Cems still believes that hunter never made money from china and that biden extorting ukrain never happened. That the steele dosier had nothing to do with hillary and the dnc. The afghan with draw went as planned and that if there were any issues it was trumps fault. Inflation is not real. That a mainstream liberal network didn’t collude with hillary in a debate with sanders. That hunters art work is legit worth half a mill and that hillary never ever posted tens of thousands of classified emails on an unprotected server and that she never lied about it. That the fast and furious scandal was business as usual and not a big deal. There’s no crisis at the border. Trump invented the cages. That como never sexually harassed any one. That joe biden graduated top of his class. Zero sexual harassment law suits ever took place with joe biden. Bill clinton never had sex with lewisky. The clintons have zero business ties with russia. That joe biden was a trucker back in the day. That jim Biden didn’t have a 1.5 billion dollar construction contract in iraq while joe was in office. that bengazy was a random attack that happened as a result of a youtube video. That biden doesn’t read off of cheat cards that someone else wrote. That biden never married his kids teenage baby sitter, etc, etc, etc. This is what you’re dealing with. This is where chris wallace is going.
there’s literally no reasoning with these guys. They literally think it was white supremacy guys that started the riots in every major city for months and were doing it just to give liberals a bad name.
this is literally what mainstream liberal propaganda networks are telling their cult to believe and run with and they are as is evidence in previous threads. This is what you’re dealing with. These same networks that cems and cd live and die by are telling them that the out rage with the oscars is only taking place because it was between two black guys and that if you gave it the time a day, you’re a racist and that it’s no big deal and totally normal. That science says females have penises and males have vaginas. On and on and on. Ladies and gentleman, the left.