Gary, Trump destroyed Biden. Biden lied so many times it wasn’t funny. The whole catch and release was hilarious. I was on the front lines of that during the transition from GWB to Obama.Who won the debate?
Who won the debate?
Gary, Trump destroyed Biden. Biden lied so many times it wasn’t funny. The whole catch and release was hilarious. I was on the front lines of that during the transition from GWB to Obama.
As an American, this was not a good look for us tonight. The first debate was not a good look for America because both guys were wrestling in mud. But tonight was a bad look for the country because there is a candidate running against a sitting President who doesn't actually know where he is or what's going on.Hard to believe that biden has done this for forty years and spent the last week prepping and was probably on steroids or aderole or some shit and this was the best he could do. It’s hard to run from your record and who you are. I’m way less nervous about Trumps chances tonight. Trump came off sharp, strong and disciplined. Thank god there’s more than one of these things.
As an American, this was not a good look for us tonight. The first debate was not a good look for America because both guys were wrestling in mud. But tonight was a bad look for the country because there is a candidate running against a sitting President who doesn't actually know where he is or what's going on.
That first debate was not fair and they screwed Trump out of debate #2. This election would be over by now had they held the 2nd debate. Matter of fact, it's over tonight. This was a bloodletting. Not a say that but what are you comparing it too? Name me one other country that has a duel process like ours.
That first debate was not fair and they screwed Trump out of debate #2. This election would be over by now had they held the 2nd debate. Matter of fact, it's over tonight. This was a bloodletting. Not a debate.
Keep believing fake news and fake polls. Thats all you have going for you. Prepare thy posterior on Nov 4
Trump approves your message!Texas. Smart peeps don't look at polls unless they take place on the 2nd Tuesday in November. And, as usual, you are going to lose by a mile. It will not even be close. Nobody in their correct mind trusts the mainstream media or their polls.
Followed up by...The best tweet of the night
Biden blew it when he said he would faze out the oil industry...
Huge F-UP..!!!
Trump did well. Not perfect because Biden did get some shots in. Problem for Biden is he looks old and frail.I watched Fox after the debate. They disagree with those saying Biden was beaten. Anyone who saw this one sided is demonstrating confirmation bias.
Well I was there so... Biden is 100% a clown. Said he never said he would do away with fracking. There’s a ton of videos out there of him saying it. The catch & release topic was hilarious too. I was on the front lines working with ICE combating SUR13 at the time the Obama admin took over and changed that policy. He’s 100% a liar!I watched Fox after the debate. They disagree with those saying Biden was beaten. Anyone who saw this one sided is demonstrating confirmation bias.
Trump did well. Not perfect because Biden did get some shots in. Problem for Biden is he looks old and frail.
You're not objective and that's ok.Why I think Biden lost....
What stood out to me is that Biden is a fearmonger... more so then the point it was over the top. It was obvious and fake. Biden is also a career politician who has had almost half a century to do anything meaningful and he hasnt... Trump pointed that out multiple times and I think it was effective. I think his partnership to the AOC/Bernie crowd will hurt him along with his stance on oil. Finally, a couple times Trump clearly rattled him and he looked silly, frail and old.
Same as last time. All the Repugs in the Lounge claim Trump won while the national polls show the reality. Biden wins in a landslide and Dems take control of all three branches!Who won the debate?
Lol. You are trippin foolSame as last time. All the Repugs in the Lounge claim Trump won while the national polls show the reality. Biden wins in a landslide and Dems take control of all three branches!
I actually agree with Edtuna. But if you substitute it the other way I'd agree with OP.Lol. You are trippin fool
You're not objective and that's ok.
Fearmonger cuts both ways. Trump would paint you a picture that every city in America was burned to the ground. He literally has people fearful of BLM as if its an organized activist group as opposed to an ideology, as if they promote riots rather than peaceful protest and as if the very few instances of BLM violence are the norm. He literally infers that public housing would destroy the suburbs. The subcontext prays on the fear not of poverty but of black poverty and inherent violence he associates with it. He also portrays any policies that he disagrees with as not simply failures of policy, but tantamount to the absolute ruin of the country. He literally traffics in fear. Most of my friends that are voting for Trump are literally afraid of what happens if Trump doesn't win.
This isn't to say Biden supporters are any different. The point remains though. Go read his inauguration speech, the fear imagery is spectacular.
Biden has literally been the co-sponsor and sponsor on several huge congressional bills, helped Thomas win confirmation to the SCOTUS (likely doesn't happen without Biden's take down of Anita) and helped shepherd a number of the Obama admins successes.
He's no where near AOC/Bernie on oil. Saying that he wants to phase back oil starting in 2035 and phasing out by 2050 replacing those jobs with renewable energy jobs isn't exactly something folks in 2020 are pulling their hair out about. Frankly the kids born tomorrow would be 30 when and if his plan actually ever comes to fruition.
Perception is interesting. Fox literally said Biden looked strong. Two of my Trump supporting friends said he looked worn, he was pretty much laying on the podium most of the night using it like a crutch to stand (with fair reason he's been marathoning at his "rallies").
As for me, I like to read the transcripts. Trump is way to light in substance for me. Biden is too polished but for my taste I prefer polished politicians.
I don't miss a Trump rally, watch them all on YouTube. He literally has zero new thoughts, last night was simply the same stuff he reiterates and "performs" at his rallies. I've been watching them for three years, literally he tests the audience and if they respond it gets incorporated, facts be damned.
Both turds, give me the polished one. Ultimately though its the same shit different assholes.
We'll see whose trippin Tuna. Trump told so many lies the fact-checker couldn't keep up!Lol. You are trippin fool
How bout these lies. I never called blacks super Predators? I never said I would ban fracking? I never took one cent from Foreign countries? Will you acknowledge your guys lies??? LolWe'll see whose trippin Tuna. Trump told so many lies the fact-checker couldn't keep up!