All you Trump fanatics this is applicable to you as well. Don't worry he never built a wall so you can head south with no problems. Vaya con dios mi amigos.
All you Trump fanatics this is applicable to you as well. Don't worry he never built a wall so you can head south with no problems. Vaya con dios mi amigos.
Yep your brilliant for sure. Tell You what look at your net worth today and in four years see if you get all the free candy that Biden promise you if you will lick his boots lol. Not going nowhere This is still the greatest country in the world and without us Conservatives the country will not exist. My back will hurt after carrying you Biden boot lickers for the next four years but it will not Break. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Florida stood tall for President Trump. Maybe you should move to New York City lol
All you Trump fanatics this is applicable to you as well. Don't worry he never built a wall so you can head south with no problems. Vaya con dios mi amigos.
Ha ha how does it feel to be the biggest loser? You talked all that shit now you feeling like shit. America has spoken. We didn’t need the Cubans to defeat Donald Trump.Thats funny coming from a party who actually did say they would live the US if Trump won in 16 but never did... Pussies
By the way republicans wont threaten to leave we’ll stay and become the resistance...
Pay back for the last 4 years are going to be hell...
Yep your brilliant for sure. Tell You what look at your net worth today and in four years see if you get all the free candy that Biden promise you if you will lick his boots lol. Not going nowhere This is still the greatest country in the world and without us Conservatives the country will not exist. My back will hurt after carrying you Biden boot lickers for the next four years but it will not Break. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Florida stood tall for President Trump. Maybe you should move to New York City lol
I believe you and I would agree on more issues than disagree. I’m not in no panic I promise you I depend on no one but my family and God .Im a black man that understands if I depend on a old white man to save me I'd be a damn fool. I grow aquaponic vegetables, fruit and can shoot pretty damn good( 11 bravo that
qualified no lower than sharp shooter with a m16 and expert with m249,m60,pistol, m203,grenades and at4) you're the one panicking not me. There's still tax loopholes available. So in 4 years my net worth will increase because I'll adapt to whatever system is in place. People will always need food, shelter,security and clothing(i sell all those). And heres a little secret wellness is big business. Next time you're in Atlanta I'll give you a discount on your first amniotic fluid therapy session. Enjoy your Sunday and listen to Lil Duval song
I want to see every Hurricane make money and get rich and do well however when it comes time to sell your business you picked the wrong party to vote for. The Democrats have been pushing a capital gains tax at 44%. You do know the current tax is at 23.8%. That is purely a money grab by a Democrat administration that wants you to work for crapful of years more to end up with the same money if you only had to pay at 23.8%. I don't know about you but I don't want anyone in my pocket.Im a black man that understands if I depend on a old white man to save me I'd be a damn fool. I grow aquaponic vegetables, fruit and can shoot pretty damn good( 11 bravo that
qualified no lower than sharp shooter with a m16 and expert with m249,m60,pistol, m203,grenades and at4) you're the one panicking not me. There's still tax loopholes available. So in 4 years my net worth will increase because I'll adapt to whatever system is in place. People will always need food, shelter,security and clothing(i sell all those). And heres a little secret wellness is big business. Next time you're in Atlanta I'll give you a discount on your first amniotic fluid therapy session. Enjoy your Sunday and listen to Lil Duval song
I believe you and I would agree on more issues than disagree. I’m not in no panic I promise you I depend on no one but my family and God .
I want to see every Hurricane make money and get rich and do well however when it comes time to sell your business you picked the wrong party to vote for. The Democrats have been pushing a capital gains tax at 44%. You do know the current tax is at 23.8%. That is purely a money grab by a Democrat administration that wants you to work for crapful of years more to end up with the same money if you only had to pay at 23.8%. I don't know about you but I don't want anyone in my pocket.
Pretty amazing accomplishment
Ha ha how does it feel to be the biggest loser? You talked all that shit now you feeling like shit. America has spoken. We didn’t need the Cubans to defeat Donald Trump.
Or else what? You are SOFT as Fu@k. Computer thug. You are a Loser just like your POS President.In Florida we did keep him from losing JACKASS..!!!
And watch your tone when it comes to cubans they coward down to no one...
Or else what? You are SOFT as Fu@k. Computer thug. You are a Loser just like your POS President.
President Elect Biden Deal with it Biatch!!!!! Move to Russia with Trump.VIVA Trump u POS..!!!
President Elect Biden Deal with it Biatch!!!!! Move to Russia with Trump.
Dems will win the run off in Ga. Harris will cast the final vote. Go hide in your bunker you deplorable POS. BLM. Biden 2020We will stay and resist Sleepy & Camel toe.. They will get nothing accomplished Even moderate Dem like Joe M from W Virgina will be against court packing and ending filibuster..
So take ur progressive views and shive them up ur ass.!!!
You are the POS that needs to go..!!!
Dems will win the run off in Ga. Harris will cast the final vote. Go hide in your bunker you deplorable POS. BLM. Biden 2020