I am far from a conspiracy theory guy. In typical fashion, you can’t discuss the topic, you would rather assume others’ thoughts to deflect. To summarize:
Fact presented: exponential decay in new US COVID cases.
Observation: This decay in reporting of new cases started after the Georgia runoff results.
Would you actually like to discuss the topic? I did not deflect I pointed to the counternarrative in the first two posts. Literally cited them, literally pointed to the contradictions contained therein.
Now if you'd like to discuss, please whats the topic? Is it whether the metric should be applied? if so here is my opinion.
Exponential decay was the model always predicted for use with Covid. I did not see a discussion to happen. Sure, I verified if this would be an example of linear decay in the event that I was mistaken. But clearly, there are multiple articles dating back to last year that exponential decay would be the metric.
I'm a science guy, so I never doubted that the predictive measure. It doesn't take much math background to understand it, you don't have to be able to compute
Is it the observation that it went down? You provide no data, no tables, no resources citing this downturn. Assuming its accurate, wouldn't a discussion involve causation? If the cause is based on reporting numbers, would it not be a good idea to include them so we could all be discussing apples to apples?
If the post was designed to be conclusory, fact A. Observation B. therefore....then the discussion would be about the result of the actual fact, and the observation.
Given the two posts you made, one with a fact and observation, the other saying there was no response, and then the subsequent response which seemed to contradict the conclusion implied in the 'fact and observation', I responded by contrasting the two positions as they are inopposite.
So what discussion are you seeking to have?
Is it a discussion as to the metric used to measure Corona? Is it the observation that in some undefined area (state, local, national, continental, international) it has gone down since the GA resolution. Is it a general discussion on Covids growth?
What area would you like to discuss.