Super Spreader!
So is the media every going to report the truth? Inquiring minds want to know answers to these important questions:
1) Did the Sper Spreaders not take the sacrament (vaccine) of St. Fauci and St. Joe?
2) Did they take the sacrament, but it did not work? Saying that the vaccine does not work will get you tossed off Facebook. That would be disinformation.
3) Did they get a false positive result? Since Fauci and others say the tests are 99.9999999% reliable, saying that would be disinformation and worthy of a Facebook ban. And all social media. Circle Back Ginger said so.
4) Will we see the contact tracing log? The Texas cowards had bragged they were meeting with all the big kid democrats in DC to strategize on how to protect voter fraud.
5) Will the cowards and DC congress infected be forced to quarantine?
6) Will the democrat representatives and senators self quarantine to protect innocent republicans from careless democrats conducting themselves in an unsafe manner? Or will Chuck and Nancy put republican lives at risk by covering up this dangerous lack of heeding St. Fauci's edict?
7) Will the Texas cowards and the corrupt lobbyist that flew them in a private plane face fines and loss of flying privledges from the FAA? FAA mandates masks on all flight and the FAA regulates private planes too.. Not just commercial/
8) Will Governor Abbot require the Texas cowards to quarantine in tents on the Rio Grande when they return to protect safe Texans from these Covid Super Spreaders?
9) Will CNN, WAPO, AP, NYT, NBC, ABC, MSNBC etc. have the stones to ask the tough questions?
10) Will Colbert, Kimmell, etc find this funny? Or will they continue to regurgetate Trump rants that weren't funny 4 years ago?
Cackle, Cackle, Cackle; Cackle, Cackle, Cackle, Czckle .