Putin call Ukrainian leadship Nazi’s…


Aug 7, 2015
Hmmmm. Hanging that label on your enemy, where did he learn that strategy?
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He's an ex KGB Colonel, so it would make sense that he uses disinformation, propaganda, and out right lies to control and deceive his subjects.
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Just like America politics
Man shut the hell up. Seriously you sound incredibly stupid with all this stuff. Our politics is toxic right now and we have to fix it but you pretending like there's any reasonable point of comparison with Russia helps normalize what Russia does. They do not have a free media, they get arrested for voicing political positions that are inconvenient for the government, they literally assassinate political opponents so efficiently that there is no real opposition that exists.
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Man shut the hell up. Seriously you sound incredibly stupid with all this stuff. Our politics is toxic right now and we have to fix it but you pretending like there's any reasonable point of comparison with Russia helps normalize what Russia does. They do not have a free media, they get arrested for voicing political positions that are inconvenient for the government, they literally assassinate political opponents so efficiently that there is no real opposition that exists.
You talk about lack of freedom of expression in Russia and yet you tell me to shut the hell up. That’s priceless!
You talk about lack of freedom of expression in Russia and yet you tell me to shut the hell up. That’s priceless!
Yes, thats actually exactly how freedom of expression works. When you freely express idiotic statements you should expect others will express how idiotic those statements were. Welcome to America, snowflake.
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Yes, thats actually exactly how freedom of expression works. When you freely express idiotic statements you should expect others will express how idiotic those statements were. Welcome to America, snowflake.
Snowflake? You’re the one having a meltdown and issuing ad hominem attacks.
Snowflake? You’re the one having a meltdown and issuing ad hominem attacks.
Yes I said snowflake because you didn't like being called out for an idiotic post...I did not make ad hominem attack. I attacked your positions for being wrong and idiotic. You personally may or may not be an idiot.
Yes I said snowflake because you didn't like being called out for an idiotic post...I did not make ad hominem attack. I attacked your positions for being wrong and idiotic. You personally may or may not be an idiot.
First you told me the shut up. An authoritarian response.

Then you called me a name. Snowflake.

You sound rather thin skinned. Are you one of those people that shout down the opposition so their point can’t be heard?
Or worse, have them cancelled?

Is wake4law a reference to woke?

Regardless of your political persuasion you'll find outlets you like saying the same thing about them. I think part of him saying "de-Nazify" Ukraine is a troll job but there is a kernel of truth to it in that they have readily accepted Azov Battalion into their national defense giving them money and weapons.

Azov uses all kinds of Third Reich iconography including the Wolfsangle, Black Sun, SS thunderbolts......they are very open about what they are and have been the tip of the spear in attacking Russians in the Donbas for the last seven plus years. They were banned from receiving US aid in 2015 but that got repealed in 2016. I forget where I read it but their leader has recently threatened Ukrainian leaders with assassination should they make a peace with the Russians that involves "surrendering" Crimea or the Donbas two pieces of land that are overwhelmingly occupied by ethnic Russians and haven't been controlled by the Ukrainian government for years. When you consider they've received training by US Special Forces I don't think those can be taken as idle threats.

Cue the "Putin shill", "Putin talking points", "Kremlin apologist", nonsense responses......or I suppose it could be ignored entirely as this completely goes against the Marvel comic brained Americans image of "good guy vs bad guy". I'm curious to see how this is coped with.
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Everyone with even mildly right wing views in the west is called a Nazi! Yet suddenly a government that has funded and armed an explicitly NatSoc militia that the UN has cited for widespread "human rights violations", including murder and rape in the Donbas, are the "good guys" and deserving of our support. WTF?

Ukraine has several other militias that were key to the foreign backed violent coup I mean grassroots peaceful protests that installed the "Democratically elected government" in 2014 that are similar to Azov though less explicit (better optics if you will). Shouldn't this disqualify them for support? Shouldn't this have disqualified them from doing exercises with NATO? These guys aren't an independent militia. They were folded into Ukraines national defense in November of 2014 less than a year after the "democratically elected government was installed via violent coup and foreign interference.

If people were consistent it would but they just ignore it cause it implodes their Marvel comic book world view of "good guys vs bad guys".

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