Protests last Night in Oregon Washington and Colorado

If an event like this took place just before being asked then I would. There's no excuse for it.
Why do they conflate Antifa (a self acknowledged anarchy group) and BLM (folks who want to see Black Lives actually afforded full constitutional; like MLK).
Y’all can’t hate anarchist unless Black folks are involved? I’d say it’s baffling but it’s not, it’s just racist.
Why do they conflate Antifa (a self acknowledged anarchy group) and BLM (folks who want to see Black Lives actually afforded full constitutional; like MLK).
Y’all can’t hate anarchist unless Black folks are involved? I’d say it’s baffling but it’s not, it’s just racist.

I think they find it more efficient and convenient to combine blacks and leftists into one "other" category to vilify. They did similar things to MLK and Mandela. Translation - "If you support black causes, you are enabling Marxism". This is why the American right has no morals or credibility - because they have descended into little more than a white identity / white nationalism cult.
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I think they find it more efficient and convenient to combine blacks and leftists into one "other" category to vilify. They did similar things to MLK and Mandela. Translation - "If you support black causes, you are enabling Marxism". This is why the American right has no morals or credibility - because they have descended into little more than a white identity / white nationalism cult.
Black America is conservative on so many issues but the right paints the Black Church as liberal because of a demand for equal treatment. It’s odd and self defeating.
Black America is conservative on so many issues but the right paints the Black Church as liberal because of a demand for equal treatment. It’s odd and self defeating.

This is why right wingers have been pushed so far to the political fringes. They don't care about the integrity of ideas any more, and have pivoted to preserving white identity at all costs. Concepts like the Mexico border wall, the Muslim ban being class examples of this. Its also interesting that when Republicans adhered to patriotic ideals during the cold war, they rightfully focused all their attention on Russia, but once the culture war construct took hold in recent years, Russians, because they were culturally slavic, suddenly became their friends, and the Chinese because they are Asian, suddenly became the enemy.
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This is why right wingers have been pushed so far to the political fringes. They don't care about the integrity of ideas any more, and have pivoted to preserving white identity at all costs. Concepts like the Mexico border wall, the Muslim ban being class examples of this. Its also interesting that when Republicans adhered to patriotic ideals during the cold war, they rightfully focused all their attention on Russia, but once the culture war construct took hold in recent years, Russians, because they were culturally slavic, suddenly became their friends, and the Chinese because they are Asian, suddenly became the enemy.
Disagree. Real conservatives don’t like commies. Russia is commie. China is commie. North Korea is commie.

Real Americans don’t like commie. Russia is commie. China is commie. North Korea is commie.

Real Democrats don’t like commie. Russia is commie. China is commie. North Korea is commie.

  • Trumpism speaks highly of Russia
  • declassifies information in the Oval Office to Russia
  • asks for assistance when running,
  • asks Ukraine for assistance.
  • Asks China to interfere in an election.
  • Undermines findings from congress and special prosecutor about Russia interference.
  • Writes love letters to North Korea. Visits North Korea.
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Disagree. Real conservatives don’t like commies. Russia is commie. China is commie. North Korea is commie.

Real Americans don’t like commie. Russia is commie. China is commie. North Korea is commie.

Real Democrats don’t like commie. Russia is commie. China is commie. North Korea is commie.

  • Trumpism speaks highly of Russia
  • declassifies information in the Oval Office to Russia
  • asks for assistance when running,
  • asks Ukraine for assistance.
  • Asks China to interfere in an election.
  • Undermines findings from congress and special prosecutor about Russia interference.
  • Writes love letters to North Korea. Visits North Korea.

I agree with what you're saying, but how many real conservatives are actually left these days ? Most of these people are cultural, not ideological conservatives. Real conservatives - as in people who believe in classical conservative positions like limited government, lower taxes, strong defense etc are all referred to has RINOs today. People like Jeff Flake, the late John McCain, Mitt Romney and others. Everyone else sold out to the cult of personality demagoguery of Trumpism, where people hung on every word Trump said. There's no integrity or patriotism in that. Reagan would be considered a RINO in today's climate.
I just hope I'm completely Wrong, I've never wished ill on anyone not even my worse enemy if I had one, but with the 4 years ahead of us, I just hope people can actually see, understand, and learn what's Really going on. There wont be ANY excuses They have 4 years to do Their thing and it's ON THEM for better (I hope) or for worse ( I Fear). It's on US to see the Truth for what it is, and have the balls/ovaries/other to recognize it and Change.
The hypocrisy on this thread is mind blowing. The libs just repeat CNN talking points over and over. The only thing Democrats have to fall back on is to call anyone who doesn't agree with them a racist. They simply try to destroy anyone who who a different view by labeling them. You don't agree with BLM rioting, looting, assaulting cops, and burning down cities? You're a racist! You don't agree with thousands of illegal immigrants pouring into our country? You're a racist AND a xenophobe! You people are sick.
I just hope I'm completely Wrong, I've never wished ill on anyone not even my worse enemy if I had one, but with the 4 years ahead of us, I just hope people can actually see, understand, and learn what's Really going on. There wont be ANY excuses They have 4 years to do Their thing and it's ON THEM for better (I hope) or for worse ( I Fear). It's on US to see the Truth for what it is, and have the balls/ovaries/other to recognize it and Change.

I agree with your post, with one exception. The democrats and press will always find someone else to blame regardless of how they screwed up. Just look how senator Frank, Dodd, and the Clinton administration avoided blame in the housing crises.
But we Know That. It's our Responsibility to own up to it, we should NOT be confused, nor told what to Think. WE ,as a people, are more educated, as a whole, as any time in our written history, WE have no excuse. We can chose to accept the Truth we see, feel, and live, OR Chose to excuse and justify it, to protect our Ego's, Party, and or Faction.
The hypocrisy on this thread is mind blowing. The libs just repeat CNN talking points over and over. The only thing Democrats have to fall back on is to call anyone who doesn't agree with them a racist. They simply try to destroy anyone who who a different view by labeling them. You don't agree with BLM rioting, looting, assaulting cops, and burning down cities? You're a racist! You don't agree with thousands of illegal immigrants pouring into our country? You're a racist AND a xenophobe! You people are sick.

I specifically cite to what I disagree with. It's not only "libs". You can disagree with rioting looting etc. In fact, I haven't seen posts that support it, perhaps there are but assuming you can direct me to them, I'd argue that the majority, the overwhelming majority, do not condone "rioting, looting, assaulting cops and burning down cities". It is literally an argument advanced without substance.

So I offer you this, please provide the myriad of examples on this board where folks affirmatively called someone racist because they did not agree with "rioting, looting, assaulting cops and burning down cities". I'm guessing you can't.

What you will do is say you are ignoring this post. You and those who make the statement bolded above will continue to cast everyone who does not agree with your ideology as "lib" even where they A. differ from liberal points of view, b. don't endorse liberal points of view across the spectrum or c. simply oppose Trumpism. In fact, its literally the "labeling" you state.

Examples, lifelong Republicans like Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney. Far from liberal, still committed not only to conservatism but to the Republican party and yet castigated/mislabeled as non-conservative.

To be fair it works both ways, Bernie supporters are quick to say that folks like Biden are Dinos, but I digress.

You claiming that Libs resort to calls of racism because you denounce riots is a lie that you cannot support.

Same goes for several claims you've made.
Why do they conflate Antifa (a self acknowledged anarchy group) and BLM (folks who want to see Black Lives actually afforded full constitutional; like MLK).
Y’all can’t hate anarchist unless Black folks are involved? I’d say it’s baffling but it’s not, it’s just racist.
I specifically cite to what I disagree with. It's not only "libs". You can disagree with rioting looting etc. In fact, I haven't seen posts that support it, perhaps there are but assuming you can direct me to them, I'd argue that the majority, the overwhelming majority, do not condone "rioting, looting, assaulting cops and burning down cities". It is literally an argument advanced without substance.

So I offer you this, please provide the myriad of examples on this board where folks affirmatively called someone racist because they did not agree with "rioting, looting, assaulting cops and burning down cities". I'm guessing you can't.

What you will do is say you are ignoring this post. You and those who make the statement bolded above will continue to cast everyone who does not agree with your ideology as "lib" even where they A. differ from liberal points of view, b. don't endorse liberal points of view across the spectrum or c. simply oppose Trumpism. In fact, its literally the "labeling" you state.

Examples, lifelong Republicans like Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney. Far from liberal, still committed not only to conservatism but to the Republican party and yet castigated/mislabeled as non-conservative.

To be fair it works both ways, Bernie supporters are quick to say that folks like Biden are Dinos, but I digress.

You claiming that Libs resort to calls of racism because you denounce riots is a lie that you cannot support.

Same goes for several claims you've made.
Why do they conflate Antifa (a self acknowledged anarchy group) and BLM (folks who want to see Black Lives actually afforded full constitutional; like MLK).
Y’all can’t hate anarchist unless Black folks are involved? I’d say it’s baffling but it’s not, it’s just racist.
Here you go. These are your own words. The fact that you don't see your own statement as racist tells me all I need to know.
Why do they conflate Antifa (a self acknowledged anarchy group) and BLM (folks who want to see Black Lives actually afforded full constitutional; like MLK).
Y’all can’t hate anarchist unless Black folks are involved? I’d say it’s baffling but it’s not, it’s just racist.
The visual goes back to the summer when BLM and Antifa were looting and burning . They were all mixed in together. So, you know the saying that start with ,Birds of a feather flock together... No longer can BLM and Antifa be separated. Facts!!
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I specifically cite to what I disagree with. It's not only "libs". You can disagree with rioting looting etc. In fact, I haven't seen posts that support it, perhaps there are but assuming you can direct me to them, I'd argue that the majority, the overwhelming majority, do not condone "rioting, looting, assaulting cops and burning down cities". It is literally an argument advanced without substance.

So I offer you this, please provide the myriad of examples on this board where folks affirmatively called someone racist because they did not agree with "rioting, looting, assaulting cops and burning down cities". I'm guessing you can't.

What you will do is say you are ignoring this post. You and those who make the statement bolded above will continue to cast everyone who does not agree with your ideology as "lib" even where they A. differ from liberal points of view, b. don't endorse liberal points of view across the spectrum or c. simply oppose Trumpism. In fact, its literally the "labeling" you state.

Examples, lifelong Republicans like Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney. Far from liberal, still committed not only to conservatism but to the Republican party and yet castigated/mislabeled as non-conservative.

To be fair it works both ways, Bernie supporters are quick to say that folks like Biden are Dinos, but I digress.

You claiming that Libs resort to calls of racism because you denounce riots is a lie that you cannot support.

Same goes for several claims you've made.
You probably ought to read Raul’s posts then lol. He’s made up all kinds of excuses.
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If they break the law then lock em up. No time for any of these goons.
But they won’t do it! It took two seconds for dc libs to call in the national guard when they were under attack and they got shit done, Immediately. When cops were being executed and their precincts were being taken over and innocent shop keepers and restauranteurs were being beaten and robbed the liberal polaticians in charge of these areas told the cops to stand down and refused to call in the national guard. You literally had liberal politicians setting up funds to bail out the few violent, destructive, criminals that were actually going to jail, jail mind you not prison for the most hanus of crimes.
But they won’t do it! It took two seconds for dc libs to call in the national guard when they were under attack and they got shit done, Immediately. When cops were being executed and their precincts were being taken over and innocent shop keepers and restauranteurs were being beaten and robbed the liberal polaticians in charge of these areas told the cops to stand down and refused to call in the national guard. You literally had liberal politicians (Kamala Harris) setting up funds to bail out the few violent, destructive, criminals that were actually going to jail, jail mind you not prison for the most hanus of crimes.
I fixed it for you
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Why do they conflate Antifa (a self acknowledged anarchy group) and BLM (folks who want to see Black Lives actually afforded full constitutional; like MLK).
Y’all can’t hate anarchist unless Black folks are involved? I’d say it’s baffling but it’s not, it’s just racist.
BLM is not in any way what MLK stood for. BLM is a racist group.
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Ellu you are completely wrong , completely
I welcome an honest discourse. Answer me this, have you read his speeches, his writings. Have you ever spoke. With his contemporaries.

I don’t have personal first hand knowledge but I’ve performed several speeches of his and read many more.

Ive watched countless hours.
My uncles not only marched with King they were friends, King had been to my family home.

I’ve discussed King with the likes of OT Wells and Fred Grey, both frat brothers and OT was a mentor.

Kings daughter and I are acquainted.

So, I’m ready to discuss speech for speech, what he said in interviews and his beliefs when he was murdered because of them.

Are you ready to accept that he as considered a communist, an agitator, a publicity whore and bad for civil rights?

If not read some articles from the 60s from liberal and conservative sources.

Hell just read, I think you may be out of your depth on this but again. We can go line for line, lots of information available
BLM is not in any way what MLK stood for. BLM is a racist group.

BLM are a decentralized political and social movement protesting against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against black people. King would not only be on board with that, he would probably be its most vocal champion.
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BLM are a decentralized political and social movement protesting against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against black people. King would not only be on board with that, he would probably be its most vocal champion.
Raul, Dr King was for non-violence . He would not agree with what the All the hate and destruction that have been linked to BLM . Do not confuse the way Dr King wanted to unite everyone.
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If an event like this took place just before being asked then I would. There's no excuse for it.
If? If an event like this took place before the election? Hahahaha! Gotta love Radical Raoul turning a blind eye to events like this happening all summer. You must have forgotten the murder on Federal property and destruction of a US courthouse.
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Raul, Dr King was for non-violence . He would not agree with what the All the hate and destruction that have been linked to BLM . Do not confuse the way Dr King wanted to unite everyone.

Agreed, he would not be for violence in any shape or form, but he would without question be for the fundamental ethos of the BLM movement, which is to raise awareness about the disproportionately high level of deaths among black Americans. It started with a hashtag after the murder of Travon Martin and has continued all the way through the George Floyd murder. There's no doubt MLK would be championing the spirit of what the movement is about, which is to raise awareness of the deaths and find policy prescriptions on how to remedy the problem.
Agreed, he would not be for violence in any shape or form, but he would without question be for the fundamental ethos of the BLM movement, which is to raise awareness about the disproportionately high level of deaths among black Americans. It started with a hashtag after the murder of Travon Martin and has continued all the way through the George Floyd murder. There's no doubt MLK would be championing the spirit of what the movement is about, which is to raise awareness of the deaths and find policy prescriptions on how to remedy the problem.

Dr. King would not be for the destruction of the nuclear family. Wrong again, Radical Raoul.

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