Mario is putting together an elite staff. Throwing money left and right which is awesome for us. But does the NIL equalize a great recruiting staff?? At the end of the day all the money we are spending needs to show on the field and the recruiting classes. A & M just showed everyone what needs to be done in order to bring in the big boys. Will we be able to land say a top 3 class if these big schools go to town buying the elite recruits? Besides putting his staff together, maybe Mario needs to also put his bag people together as well. He might need much more than just Ruiz. After what A & M just did can you imagine the amount of money Alabama, Georgia, Oregon, Texas, Tennessee are about to throw at these kids! I think we lost a few elite recruits this year because of the NIL. @gferman says we have the best NIL program in the country. I'm not sure we are top 10.