I kind of agree with this but... there’s a reason why ppl needed to see the two debate in person as oppose to some stupid internet thing. Ppl want to know how the leader of the free world can handle them selves when the pressure is on and they have to meet face to face with everything on the line. It wasn’t even a matter of who’s a better debater but rather who can come off of this high pressured situation like it was just another day at the office with ease. Who can come out looking more strong, smart, energized, confident, and sincere? Body language, speech patterns, discipline, focus, salesmanship, etc. who would you want having to go to the highest of high negotiating tables day in and day out? Say the future pres of the united states has to be in several different parts of the world in one week to go to multiple meetings all of which meetings will change the world. Then they get back to the us after a job done well at best and get a call saying that the future pres has to leave in the middle of the night to fly somewhere else just when they thought their week was complete and make the biggest decision of all with zero time to think it over or a chance to get together and make up their decision with a commission.... Who has that commitment, energy and confidence with in to make their best choice on the spot, tired, worn out? Simply put, who’s the more committed, stronger, smarter guy? Talk is cheap and they both have a resume to explain their future actions policy wise now. If you’re torn between the policies, which candidate do you think after last night is more capable of getting policy done day in and day out for a four year stretch?