Polls will not be accurate for this election

Because people fear expressing what they believe.

A majority of Independents and a vast majority of Republicans are keeping their views private because of the political climate.

Did you read the article? It also says that 52% of liberal voters are afraid to publicly express their political opinions. The article reports that political self censorship is a bipartisan issue.

Thanks for sharing.
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Did you read the article? It also says that 52% of liberal voters are afraid to publicly express their political opinions. The article reports that political self censorship is a bipartisan issue.

Thanks for sharing.

The difference is we’ve seen old ladies and men attacked and beaten for wearing Maga hats and shirts.
Did you read the article? It also says that 52% of liberal voters are afraid to publicly express their political opinions. The article reports that political self censorship is a bipartisan issue.

Thanks for sharing.
Did you read the article? It also says that 52% of liberal voters are afraid to publicly express their political opinions. The article reports that political self censorship is a bipartisan issue.

Thanks for sharing.
Yes I read the article. 52% percent of D’s not voicing their views creates a lot less distortion than 77% of R’s.
Already down to 6 points. Debates have not even happened. It's ours to lose unless Trump makes any crazy outbursts.
I think that 6% number is suspect. Two days ago I asked a friend of mine what he would do if asked by a stranger who he is voting for?

His answer, “I wouldn’t respond. Why should I risk the social shaming?”
I haven't seen a Biden sign in Volusia County, Florida .. Trump signs and American flags. Go USA .. if you want socialism .. try Venezuela on for size.
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The difference is we’ve seen old ladies and men attacked and beaten for wearing Maga hats and shirts.
The difference is we’ve seen old ladies and men attacked and beaten for wearing Maga hats and shirts.

I fear that you’re right. But, LOL, I’m doubtful that any elderly person bold enough to wear MAGA gear would hesitate to give their opinions to pollsters!
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Because people fear expressing what they believe.

A majority of Independents and a vast majority of Republicans are keeping their views private because of the political climate.
I got news for you; Anyone who I know that tells me they are voting for Biden and I'm cancel culturing their azz right out of my life. That goes for family and friends. Can't have a guy with dementia running our country it's embarrasing.
I got news for you; Anyone who I know that tells me they are voting for Biden and I'm cancel culturing their azz right out of my life. That goes for family and friends. Can't have a guy with dementia running our country it's embarrasing.


From posters on this board, I was led to believe that cancel culture belonged to the Left. Thanks for spreading this disease to the Right.

Much appreciated.

P.S. We already have a psychologically damaged guy in the White House. You are just fearing a different flavor.

From posters on this board, I was led to believe that cancel culture belonged to the Left. Thanks for spreading this disease to the Right.

Much appreciated.

P.S. We already have a psychologically damaged guy in the White House. You are just fearing a different flavor.
As I always tell people Cortez, I'm not Trumps buddy, not his friend, not golfing nor having dinner with him. I only care about our Country and in this election the choice is Trump who did do good things for our country, who addressed issues long ignored by politicians like NAFTA, China, Veterans, Corporate / Personal tax decreases, Military, Israel, other Trade deals etc.....versus Biden who is a life long politician with some sort of early dementia, who is hiding in his basement during a very tumultuous time in the Nation. My vote goes to Trump. I will NOT watch our country turn into a socialist country where the bad guys are not held to account and law enforcement is villafied, where border security is non existent, where success is punished, where homelessness is rampant and where other countries steal our companies and jobs. Hell with that.
As I always tell people Cortez, I'm not Trumps buddy, not his friend, not golfing nor having dinner with him. I only care about our Country and in this election the choice is Trump who did do good things for our country, who addressed issues long ignored by politicians like NAFTA, China, Veterans, Corporate / Personal tax decreases, Military, Israel, other Trade deals etc.....versus Biden who is a life long politician with some sort of early dementia, who is hiding in his basement during a very tumultuous time in the Nation. My vote goes to Trump. I will NOT watch our country turn into a socialist country where the bad guys are not held to account and law enforcement is villafied, where border security is non existent, where success is punished, where homelessness is rampant and where other countries steal our companies and jobs. Hell with that.
You just nailed it HJ
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As I always tell people Cortez, I'm not Trumps buddy, not his friend, not golfing nor having dinner with him. I only care about our Country and in this election the choice is Trump who did do good things for our country, who addressed issues long ignored by politicians like NAFTA, China, Veterans, Corporate / Personal tax decreases, Military, Israel, other Trade deals etc.....versus Biden who is a life long politician with some sort of early dementia, who is hiding in his basement during a very tumultuous time in the Nation. My vote goes to Trump. I will NOT watch our country turn into a socialist country where the bad guys are not held to account and law enforcement is villafied, where border security is non existent, where success is punished, where homelessness is rampant and where other countries steal our companies and jobs. Hell with that.

Appreciate your perspective.

6 months ago, I thought Trump would win easily as the weak but large field of Dem candidates floundered in the primaries. Now, however, I believe Trump will lose. Why? The issues you list are important. But, they are NOT among the top 3 issues in this year’s election. Polls are unanimous that:

By far the three most important issues for voters this year are:

* the pandemic and how it’s been handled.
* economic damage caused by the pandemic
* racial tensions/social justice.

Trump has bungled the pandemic. Our death rates per capita are 4x the rates of Germany. Our decentralized approach as a country is a joke. His attempts on TV to minimize the risks have destroyed his credibility.

The stock market has recovered but small businesses have been devastated. Unemployment is terrible. People are suffering. He is incapable of empathy.

Trump has stoked rather than calmed racial tensions. He counters BLM with affection for Confederate flags and statues.

Your list of issues might be key in a normal year. This is not a normal year.
Appreciate your perspective.

6 months ago, I thought Trump would win easily as the weak but large field of Dem candidates floundered in the primaries. Now, however, I believe Trump will lose. Why? The issues you list are important. But, they are NOT among the top 3 issues in this year’s election. Polls are unanimous that:

By far the three most important issues for voters this year are:

* the pandemic and how it’s been handled.
* economic damage caused by the pandemic
* racial tensions/social justice.

Trump has bungled the pandemic. Our death rates per capita are 4x the rates of Germany. Our decentralized approach as a country is a joke. His attempts on TV to minimize the risks have destroyed his credibility.

The stock market has recovered but small businesses have been devastated. Unemployment is terrible. People are suffering. He is incapable of empathy.

Trump has stoked rather than calmed racial tensions. He counters BLM with affection for Confederate flags and statues.

Your list of issues might be key in a normal year. This is not a normal year.

Normal people are watching the BLM/ANTIFA riots, and are disgusted with the burning and looting. Most people don’t like what’s happening to our statues, they have a basic knowledge of history, and know it’s how the Marxist, fascist, and communist behaved. People are starting to cut through the phony journalism of the summer of love. The choice is getting clear, Trump stands for law and order, Biden equals chaos.
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Appreciate your perspective.

6 months ago, I thought Trump would win easily as the weak but large field of Dem candidates floundered in the primaries. Now, however, I believe Trump will lose. Why? The issues you list are important. But, they are NOT among the top 3 issues in this year’s election. Polls are unanimous that:

By far the three most important issues for voters this year are:

* the pandemic and how it’s been handled.
* economic damage caused by the pandemic
* racial tensions/social justice.

Trump has bungled the pandemic. Our death rates per capita are 4x the rates of Germany. Our decentralized approach as a country is a joke. His attempts on TV to minimize the risks have destroyed his credibility.

The stock market has recovered but small businesses have been devastated. Unemployment is terrible. People are suffering. He is incapable of empathy.

Trump has stoked rather than calmed racial tensions. He counters BLM with affection for Confederate flags and statues.

Your list of issues might be key in a normal year. This is not a normal year.
Obviously you don't understand the virus. This one nor any other. It moves. It wanes and then re-appears as fast as it left. NY, NJ, Massachusetts, etc were all very very high in March- June. Florida, California, Texas, were low. Now we are higher. If you think this virus isn't returning to these other areas and countries you are nuts.
Read for yourself
Obviously you don't understand the virus. This one nor any other. It moves. It wanes and then re-appears as fast as it left. NY, NJ, Massachusetts, etc were all very very high in March- June. Florida, California, Texas, were low. Now we are higher. If you think this virus isn't returning to these other areas and countries you are nuts.
Read for yourself

Huh? What did I say about the virus other than it’s been mishandled on a national basis (ie Trump) in comparison to other countries.
Normal people are watching the BLM/ANTIFA riots, and are disgusted with the burning and looting. Most people don’t like what’s happening to our statues, they have a basic knowledge of history, and know it’s how the Marxist, fascist, and communist behaved. People are starting to cut through the phony journalism of the summer of love. The choice is getting clear, Trump stands for law and order, Biden equals chaos.


I know that’s what you want the issue to be. Trump stole the “law and order” mantra from the Nixon campaign. It could ignite some voters. But, those voters were, I believe, going to vote for him anyway.

In 2016, Trump saw and effectively used the anger of the electorate to overthrow the Republican establishment and Hillary. Neither the Dems nor establishment Republicans saw what Trump saw. He came in as the “drain the swamp” outsider.

In 2020, however, he is not the outsider. He is the swamp. He is the establishment. He likes to demonize his foes. But, how do you demonize the pandemic and demonize unemployment when they happened on your watch? He can blame China, the Dems or BLM. Not working. He has lost credibility and the anger has turned against him.

I know that’s what you want the issue to be. Trump stole the “law and order” mantra from the Nixon campaign. It could ignite some voters. But, those voters were, I believe, going to vote for him anyway.

In 2016, Trump saw and effectively used the anger of the electorate to overthrow the Republican establishment and Hillary. Neither the Dems nor establishment Republicans saw what Trump saw. He came in as the “drain the swamp” outsider.

In 2020, however, he is not the outsider. He is the swamp. He is the establishment. He likes to demonize his foes. But, how do you demonize the pandemic and demonize unemployment when they happened on your watch? He can blame China, the Dems or BLM. Not working. He has lost credibility and the anger has turned against him.

The left actually gave a Trump the law an order issue, and believe it or not most people support the police, and about 85% of African Americans are against defunding the police.

If the last three years proved anything, it’s Trump is definitely not part of the swamp, I guess you truly never understood what Trump supporters call the swamp.

Rational people understand this is a virus, if their is any blame to go around it should go to China. They also see a concerted effort by blue states to slow the recovery down.

They also remember who brought them the greatest economy in history a short time ago, and know he can do it again.
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Huh? What did I say about the virus other than it’s been mishandled on a national basis (ie Trump) in comparison to other countries.
How is it being mishandled? It's stay away, wash hands, cover your mouth and nose to keep your spittle from flying, wash hands again, and if you feel sick stay home. It really is the same everywhere. No politician can be held to account for dumb people. Riddle me this; Portland is now on day 72 of nightly riots that last thru each night till sunrise, where's the spread?
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I haven't seen a Biden sign in Volusia County, Florida .. Trump signs and American flags. Go USA .. if you want socialism .. try Venezuela on for size.
If you want an autocrat in charge, move to North Korea!
If you claim to love this country then love this country. Not what it can do for you. Don't accept bounties being put out on our soldiers. Don't accept a president that doesn't read his Presidential daily briefings. Refuse to accept a president that sends his own militia into our sovereign towns. This runs counter to our constitution. etc etc etc
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