Question to BLM supporters, is this laudible behavior?


Jan 31, 2005

Let's begin with the premise that the Chauvin verdict is righteous. Let's say that BLM is a noble cause.
So from that point, are these BLM activists acting in a manner that BLM supporters are proud of?

Just a couple thoughts:
This was a legal immigrant owned Mexican American business. The diners there might have been there to have a nice family dinner, celebrate an important personal event like a birthday, anniversary, promotion, engagement or possibly meet to mourn the loss of a loved one? Did they deserve to have their simple dinner interupted by other peoples cause. BLM had every right to celebrate a victory to its cause. But why the need to do so at the expense of innocent others? Is BLM's cause so overriding to everything and everybody else's life that it has the right to ruin a simple night out of people that are just living their life and bothering no one?

And how does heckling these diners help BLM's cause?

Asking for a friend?

Let's begin with the premise that the Chauvin verdict is righteous. Let's say that BLM is a noble cause.
So from that point, are these BLM activists acting in a manner that BLM supporters are proud of?

Just a couple thoughts:
This was a legal immigrant owned Mexican American business. The diners there might have been there to have a nice family dinner, celebrate an important personal event like a birthday, anniversary, promotion, engagement or possibly meet to mourn the loss of a loved one? Did they deserve to have their simple dinner interupted by other peoples cause. BLM had every right to celebrate a victory to its cause. But why the need to do so at the expense of innocent others? Is BLM's cause so overriding to everything and everybody else's life that it has the right to ruin a simple night out of people that are just living their life and bothering no one?

And how does heckling these diners help BLM's cause?

Asking for a friend?
Saw that this AM...lmagine the reaction and responses if you flipped the narrative.... CNN would of had field day ... racism is prevalent in all races ... fact... crazy times ....
Kind of pointless. Some people allegedly heckling people. Who cares? Have you ever been to NEw York? LMAO.....obviously you have not. New York is for mentally tough people. This is nothing and being the daily mail has published this I am not surprised. You can't have it both ways. Complain about too much political correctness unless something is said that is offensive to YOU. Then it's time to start a thread.
Yaawn! me when the white guy is dead because he is white and the black guy is a cop with a gun. Nobody cares about a heckler. So what.
Kind of pointless. Some people allegedly heckling people. Who cares? Have you ever been to NEw York? LMAO.....obviously you have not. New York is for mentally tough people. This is nothing and being the daily mail has published this I am not surprised. You can't have it both ways. Complain about too much political correctness unless something is said that is offensive to YOU. Then it's time to start a thread.
Racist heckling, who cares?
Kind of pointless. Some people allegedly heckling people. Who cares? Have you ever been to NEw York? LMAO.....obviously you have not. New York is for mentally tough people. This is nothing and being the daily mail has published this I am not surprised. You can't have it both ways. Complain about too much political correctness unless something is said that is offensive to YOU. Then it's time to start a thread.
Yeah I’ve been many times and vacationed there for years. It is not like that! You sir are lying your ass off. This doesn’t happen all the time.

Cd making excuses for racist bullshit! Now that I am not surprised by.

Let's begin with the premise that the Chauvin verdict is righteous. Let's say that BLM is a noble cause.
So from that point, are these BLM activists acting in a manner that BLM supporters are proud of?

Just a couple thoughts:
This was a legal immigrant owned Mexican American business. The diners there might have been there to have a nice family dinner, celebrate an important personal event like a birthday, anniversary, promotion, engagement or possibly meet to mourn the loss of a loved one? Did they deserve to have their simple dinner interupted by other peoples cause. BLM had every right to celebrate a victory to its cause. But why the need to do so at the expense of innocent others? Is BLM's cause so overriding to everything and everybody else's life that it has the right to ruin a simple night out of people that are just living their life and bothering no one?

And how does heckling these diners help BLM's cause?

Asking for a friend?
Poor behavior from the guy that lead the chant. Zero enthusiam from the crowd because I don’t think they agreed with that crap.

it’s crappy assholes like this that the media highlight.

There was no riot, no violence, no confrontation, no looting so they have to give you something and this asshole delivered it.

why can millions of people behave well but get castigated for the actions of a few?

Why are supporters of the movement that is BLM being asked to defend an isolated incident by an asshole and 20 folks in NYC?

shitty low class behavior by dude with a megaphone

shitty to imply this moron speaks for an entire movement.

show me all the articles about the peaceful masses expressing a sigh of relief and peacefully comforting each other.

media manipulation is real.
Yes dude is a piece of shit for getting away from the issue to advance his narrative, but why is this national news exactly?
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Kind of pointless. Some people allegedly heckling people. Who cares? Have you ever been to NEw York? LMAO.....obviously you have not. New York is for mentally tough people. This is nothing and being the daily mail has published this I am not surprised. You can't have it both ways. Complain about too much political correctness unless something is said that is offensive to YOU. Then it's time to start a thread.
alledgedly, surely you are so full of it..........again, you are the problem in this world today
Poor behavior from the guy that lead the chant. Zero enthusiam from the crowd because I don’t think they agreed with that crap.

it’s crappy assholes like this that the media highlight.

There was no riot, no violence, no confrontation, no looting so they have to give you something and this asshole delivered it.

why can millions of people behave well but get castigated for the actions of a few?

Why are supporters of the movement that is BLM being asked to defend an isolated incident by an asshole and 20 folks in NYC?

shitty low class behavior by dude with a megaphone

shitty to imply this moron speaks for an entire movement.

show me all the articles about the peaceful masses expressing a sigh of relief and peacefully comforting each other.

media manipulation is real.
Yes dude is a piece of shit for getting away from the issue to advance his narrative, but why is this national news exactly

Poor behavior from the guy that lead the chant. Zero enthusiam from the crowd because I don’t think they agreed with that crap.

it’s crappy assholes like this that the media highlight.

There was no riot, no violence, no confrontation, no looting so they have to give you something and this asshole delivered it.

why can millions of people behave well but get castigated for the actions of a few?

Why are supporters of the movement that is BLM being asked to defend an isolated incident by an asshole and 20 folks in NYC?

shitty low class behavior by dude with a megaphone

shitty to imply this moron speaks for an entire movement.

show me all the articles about the peaceful masses expressing a sigh of relief and peacefully comforting each other.

media manipulation is real.
Yes dude is a piece of shit for getting away from the issue to advance his narrative, but why is this national news exactly?
well stated..... question for you though.......You said, and I quote..."Why can millions of people behave well but get castigated ( awesome word BTW) for the actions of a few"........If you truly feel this way, then you must obviously feel the same way about the police, correct ? There is a ton of cops out there , who mostly serve and protect....obviously, there are some bad apples ( applicable to anything in life)...........Hopefully , you address this question...TYIA
Yaawn! me when the white guy is dead because he is white and the black guy is a cop with a gun. Nobody cares about a heckler. So what.
Thoughts on the huge diaparency between black on white crimes as opposed to white on black crimes??? I know you will not answer , but it is fun to show the board ( not they need my verification) of the bigot that you truly are.
Poor behavior from the guy that lead the chant. Zero enthusiam from the crowd because I don’t think they agreed with that crap.

it’s crappy assholes like this that the media highlight.

There was no riot, no violence, no confrontation, no looting so they have to give you something and this asshole delivered it.

why can millions of people behave well but get castigated for the actions of a few?

Why are supporters of the movement that is BLM being asked to defend an isolated incident by an asshole and 20 folks in NYC?

shitty low class behavior by dude with a megaphone

shitty to imply this moron speaks for an entire movement.

show me all the articles about the peaceful masses expressing a sigh of relief and peacefully comforting each other.

media manipulation is real.
Yes dude is a piece of shit for getting away from the issue to advance his narrative, but why is this national news exactly?

Thank you for your response. We do agree that all too often the actions of a few give any group a bad name. But certainly you would agree that, Maxine Waters (a very rotten apple IMO) has been proudly promoting the harassment of diners for a long time. And she did so again this weekend. Unfortunately this has become a staple of many BLM protests. If you question this assertion I will be glad to send multiple links of similar tactics by BLM, Antifa and other progressive "peaceful" protests.

While you condemned the one person with the megaphone, numerous others were chanting not very nice things. They all were attempting to intimidate the people in that restaurant. Let them know BLM was the Boss of that Block. Kind of old style mafia actions, the big guys in dark suits standing in front of a business that didn't pay the honorarium. Those diners and the restaurant's staff did not deserve to have their evening disturbed. How did they know that the chants would not be followed with physical violence?

Harassment of diners seems to be a new "cool thing" for those that make money and gain influence from protesting. IMO this crosses the line of peaceful protest to intimidation and harassment. And let's be real, this is a bad recipe. Aggressive behavior among strangers combined with alcohol and drugs does not usually end well. The recent Kenosha murders were apparently started by someone randomly bumping into someone else in a bar.

Would it have been out of the question that a patron leaving in a bad mood might have bumped into a protestor that had imbided? Words are exchanged, punches thrown, a knife or gun pulled and,,,,, here we go again. Thank god it did not happen there, but it will, guarantee it, if this activity becomes the norm.

I will conclude by narrowing the question: Is harassment of diners minding their own business part of the BLM and other progressive groups "appropriate protest behavior" book?
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well stated..... question for you though.......You said, and I quote..."Why can millions of people behave well but get castigated ( awesome word BTW) for the actions of a few"........If you truly feel this way, then you must obviously feel the same way about the police, correct ? There is a ton of cops out there , who mostly serve and protect....obviously, there are some bad apples ( applicable to anything in life)...........Hopefully , you address this question...TYIA
Ouch. You gonna make him run away from another thread. Too thought provoking. Likely to be considered an ad hominem
Ouch. You gonna make him run away from another thread. Too thought provoking. Likely to be considered an ad hominem
Lol, he walked right into that one didn’t he? Half way through you knew this reply was coming. Almost as if it’s a set up. I use to do that in wrestling and boxing, then wham! No way he left him self this open with out a calculated counter. This isn’t cd we’re talking.
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well stated..... question for you though.......You said, and I quote..."Why can millions of people behave well but get castigated ( awesome word BTW) for the actions of a few"........If you truly feel this way, then you must obviously feel the same way about the police, correct ? There is a ton of cops out there , who mostly serve and protect....obviously, there are some bad apples ( applicable to anything in life)...........Hopefully , you address this question...TYIA
Ellu, you walked right into this...sounds like selective outrage to me.
Lol, he walked right into that one didn’t he? Half way through you knew this reply was coming. Almost as if it’s a set up. I use to do that in wrestling and boxing, then wham! No way he left him self this open with out a calculated counter. This isn’t cd we’re talking.
I don’t know, he gets beat up in arguments, doesn’t own up to being wrong (see Sicknick threads), then when held accountable, he claims being attacked or goes silent, and then runs away. It’s like CD Part 2
well stated..... question for you though.......You said, and I quote..."Why can millions of people behave well but get castigated ( awesome word BTW) for the actions of a few"........If you truly feel this way, then you must obviously feel the same way about the police, correct ? There is a ton of cops out there , who mostly serve and protect....obviously, there are some bad apples ( applicable to anything in life)...........Hopefully , you address this question...TYIA
100% agree. I've stated any number of times that I have multiple chapter fraternity brothers who are officers, neighbors, childhood friends, an uncle, cousins, a nephew all cops. I have other LEO, I'm dating a LEO, I've dated two officers in the past, none of them (well maybe one is a scumbag to be honest) are bad folks.

It's the few that have to be rooted, is the institutional bias that my friends tell me about that has to be corrected. I had the honor of sitting with the Sheriff who turned around the practices in New Orleans and discussing what his thoughts were on how to get rid of the worst and amplify the best. What practices and policies could be put into place. A buddy of mine did the same thing in Hollywood.

It's the bad cops and bad institutional policies that are the problems. Unfortunately, instead of redress folks get tribal and feel as if saying that x is wrong is the same as saying a-z is wrong. The broad brush works both ways, here is the difference, the ones who overgeneralize and want reform will at a minimum cause the bad to be reformed, the ones who overgeneralize and rebel against change, will at a minimum cause the bad to remain bad. Ideally we can unite to fix things.

Anecdotally, there is zero reason that a joke in 1974 about police abuse should sound like something that was produced this month.


Thank you for your response. We do agree that all too often the actions of a few give any group a bad name. But certainly you would agree that, Maxine Waters (a very rotten apple IMO) has been proudly promoting the harassment of diners for a long time. And she did so again this weekend. Unfortunately this has become a staple of many BLM protests. If you question this assertion I will be glad to send multiple links of similar tactics by BLM, Antifa and other progressive "peaceful" protests.

While you condemned the one person with the megaphone, numerous others were chanting not very nice things. They all were attempting to intimidate the people in that restaurant. Let them know BLM was the Boss of that Block. Kind of old style mafia actions, the big guys in dark suits standing in front of a business that didn't pay the honorarium. Those diners and the restaurant's staff did not deserve to have their evening disturbed. How did they know that the chants would not be followed with physical violence?

Harassment of diners seems to be a new "cool thing" for those that make money and gain influence from protesting. IMO this crosses the line of peaceful protest to intimidation and harassment. And let's be real, this is a bad recipe. Aggressive behavior among strangers combined with alcohol and drugs does not usually end well. The recent Kenosha murders were apparently started by someone randomly bumping into someone else in a bar.

Would it have been out of the question that a patron leaving in a bad mood might have bumped into a protestor that had imbided? Words are exchanged, punches thrown, a knife or gun pulled and,,,,, here we go again. Thank god it did not happen there, but it will, guarantee it, if this activity becomes the norm.

I will conclude by narrowing the question: Is harassment of diners minding their own business part of the BLM and other progressive groups "appropriate protest behavior" book?
Again, characterizing this as a BLM appropriate protest behavior is inaccurate. I know there have been assholes who target particular media folks/party personalities for heckling. Public heckling isn't new. I take Barkelys approach, throw their ass through a window. Seems like a minor concern though for a major issue. It also seem like a disproportionally inflated outrage. I'm not certain that the counter to "cops are killing citizens" is yeah but some asshole interrupted a fine meal. I mean I think they are jerks but it just seems to be a magnitude of order or two away from the main concern and issue. If some asshole is targeting a particular company by harrasing its patrons I call bullshit. put up a picket line, grab some cardboard walk back and forth or stand and yell, that's all cool. The megaphone was over the line for me.

For the record. Civil rights movements rarely have a single leader. Ascribing my beliefs to a BLM playbook is as accurate as claiming it to be an actual organization that folks who believe in the movement give credence to. I can name you Stokely Carmichael, Huey P Newton, Medgar Evers, Jessie Jackson, John Lewis, Malcom X and Dr. King, I dont' think any of them were part of the same organization, maybe NAACP...maybe. I can name you Lee Merrit, Ben Crump (both personal friends), Tarana Burke, Johnette Alzie and Al Sharpton. None of them are leaders of an organization called BLM all of us are BLM. So the ascribing of a group all the characteristics of body that started the hashtag is a bit intellectually dishonest.

But yes, we both agree the behavior is abhorrent. Maybe they should just do a sit in.
Lol, he walked right into that one didn’t he? Half way through you knew this reply was coming. Almost as if it’s a set up. I use to do that in wrestling and boxing, then wham! No way he left him self this open with out a calculated counter. This isn’t cd we’re talking.
you whoever you quoted (love the mute function) might think I was playing some "game". its not.

When this stuff devolves into "gotcha" as opposed to actual intellectual conversation aimed at understanding each other, I typically tune out. Better things to do than to make points for the sake of making points. Progressing the discussion is one thing but trying to "own" someone shrug and yawn. That's when threads get abandoned. Like this, watch.
100% agree. I've stated any number of times that I have multiple chapter fraternity brothers who are officers, neighbors, childhood friends, an uncle, cousins, a nephew all cops. I have other LEO, I'm dating a LEO, I've dated two officers in the past, none of them (well maybe one is a scumbag to be honest) are bad folks.

It's the few that have to be rooted, is the institutional bias that my friends tell me about that has to be corrected. I had the honor of sitting with the Sheriff who turned around the practices in New Orleans and discussing what his thoughts were on how to get rid of the worst and amplify the best. What practices and policies could be put into place. A buddy of mine did the same thing in Hollywood.

It's the bad cops and bad institutional policies that are the problems. Unfortunately, instead of redress folks get tribal and feel as if saying that x is wrong is the same as saying a-z is wrong. The broad brush works both ways, here is the difference, the ones who overgeneralize and want reform will at a minimum cause the bad to be reformed, the ones who overgeneralize and rebel against change, will at a minimum cause the bad to remain bad. Ideally we can unite to fix things.

Anecdotally, there is zero reason that a joke in 1974 about police abuse should sound like something that was produced this month.

Comparing the constant unnecessary unsolicited harassment by cops back in the late 60’s and early 70’s to those criminals resisting arrest and getting themselves shot today is the real joke. What Richard described is hardly what is going on today. I don’t expect low integrity race pimps to distinguish the two.
you whoever you quoted (love the mute function) might think I was playing some "game". its not.

When this stuff devolves into "gotcha" as opposed to actual intellectual conversation aimed at understanding each other, I typically tune out. Better things to do than to make points for the sake of making points. Progressing the discussion is one thing but trying to "own" someone shrug and yawn. That's when threads get abandoned. Like this, watch.
Another lovely, “I man up,” but never do.
You are concerned with some loud people saying inappropriate things because that is what the media outlets you follow told you to be outraged about. Thats' all. You dont really care about the topic in whole. BLM is not a domestic terriorist group linked to any murders....and an attack on our capital.

I see a lot of people come here and talk about BLM but I never see the same people ever start a thread or comment on domestic terriorist groups like:

The proud boys
The boogaloo boys / The boogaloo movement
Arian Nation
White Arian Resistance started by member of the KKK

Please stop singling out BLM and doing your false equivalence. Either don't discuss the topic at all or include everyone.
You are concerned with some loud people saying inappropriate things because that is what the media outlets you follow told you to be outraged about. Thats' all. You dont really care about the topic in whole. BLM is not a domestic terriorist group linked to any murders....and an attack on our capital.

I see a lot of people come here and talk about BLM but I never see the same people ever start a thread or comment on domestic terriorist groups like:

The proud boys
The boogaloo boys / The boogaloo movement
Arian Nation
White Arian Resistance started by member of the KKK

Please stop singling out BLM and doing your false equivalence. Either don't discuss the topic at all or include everyone.
Way to prove our points. Why would anyone start a thread about racist groups like that where no one supports them? Well, only you racists who support the racist terror group BLM do this.
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Way to prove our points. Why wound anyone start a thread about racist groups like that where no one supports them? Well, only you racists who support the racist terror group BLM do this.
Actually this proves MY POINT! How the hell do I know nobody supports these groups? Obviously, someone is supporting them. Which is why they are a group no? Let me put it to you this way. What supports them is silence. What supports them is actively attacking BLM who has not murdered anyone or attacked our capital.
Actually this proves MY POINT! How the hell do I know nobody supports these groups? Obviously, someone is supporting them. Which is why they are a group no? Let me put it to you this way. What supports them is silence. What supports them is actively attacking BLM who has not murdered anyone or attacked our capital.
BLM has murdered cops (Dallas) and burned down and looted stores in several cities,

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