Overnight reports from DC


Jan 31, 2005
have a number of the rioters arrested yesterday and this morning were also arrested in Portland. Have seen video of what appear to be Antifa buses coming into DC this week.

So let's look at the life of professional rioters in 2021:
Paid by Soros to go to Portland, Seattle etc. housed in nice hotels and well fed.
Wore BLM shirts during thr riots.
Were arrested but Harris and Biden thought they were cool so their bail was paid.
Wheeler and the Seattle Mayor thought they were cool so charges were dropped.

Now Soros pays them to go to DC.
housed in nice hotels and well fed.
Wear MAGA hats during riots.
Were arrested and being held today. Harris and Biden are not arranging their bail.
But now Trump thinks they are cool.
Prediction - Trump will pardon those arrested yesterday prior to leaving office.

These are interesting times. The Who/Townshend had it right in "Won't get Fooled Again".
LMAO....Nice try trying to put this on Antifa. No, it is those hillbillies walking around armed in our state capital waiving confederate flags. Not antifa! They are domestic terriorist and these are the people that are public enemy number one. Frankly the rest of us are so sick of it! Grown ass men cucked out over a loser con artist because they have a need to believe in something other than themselves.

Pleased to hear the DOJ is using all resources and camera identification imaging to bring these thugs to the show goes on and Kamala / Biden is confirmed.

These people are nothing but thugs and will be dealt with as such.
LMAO....Nice try trying to put this on Antifa. No, it is those hillbillies walking around armed in our state capital waiving confederate flags. Not antifa! They are domestic terriorist and these are the people that are public enemy number one. Frankly the rest of us are so sick of it! Grown ass men cucked out over a loser con artist because they have a need to believe in something other than themselves.

Pleased to hear the DOJ is using all resources and camera identification imaging to bring these thugs to the show goes on and Kamala / Biden is confirmed.

These people are nothing but thugs and will be dealt with as such.

Did you ever call the rioters in Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, NYC, etc domestic terrorists? Of course not. You defended them as peaceful protesters exercising their first amendment right and fighting for social justice while they were looting, destroying businesses, burning cities, taking over private city blocks, and killing. You and the rest of the Liberals are so hypocritical it's sickening.

This is either the best troll post in CS history or the dumbest post in CS history.

Ill give you benefit of doubt that its the former and I'll say "well done"
have a number of the rioters arrested yesterday and this morning were also arrested in Portland. Have seen video of what appear to be Antifa buses coming into DC this week.

So let's look at the life of professional rioters in 2021:
Paid by Soros to go to Portland, Seattle etc. housed in nice hotels and well fed.
Wore BLM shirts during thr riots.
Were arrested but Harris and Biden thought they were cool so their bail was paid.
Wheeler and the Seattle Mayor thought they were cool so charges were dropped.

Now Soros pays them to go to DC.
housed in nice hotels and well fed.
Wear MAGA hats during riots.
Were arrested and being held today. Harris and Biden are not arranging their bail.
But now Trump thinks they are cool.
Prediction - Trump will pardon those arrested yesterday prior to leaving office.

These are interesting times. The Who/Townshend had it right in "Won't get Fooled Again".


Slow your role. Your take comes off as a totally self serving deflection of responsibility for this insurrection. Almost no one was arrested.
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LMAO....Nice try trying to put this on Antifa. No, it is those hillbillies walking around armed in our state capital waiving confederate flags. Not antifa! They are domestic terriorist and these are the people that are public enemy number one. Frankly the rest of us are so sick of it! Grown ass men cucked out over a loser con artist because they have a need to believe in something other than themselves.

Pleased to hear the DOJ is using all resources and camera identification imaging to bring these thugs to the show goes on and Kamala / Biden is confirmed.

These people are nothing but thugs and will be dealt with as such.

I love this statement.

"No, it is those hillbillies walking around armed in our state capital waiving confederate flags."
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4 dead 52 arrested. Where do you get your info??


I read and watch everything I can. The 4 dead seems is not disputed: 1 shot inside the Capitol, 3 others died of medical issues not associated with entering the Capitol.

about 52 total arrests, 41 of which were elsewhere in DC for curfew violations. Only about 11 arrests inside the Capitol. I hope the FBI can identify and track down those traitorous numbskulls who invaded the Capitol. I’d like to know who they are.

My best guess? No Antica or outside agitators. Pure MAGA acolytes..
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I read and watch everything I can. The 4 dead seems is not disputed: 1 shot inside the Capitol, 3 others died of medical issues not associated with entering the Capitol.

about 52 total arrests, 41 of which were elsewhere in DC for curfew violations. Only about 11 arrests inside the Capitol. I hope the FBI can identify and track down those traitorous numbskulls who invaded the Capitol. I’d like to know who they are.

My best guess? No Antica or outside agitators. Pure MAGA acolytes..
It’s already 100% their were Antifa mixed in disguised as MAGA.
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I read and watch everything I can. The 4 dead seems is not disputed: 1 shot inside the Capitol, 3 others died of medical issues not associated with entering the Capitol.

about 52 total arrests, 41 of which were elsewhere in DC for curfew violations. Only about 11 arrests inside the Capitol. I hope the FBI can identify and track down those traitorous numbskulls who invaded the Capitol. I’d like to know who they are.

My best guess? No Antica or outside agitators. Pure MAGA acolytes..
Any MAGA supporters involved should be prosecuted.
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I read and watch everything I can. The 4 dead seems is not disputed: 1 shot inside the Capitol, 3 others died of medical issues not associated with entering the Capitol.

about 52 total arrests, 41 of which were elsewhere in DC for curfew violations. Only about 11 arrests inside the Capitol. I hope the FBI can identify and track down those traitorous numbskulls who invaded the Capitol. I’d like to know who they are.

My best guess? No Antica or outside agitators. Pure MAGA acolytes..
Hey Cortez

I will finally concede it’s all I thought he would do Trump has committed to a peaceful transfer now that all his constitutional legal challenges have reached the final certification deadline.
In my opinion and I think millions agree with me it’s really to bad the courts and left wing politics didn’t allow for transparent review of the thousands of allegations. I would have been satisfied if they disproved the Top 10 of mass fraud allegations. Instead these will be a cloud over this administration the next 4 years. Much like you all tried to push the Russia hoax for 4 years.
Here are two of my big questions moving forward.
1. will the administration and aG garland interfere and obstruct the Durham Special Council?
2. Will the Biden Administration interfere and obstruct with the ongoing criminal investigations into the Biden Family mainly Hunter?? I believe this needs an IC as well
3. I think it would go a long way towards real unity to appoint a special council regarding all the massive voter fraud allegations. I don’t think this will happen because they know they cheated. But if they didn’t and aren’t afraid a SC appointment would go a long way towards uniting the country. But like I said I don’t believe they will do this. I don’t believe for a second that they won’t obstruct and interfere with the Durham probe or the Biden Criminal investigation.
Anyways I will probably be going into hibernation until August. I should come out by the Bama Game hopefully I will be in attendance that day..

God Bless and Best wishes to you and yours and to our whole country.

Respectful Regards

Ed Tuna
Please do not confuse the uniformed with facts.
Thank you,
Keep up the good fight brother. Peace all the way. We need another revolution in Congress like what happened back in 2010. Take back the House & Senate in 2022 and the White House in 2024. I think what we are about to witness the next 4 years will make this a 100% chance of happening. Have to get through voter reform The States need to force this!! State Legislatures have the power.

I read and watch everything I can. The 4 dead seems is not disputed: 1 shot inside the Capitol, 3 others died of medical issues not associated with entering the Capitol.

about 52 total arrests, 41 of which were elsewhere in DC for curfew violations. Only about 11 arrests inside the Capitol. I hope the FBI can identify and track down those traitorous numbskulls who invaded the Capitol. I’d like to know who they are.

My best guess? No Antica or outside agitators. Pure MAGA acolytes..

The facts from DC are contrary to your best guess. Is being proven that the rioters had significant Antifa infiltration. Any dirtbag can put on a MAGA hat or BLM shirt. Please tell me your sources are more than CNN, NYT and WAPO. And no, anything in the NBC, ABC family does not count either. I thought Anderson Cooper was going to go into the fetal position last night.

I also must ask, what does dying of medical issues not associated with entering the Capitol mean? Is that kind of like a 106 yr old with Diabetes, Lung Cancer and Heart Disease that is hit by a bus, dying from COVID?

I do agree that every law breaker, whatever their motivation or background should be found, arrested and prosecuted.
The facts from DC are contrary to your best guess. Is being proven that the rioters had significant Antifa infiltration. Any dirtbag can put on a MAGA hat or BLM shirt. Please tell me your sources are more than CNN, NYT and WAPO. And no, anything in the NBC, ABC family does not count either. I thought Anderson Cooper was going to go into the fetal position last night.

I also must ask, what does dying of medical issues not associated with entering the Capitol mean? Is that kind of like a 106 yr old with Diabetes, Lung Cancer and Heart Disease that is hit by a bus, dying from COVID?

I do agree that every law breaker, whatever their motivation or background should be found, arrested and prosecuted.
I think Cems gets his news and marching orders from media matters & Vice.
LMAO....Nice try trying to put this on Antifa. No, it is those hillbillies walking around armed in our state capital waiving confederate flags. Not antifa! They are domestic terriorist and these are the people that are public enemy number one. Frankly the rest of us are so sick of it! Grown ass men cucked out over a loser con artist because they have a need to believe in something other than themselves.

Pleased to hear the DOJ is using all resources and camera identification imaging to bring these thugs to the show goes on and Kamala / Biden is confirmed.

These people are nothing but thugs and will be dealt with as such.

Did you ever call the rioters in Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, NYC, etc domestic terrorists? Of course not. You defended them as peaceful protesters exercising their first amendment right and fighting for social justice while they were looting, destroying businesses, burning cities, taking over private city blocks, and killing. You and the rest of the Liberals are so hypocritical it's sickening.
So this justifies your approval of what happened yesterday?
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Hey Cortez

I will finally concede it’s all I thought he would do Trump has committed to a peaceful transfer now that all his constitutional legal challenges have reached the final certification deadline.
In my opinion and I think millions agree with me it’s really to bad the courts and left wing politics didn’t allow for transparent review of the thousands of allegations. I would have been satisfied if they disproved the Top 10 of mass fraud allegations. Instead these will be a cloud over this administration the next 4 years. Much like you all tried to push the Russia hoax for 4 years.
Here are two of my big questions moving forward.
1. will the administration and aG garland interfere and obstruct the Durham Special Council?
2. Will the Biden Administration interfere and obstruct with the ongoing criminal investigations into the Biden Family mainly Hunter?? I believe this needs an IC as well
3. I think it would go a long way towards real unity to appoint a special council regarding all the massive voter fraud allegations. I don’t think this will happen because they know they cheated. But if they didn’t and aren’t afraid a SC appointment would go a long way towards uniting the country. But like I said I don’t believe they will do this. I don’t believe for a second that they won’t obstruct and interfere with the Durham probe or the Biden Criminal investigation.
Anyways I will probably be going into hibernation until August. I should come out by the Bama Game hopefully I will be in attendance that day..

God Bless and Best wishes to you and yours and to our whole country.

Respectful Regards

Ed Tuna

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The facts from DC are contrary to your best guess. Is being proven that the rioters had significant Antifa infiltration. Any dirtbag can put on a MAGA hat or BLM shirt. Please tell me your sources are more than CNN, NYT and WAPO. And no, anything in the NBC, ABC family does not count either. I thought Anderson Cooper was going to go into the fetal position last night.

I also must ask, what does dying of medical issues not associated with entering the Capitol mean? Is that kind of like a 106 yr old with Diabetes, Lung Cancer and Heart Disease that is hit by a bus, dying from COVID?

I do agree that every law breaker, whatever their motivation or background should be found, arrested and prosecuted.


The FBI reported today that they are attempting to arrest multiple invaders of the Capitol from photos those same criminals posted on their own websites. In particular, the jabroni with no shirt and horns has been identified as the well known “Shaman of Arizona“, a pro Trump QAnon activist. Others have have identified as members of Proud Boys. None, to my knowledge, have been identified as Antifa members or other Far Left Movements.

Do you have any named and published source to the contrary?

Note, these guys are so blatant and confidant of Trump’s professed “love“ for them, they make no attempt to hide their identities. They take selfies and publish them to the world. Did you see the guy happily removing the podium of the Speaker of the House? He looks like a giddy rioter taking beer from his local 7-11.

I hope the FBI finds and arrests them all.
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The FBI reported today that they are attempting to arrest multiple invaders of the Capitol from photos those same criminals posted on their own websites. In particular, the jabroni with no shirt and horns has been identified as the well known “Shaman of Arizona“, a pro Trump QAnon activist. Others have have identified as members of Proud Boys. None, to my knowledge, have been identified as Antica members or other Far Left Movements.

Do you have any named and published source to the contrary?

Note, these guys are so blatant and confidant of Trump’s professed “love“ for them, they make no attempt to hide their identities. They take selfies and publish them to the world. Did you see the guy happily removing the podium of the Speaker of the House? He looks like a giddy rioter taking beer from his local 7-11.

I hope the FBI finds and arrests them all.
Man, some of these posters get on here free styling, saying any Ol thing and try to shift blame....I guess the representative from West Virginia was Antifa too? 🧐 I swear, I always can get a good laugh by seeing the foolish shyt posted in the lounge bro LOL Clown shyt
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LMAO....Nice try trying to put this on Antifa. No, it is those hillbillies walking around armed in our state capital waiving confederate flags. Not antifa! They are domestic terriorist and these are the people that are public enemy number one. Frankly the rest of us are so sick of it! Grown ass men cucked out over a loser con artist because they have a need to believe in something other than themselves.

Pleased to hear the DOJ is using all resources and camera identification imaging to bring these thugs to the show goes on and Kamala / Biden is confirmed.

These people are nothing but thugs and will be dealt with as such.

Courtesy of the Antifa and BLM animals.

LMAO....Nice try trying to put this on Antifa. No, it is those hillbillies walking around armed in our state capital waiving confederate flags. Not antifa! They are domestic terriorist and these are the people that are public enemy number one. Frankly the rest of us are so sick of it! Grown ass men cucked out over a loser con artist because they have a need to believe in something other than themselves.

Pleased to hear the DOJ is using all resources and camera identification imaging to bring these thugs to the show goes on and Kamala / Biden is confirmed.

These people are nothing but thugs and will be dealt with as such.

Now ur calling Trump supporters Hillbillies..
Really u racist SOB... Go fucck urself u POS...

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