Paris airport terror Attack, the holy war has begun

I clearly stated my true feelings. You are just an arguementative asshole. There is nothing in my last statement that any honest sane person who loves this country can disagree with. You just want to make things about race. You are a divisive person who, like Obama, sees some benefit to racial unrest in our country. People like you make life much more difficult for all people of color. Your ridulous argumentative race baiting creates an atmosphere of hospitality that is racially motivated. No one wins in that situation except people like Al sharpton who profit from this.

I'm done with you.
You should be done with me after I've successfully gotten the real you to come out. Name calling and your racist undertones are the result of years of refinement and cultivation. Great job!
You should be done with me after I've successfully gotten the real you to come out. Name calling and your racist undertones are the result of years of refinement and cultivation. Great job!
Cush furthest thing from racist!! And you can't play "racist" card every time you feel someone getting better of you in argument. Man up and take the challenge, don't use weak excuses to deflect. And again Cush good people! Furthest thing from racist
Cush furthest thing from racist!! And you can't play "racist" card every time you feel someone getting better of you in argument. Man up and take the challenge, don't use weak excuses to deflect. And again Cush good people! Furthest thing from racist
You probably think Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is "good people". You defile the teachings of our creator by demeaning a race of people with your bigotry. All Muslims are not our enemy. Even most of your Republican friends know this. You're a sanctimonious hypocrite.
You probably think Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is "good people". You defile the teachings of our creator by demeaning a race of people with your bigotry. All Muslims are not our enemy. Even most of your Republican friends know this. You're a sanctimonious hypocrite.
When did he demean a race? Show me?? Because all the minorities that worked for him loved him, spoke on his behalf. Again you've got liberal half the facts. Your a low rent mutt
Which is why I've posted more USA Today than I have those two? Again show me the racist articles. Repeating something doesn't make it a fact.
You're so stupid. We all repeat something to prove our point. If you don't pick up your game with more intelligent posts I will end this madness.
You're so stupid. We all repeat something to prove our point. If you don't pick up your game with more intelligent posts I will end this madness.
No most to prove a point source an article or actual data. Your the retard who said "opinions are facts" end it. You think I like making you look like an idiot everyday. Your a complete jerkoff. Your a typical middle aged failed Mutt.
You're so stupid. We all repeat something to prove our point. If you don't pick up your game with more intelligent posts I will end this madness.
You're so stupid. We all repeat something to prove our point. If you don't pick up your game with more intelligent posts I will end this madness.
Call me a stupid and I'm unprofessional? Lololol Cems the retard
No most to prove a point source an article or actual data. Your the retard who said "opinions are facts" end it. You think I like making you look like an idiot everyday. Your a complete jerkoff. Your a typical middle aged failed Mutt.
You sound like a crazy person. Seriously. You do.
And every time I counter your argument you throw out the race card. Be a man and stand up for your beliefs without your standard Republican playbook.
When have I used race?? Cems you literally copied my retort from earlier in the day I used toward you. And you forget begging me to be polite and proffesional?? More evidence your a low life
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