ND, UNC, Oklahoma...cases up...also Liberty not testing

That’s not entirely correct, BUT you are on the right path.
In April deaths were 20k per week more than average the past 5 years. Today deaths are below the 5 year average. You are also seeing a number of states adding deaths currently that happened months ago as Covid deaths, to current weekly totals, inflating current numbers. Illinois last week added deaths from March!
And the strangest thing is since I had nothing to do for those first three or four months, I literally spent 8 to 10 hours a day not even following sports since there was none and just doing research by real doctors and real people because you can’t trust the media. And I would watch a video or go halfway through, and the next day YouTube would take it down, and this is a real licensed medical doctor, along with other documentaries that didn’t fit the narrative. So I also watched mortician videos as they were interviewed, and those videos also got took down, and they explicitly said unless a family asked for an autopsy especially in New York and New Jersey were half the numbers are, no matter what the person died from if they were old, they were getting stamped with corona
Additionally any one that doesn’t recognize this is being politicized is kidding themselves. States like NY, NJ, IL, CA that have budget HUGE budget gaps as a result of pension issues are keeping this locked down as long as possible in hopes of a Federal bailout. They need to support those public unions as they are their voting machine.
I am originally from New York, and someone drove through New York City yesterday and took a video of it, and almost every store is boarded up and it looks like a war torn area. And of course the national media will not show it
I am originally from New York, and someone drove through New York City yesterday and took a video of it, and almost every store is boarded up and it looks like a war torn area. And of course the national media will not show it
I have a friend who lives in D.C. and said the same thing.
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I have a friend who lives in D.C. and said the same thing.
It was horrible and I’m talking about the very wealthy sections of Manhattan, he drove by the Rolex store and all the well-known brands, and none of them are open and they’re all boarded up from bottom to top, almost like they’re afraid if they reopen they’re just gonna get all of their goods stolen again
I think we've met Dick...
I don't get why he's posting doom & gloom every day. U can't go by CASES in a pandemic & we've seen (I posted this article twice) just 1 Florida investigation AT SAME TIME CASES SPIKED (Notice no miami players positive). 40/50 CENTERS GOT CAUGHT CHEATING. And by a mile. No negative cases reported. When the centers were really between 6 n 9%, they reported 100%. And that's only the ones they caught in FL, imagine REAL crooked states. SO Cases are useless. Mortality rate is now common flu levels of .04 if U didnt see the local investigation (Nat'l news won't report this) here's the article again. Coinciding with the Spike in FL..hmmm Why cheat if we are in a real pandemic? $$ Follow the $

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