Race Card about to backfire...

African Americans have every right to be concerned. For years they have been victims of oppressions & indignations. Every video showing African Americans being treated harshly reinvigorates a long standing debate on the treatment of minorities at the hands of police. quite possibly these police have no business in law enforcement. They are bad cops. Bad cops get good cops killed.
Really? That makes sense. So if she disagrees with the reading and says it was another car he was tagging, or if she said he rigged the radar gun....she can say "f**k you officer..... I am out of here." How about when someone is about to get arrested? Should they say to the officer "prove your case to me right here and I'll decide if there is probable cause?" Your method of thinking is a contributing cause to why there are problems.....because you think you're above the law. Sign the f**king ticket like normal people do.
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Really? That makes sense. So if she disagrees with the reading and says it was another car he was tagging, or if she said he rigged the radar gun....she can say f**k you officer..... I am out of here. How about when someone is about to get arrested? Should they say "prove your case to me right here and I'll decide if there is probable cause?" Your method of thinking is a contributing cause to why there are problems.....because you think you're above the law. Sign the f**king ticket like normal people do.

Because of reckless behavior by bad cops we are hearing reports of Cops getting shot & killed while in the line of duty. All because of irresponsible actions by bad cops.
So it has nothing to do with bad guys killing cops? Are those cops getting killed bad cops or good cops?

You take all the blame off the bad guys & carelessly put it on the good guys in true phucktard fashion!
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Because of reckless behavior by bad cops we are hearing reports of Cops getting shot & killed while in the line of duty. All because of irresponsible actions by bad cops.

That’s insanely dangerous rhetoric, and just incredibly stupid. You could also argue that because of reckless behavior by bad African Americans, we are hearing reports of African Americans being shot by cops. Obviously, I don’t believe that line of thinking. But I wanted to point out just how illogical your reasoning is.
That’s insanely dangerous rhetoric, and just incredibly stupid. You could also argue that because of reckless behavior by bad African Americans, we are hearing reports of African Americans being shot by cops. Obviously, I don’t believe that line of thinking. But I wanted to point out just how illogical your reasoning is.
Logical reasoning often escapes them!
Cane919, cashvillecane, cane_clyde harassment by unqualified police isn't the only indignation African Americans suffer. There's discriminatory acts on planes, colleges, what is said by members of the media, etc.
African Americans have had to endure so much I don't blame them for feeling defensive.
Cane919, cashvillecane, cane_clyde harassment by unqualified police isn't the only indignation African Americans suffer. There's discriminatory acts on planes, colleges, what is said by members of the media, etc.
African Americans have had to endure so much I don't blame them for feeling defensive.
Lmao “unqualified police”??? How very Al Sharpton of you. Please cite an example and we can address that one rather than making a blanket statement to make all police sound bad. Sure there’s been abuse, nobody disagrees with that, but your statement is Enabling all the bad behavior by people who then just claim police abuse when in fact there wasn’t any. That is a dumbass statement!

If you’re actually using this woman’s case as an example you’re an idiot. She point blank lied. No excuse for that! None!!!
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That does make me mad...but what else makes me mad is you think only black ppl have been through this...and that is absurd...then you want to throw around kkk easily...than say ppl are racist...and all the time poor white ppl get screwed over as well...
BS...There is absolutely nothing that would imply that only black ppl have been through this. The fact is when you objectively look at the number of occurrences, the ratio of this happening to other is minuscule to how many times this occurs to black and brown people. There are countless examples every day literally. Just stupid crap like the other day these people called the police on 4 black people who happened to be executing a warrant. The report were some black people with bullet proof vest got out of a car and are looking around the building next door to me. These were parole officers looking for someone. It is just stupid and for you and your false equivalences? It is completely unequivocal. Things like this do not happen to anyone other than black and brown people. Not poor white people.
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This drives me nuts. It delegitimizes instances of real abuse. No different than #metoo. Let the facts come out, then we can put people on blast.

I don't see the comparison with the #Metoo movement. These are woman who mainly claim they have been abused repeatedly.
I don't see the comparison with the #Metoo movement. These are woman who mainly claim they have been abused repeatedly.

The connecting factor is socially convicting people based upon allegations before all the facts are out. Today’s society jumps to convictions before all the evidence comes to light. If racism or sexual assault did happen, then the perpetrator should be punished. The angry twitter mobs should wait before ruining someone’s life.
Cane919, cashvillecane, cane_clyde harassment by unqualified police isn't the only indignation African Americans suffer. There's discriminatory acts on planes, colleges, what is said by members of the media, etc.
African Americans have had to endure so much I don't blame them for feeling defensive.

I’m not saying it doesn’t exist. The point is that when people use race as a scapegoat for their actions, it diminishes actual instances of racism.
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The connecting factor is socially convicting people based upon allegations before all the facts are out. Today’s society jumps to convictions before all the evidence comes to light. If racism or sexual assault did happen, then the perpetrator should be punished. The angry twitter mobs should wait before ruining someone’s life.
Thanks for the explanation. Yes, there are false claims. No doubt about it. There are people that are not honest. Just like there are people out there guilty of what they are accused of.

Socially convicting people really doesn't amount to much, especially for powerful people. They aren't losing their jobs. However, conversely I would say it is much more difficult to convict these people who are really guilty in a court of law.
BS...There is absolutely nothing that would imply that only black ppl have been through this. The fact is when you objectively look at the number of occurrences, the ratio of this happening to other is minuscule to how many times this occurs to black and brown people. There are countless examples every day literally. Just stupid crap like the other day these people called the police on 4 black people who happened to be executing a warrant. The report were some black people with bullet proof vest got out of a car and are looking around the building next door to me. These were parole officers looking for someone. It is just stupid and for you and your false equivalences? It is completely unequivocal. Things like this do not happen to anyone other than black and brown people. Not poor white people.

I don't see the comparison with the #Metoo movement. These are woman who mainly claim they have been abused repeatedly.

Thanks for the explanation. Yes, there are false claims. No doubt about it. There are people that are not honest. Just like there are people out there guilty of what they are accused of.

Socially convicting people really doesn't amount to much, especially for powerful people. They aren't losing their jobs. However, conversely I would say it is much more difficult to convict these people who are really guilty in a court of law.

Honest to god, I don’t know why any cop black or white or what ever would want to set foot in a black neighborhood. Cops are clearly not welcome and it’s obviously just a liability at this point.

Miami, FL (NW 17th AV/ NW 69th st) violent crime rate (per 1,000): 59.64. Source:

Must be all those rogue cops. Literaly 1-17 chance of being a victem in this little area in one year and it’s the cops black ppl are afraid of. The bull shit is an insult to the rest of the country’s intelligence.
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Lmao “unqualified police”??? How very Al Sharpton of you. Please cite an example and we can address that one rather than making a blanket statement to make all police sound bad. Sure there’s been abuse, nobody disagrees with that, but your statement is Enabling all the bad behavior by people who then just claim police abuse when in fact there wasn’t any. That is a dumbass statement!

If you’re actually using this woman’s case as an example you’re an idiot. She point blank lied. No excuse for that! None!!!
Examples are not limited to police abuse. 2 incidents took place last week.
1) At Yale university, a African American male fell asleep in the library. A white student called the police.
2) A Nigerian woman with 2 young children was horribly mistreated aboard a United Airlines flight. When she boarded & with a reservation in 1st class, a white male was sitting in her assigned seat she asked the male passenger to move because he was sitting in her seat. twice he refused. The woman asked a flight attendant for assistance. The flight attendant told her to go sit in another seat. there were a couple of times she left her seat to use the lav. twice he blocked her with his legs. The woman was traveling going into her 3rd leg to go to Canada to enroll her kids in school. The white male passenger also complained she emitted a horrible body odor. What do you expect when folks are traveling for 3 days???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heres another incident that took place in Tennessee
An African male, who is a licensed real estate agent, was seen inspecting a house. A white woman who lived next to the property
asked him what he was doing. He said hes a real estate agent & getting an assessment of the house. But the woman didn't wait to hear his reason. She called the police. A few minutes later a squad car arrived & the Police confirmed he is a real estate agent.
If you, Cashville cane or any one else on this thread doesn't believe racism exists, I strongly urge all of you to watch the movie "Hostiles" starring Christian Bale, Wes Studi, Rosamund Pike. The setting is 1892. Its a western but its a western in setting & the era only. Its a movie about forgiveness,understanding how people live their lives,the life people live, reconciliation. It has relevance with the darkness of the heart.
It has real relevance with whats happening in America today. Its whats happening with race. You can see what was afforded to the American Indian. Whats happening today with African Americans & other minorities.
Examples are not limited to police abuse. 2 incidents took place last week.
1) At Yale university, a African American male fell asleep in the library. A white student called the police.
2) A Nigerian woman with 2 young children was horribly mistreated aboard a United Airlines flight. When she boarded & with a reservation in 1st class, a white male was sitting in her assigned seat she asked the male passenger to move because he was sitting in her seat. twice he refused. The woman asked a flight attendant for assistance. The flight attendant told her to go sit in another seat. there were a couple of times she left her seat to use the lav. twice he blocked her with his legs. The woman was traveling going into her 3rd leg to go to Canada to enroll her kids in school. The white male passenger also complained she emitted a horrible body odor. What do you expect when folks are traveling for 3 days???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heres another incident that took place in Tennessee
An African male, who is a licensed real estate agent, was seen inspecting a house. A white woman who lived next to the property
asked him what he was doing. He said hes a real estate agent & getting an assessment of the house. But the woman didn't wait to hear his reason. She called the police. A few minutes later a squad car arrived & the Police confirmed he is a real estate agent.
If you, Cashville cane or any one else on this thread doesn't believe racism exists, I strongly urge all of you to watch the movie "Hostiles" starring Christian Bale, Wes Studi, Rosamund Pike. The setting is 1892. Its a western but its a western in setting & the era only. Its a movie about forgiveness,understanding how people live their lives,the life people live, reconciliation. It has relevance with the darkness of the heart.
It has real relevance with whats happening in America today. Its whats happening with race. You can see what was afforded to the American Indian. Whats happening today with African Americans & other minorities.
As someone of Native American Heritage and also married to someone of Native American heritage, we don’t sit and worry or focus on any abuses that have occurred.

I also find it funny how race was an after thought to most people prior to 2008. The media loves to segregate us by color. If we would stop allowing this to happen, we could move forward.
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My father was in law enforcement for 20 years before he left. So I have a love/hate relationship with police officers. I know first hand that there are some very good people just trying to do their jobs and make a difference. And people can be complete idiots when dealing with police. But I also know first hand that there are some bonifide cowards that do not deserve the honor of wearing that badge and abuse the authority it gives them. In some cases, my father being on the force saved us from some situations becoming unnecessarily ugly. The point is, not all police run-ins are racially motivated. But to think that racial profilling or abuse of power doesn't happen would be a willingness to ignore the truth.
My father was in law enforcement for 20 years before he left. So I have a love/hate relationship with police officers. I know first hand that there are some very good people just trying to do their jobs and make a difference. And people can be complete idiots when dealing with police. But I also know first hand that there are some bonifide cowards that do not deserve the honor of wearing that badge and abuse the authority it gives them. In some cases, my father being on the force saved us from some situations becoming unnecessarily ugly. The point is, not all police run-ins are racially motivated. But to think that racial profilling or abuse of power doesn't happen would be a willingness to ignore the truth.
As a police officer of 21 years nobody is saying it doesn’t but if you listened for five minutes to some of these clowns on here, every interaction with law enforcement is racially motivated. Hell most of the bad cops aren’t even racist. They’re just a$$hole cowards just like you stated.
As a police officer of 21 years nobody is saying it doesn’t but if you listened for five minutes to some of these clowns on here, every interaction with law enforcement is racially motivated. Hell most of the bad cops aren’t even racist. They’re just a$$hole cowards just like you stated.
Racial resentment fueled the rise of #45.
It has been more than a year since #45 won the presidential election, but the question of what drove him to victory still lingers in the minds of political pundits.
Many believed that working-class economic anxiety was the impetus that propelled Trump. However, the results of a recent survey conducted by political & social scientists reveal that cultural anxiety, and fear among a good percentage of white voters of demographic changes, were the main factors for why they voted for Trump.
The same percentage of white voters viewed the growth of non white population in America as a threat to their numerical superiority and saw Trump as their savior. Trump stoked those fears and feelings of anxiety by unleashing a barrage of anti- immigrant & minority-bashing rhetoric, much to the delight of those voters.
The result of the aforementioned survey portray a disturbing picture of a widening & deepening wound of racial division
caused by racism & racial resentment. To please his followers, Trump continues to promote anti-diversity behavior.
A great example are the incidents of African Americans being told by whites to "go back to Africa." Very unsettling.
Racial resentment fueled the rise of #45.
It has been more than a year since #45 won the presidential election, but the question of what drove him to victory still lingers in the minds of political pundits.
Many believed that working-class economic anxiety was the impetus that propelled Trump. However, the results of a recent survey conducted by political & social scientists reveal that cultural anxiety, and fear among a good percentage of white voters of demographic changes, were the main factors for why they voted for Trump.
The same percentage of white voters viewed the growth of non white population in America as a threat to their numerical superiority and saw Trump as their savior. Trump stoked those fears and feelings of anxiety by unleashing a barrage of anti- immigrant & minority-bashing rhetoric, much to the delight of those voters.
The result of the aforementioned survey portray a disturbing picture of a widening & deepening wound of racial division
caused by racism & racial resentment. To please his followers, Trump continues to promote anti-diversity behavior.
A great example are the incidents of African Americans being told by whites to "go back to Africa." Very unsettling.
Lmao you want to know why Trump was elected? Because what you just posted was cut and paste right from the dumbass liberal

The vast majority of Americans were absolutely fed up with Obama’s policies which were not only weakening our country as a whole financially and militarily but he were ripping apart the very fabric which made up our country! Freedom and Family!

The socialist progressive agenda of the DNC & what was the Obama admin literally pissed everyone off. That’s why the Dems lost the election. That and they thought Hillary was actually a good candidate. That is a microcosm of the dnc right there. Your party is a disaster and if not for the propaganda of the main stream media you would not get another election for the next 20 years.

It is not and has never been about race or sex in this election. Ever

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Hillary was a dog. She received less votes then Barack in 34 states.

Racial resentment fueled the rise of #45.
It has been more than a year since #45 won the presidential election, but the question of what drove him to victory still lingers in the minds of political pundits.
Many believed that working-class economic anxiety was the impetus that propelled Trump. However, the results of a recent survey conducted by political & social scientists reveal that cultural anxiety, and fear among a good percentage of white voters of demographic changes, were the main factors for why they voted for Trump.
The same percentage of white voters viewed the growth of non white population in America as a threat to their numerical superiority and saw Trump as their savior. Trump stoked those fears and feelings of anxiety by unleashing a barrage of anti- immigrant & minority-bashing rhetoric, much to the delight of those voters.
The result of the aforementioned survey portray a disturbing picture of a widening & deepening wound of racial division
caused by racism & racial resentment. To please his followers, Trump continues to promote anti-diversity behavior.
A great example are the incidents of African Americans being told by whites to "go back to Africa." Very unsettling.
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Lmao you want to know why Trump was elected? Because what you just posted was cut and paste right from the dumbass liberal

The vast majority of Americans were absolutely fed up with Obama’s policies which were not only weakening our country as a whole financially and militarily but he were ripping apart the very fabric which made up our country! Freedom and Family!

The socialist progressive agenda of the DNC & what was the Obama admin literally pissed everyone off. That’s why the Dems lost the election. That and they thought Hillary was actually a good candidate. That is a microcosm of the dnc right there. Your party is a disaster and if not for the propaganda of the main stream media you would not get another election for the next 20 years.

It is not and has never been about race or sex in this election. Ever

Not truth. Obama had a approval rating of 60%+, favorability rating of 57%; right up to 01/19/17. Lets not forget the GOP caucus tried everything to make his administration look inept, dysfunctional. More on Obama later but the subject is racism.
#45 promotes, advocates racism. He called Elizabeth Warren "pocahontas", referring to her American Indian heritage.
When violence escalated on the campus of the University of Virginia, which involved white supremacists & those on the left. #45 said both sides exhibited violent behavior but said nothing about those that were victims of a enraged white supremacist who drove his car into a crowd. #45 also received a heartfelt "thank you Mr President" from David Duke.
One more example: a month after #45 was sworn in. 2 Indian nationals were gunned down in a bar in Kansas.
Before the assailant discharged his weapon, witnesses said he yelled Get out of my country." Both Indian nationals were in Kansas on work visas.
Also on march 2017, an /Asian American couple & their 2 children had reservations @ a bed & breakfast in California. Both children were on spring break. When the family showed up the B&B operator refused to honor their reservation because she said "you are not an American family."
On November 9, 2017 the night he won & while addressing supporters a few in the audience shouted "kill Obama".
Trump's response? "OK".
Need anymore proof?
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Not truth. Obama had a approval rating of 60%+, favorability rating of 57%; right up to 01/19/17. Lets not forget the GOP caucus tried everything to make his administration look inept, dysfunctional. More on Obama later but the subject is racism.
#45 promotes, advocates racism. He called Elizabeth Warren "pocahontas", referring to her American Indian heritage.
When violence escalated on the campus of the University of Virginia, which involved white supremacists & those on the left. #45 said both sides exhibited violent behavior but said nothing about those that were victims of a enraged white supremacist who drove his car into a crowd. #45 also received a heartfelt "thank you Mr President" from David Duke.
One more example: a month after #45 was sworn in. 2 Indian nationals were gunned down in a bar in Kansas.
Before the assailant discharged his weapon, witnesses said he yelled Get out of my country." Both Indian nationals were in Kansas on work visas.
Also on march 2017, an /Asian American couple & their 2 children had reservations @ a bed & breakfast in California. Both children were on spring break. When the family showed up the B&B operator refused to honor their reservation because she said "you are not an American family."
On November 9, 2017 the night he won & while addressing supporters a few in the audience shouted "kill Obama".
Trump's response? "OK".
Need anymore proof?
Elizabeth Warren isn’t Native American and committed fraud to to get money. #fact

Trump has nothing to do with David Duke and backed away from him once he realized who he was. #fact (unlike Obama and his buddy Farrakhan)

Yo poor racebaitng babies love to throw out racism when in fact your party loves to use minorities as a crutch but has done nothing to help them. Unlike Trump who now has their unemployment levels at historical lows.

You talk about Obama’s approval numbers... are these the same pollsters who predicted Hillary would win the election by a landslide? Lmao I think so. You are a sheep! Follow your heard and don’t wonder off. You never know what you may find.
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White nationalist and other attendees clashed with those who arrived to oppose the demonstration, which began with a torch-wielding group marching through the city Friday evening and was intended to culminate in an event entitled "Unite the Right," set to begin at noon on Saturday.

However, the event -- which was roundly criticized on both sides of the aisle and included calls for the actions to be deemed terrorism -- was shut down by authorities early Saturday afternoon. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency in the city and police ordered the crowds to disperse.

President Trump denounced the "egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides," but drew scrutiny for not condemning the white nationalists directly.”

The other attendees part would be the “fine people” Trump was talking about. The media pulled the MS13 card and made it sound like he was referencing the white supremacist when in fact he was not
Not truth. Obama had a approval rating of 60%+, favorability rating of 57%; right up to 01/19/17. Lets not forget the GOP caucus tried everything to make his administration look inept, dysfunctional. More on Obama later but the subject is racism.
#45 promotes, advocates racism. He called Elizabeth Warren "pocahontas", referring to her American Indian heritage.
When violence escalated on the campus of the University of Virginia, which involved white supremacists & those on the left. #45 said both sides exhibited violent behavior but said nothing about those that were victims of a enraged white supremacist who drove his car into a crowd. #45 also received a heartfelt "thank you Mr President" from David Duke.
One more example: a month after #45 was sworn in. 2 Indian nationals were gunned down in a bar in Kansas.
Before the assailant discharged his weapon, witnesses said he yelled Get out of my country." Both Indian nationals were in Kansas on work visas.
Also on march 2017, an /Asian American couple & their 2 children had reservations @ a bed & breakfast in California. Both children were on spring break. When the family showed up the B&B operator refused to honor their reservation because she said "you are not an American family."
On November 9, 2017 the night he won & while addressing supporters a few in the audience shouted "kill Obama".
Trump's response? "OK".
Need anymore proof?
It just comes down to a lack of leadership. Plain and simple. You have to come out and denounce racism and promote peace. Anything short of that, you aren't representing American values. People craft their words carefully but at the end of the day you can't sympathize with white nationalist. Particularly when they are responsible for running someone over and murdering them.

This is where Obama excelled and Trump just doesn't measure up. He just doesn't have the qualifications necessary for the job unfortunately. It is clear to the most novice of people watching.
Mark my words, every argument/statement from the far left will come down to the following three categories:

1. Attempt to suppress the vote by constantly filling the airwaves with anything negative about the President. It doesn’t have to be true, just negative, and with any luck some people on the right and the independents won’t vote for the right.

2. Try to reinforce the minority vote by painting the administration as nothing more then a bunch of bigots. Again, any negative news is good news and as always it doesn’t have to be true.

3. Their mantra has always been the rich vs poor, so go full throttle on taking the riches and redistributing them to those that most need them (meaning those that are easiest to influence). So free college, a guaranteed job anywhere you want, free etc, etc, etc.

It's nothing new and clear when you understand them.
Mark my words, every argument/statement from the far left will come down to the following three categories:

1. Attempt to suppress the vote by constantly filling the airwaves with anything negative about the President. It doesn’t have to be true, just negative, and with any luck some people on the right and the independents won’t vote for the right.

2. Try to reinforce the minority vote by painting the administration as nothing more then a bunch of bigots. Again, any negative news is good news and as always it doesn’t have to be true.

3. Their mantra has always been the rich vs poor, so go full throttle on taking the riches and redistributing them to those that most need them (meaning those that are easiest to influence). So free college, a guaranteed job anywhere you want, free etc, etc, etc.

It's nothing new and clear when you understand them.
Another example:

I'm not exactly sure what this is an example of. You have a matter of national security here. Proof the Russians interfered with our elections. Meetings with foreign leaders looking for favor to get a presidential candidate nominated. A staff that has broken the law. Do you expect there to be no action from the white house on national security? This argument is not going to stand up.

In fact, if you ask most people they will tell you the white house didn't do enough.

If the defense for selling our democracy to the highest bidder is going to be the white house was involved with this national security issue then this administration is royally f'ked. You can't expect the white house to sit by idle as Intel suggest there is an attack on our democracy.
African Americans have every right to be concerned. For years they have been victims of oppressions & indignations. Every video showing African Americans being treated harshly reinvigorates a long standing debate on the treatment of minorities at the hands of police. quite possibly these police have no business in law enforcement. They are bad cops. Bad cops get good cops killed.
This oppression shit is crap...the athletes make millions I am on disability cause of MS...i don't make that kind of money so does that make me oppressed....i am not out selling drugs or have food stamps or any help...i do it on my own...take responsibility for owns actions....i saved my money in life...i started at the bottom too and worked my way shut my mouth and did what I was told...thats a hard thing for some ppl...maybe try it and see if it works...most want to be a boss from day one or be paid top dollar or I quit
This oppression shit is crap...the athletes make millions I am on disability cause of MS...i don't make that kind of money so does that make me oppressed....i am not out selling drugs or have food stamps or any help...i do it on my own...take responsibility for owns actions....i saved my money in life...i started at the bottom too and worked my way shut my mouth and did what I was told...thats a hard thing for some ppl...maybe try it and see if it works...most want to be a boss from day one or be paid top dollar or I quit
These athletes EARN their money. It isn't GIVEN to them. It is THEIR money and are required to pay TAXES on what they earn. So, they pay MORE than the rest of us I am sure. So, this has nothing to do with you they are treated as people. MONEY is not EVERYTHING. You shut your mouth because that is what YOU decided is what is best for YOU. That doesn't apply to everyone because the fact is, we have a right to open our mouths if we choose to just like you have a right to shut your mouth. It is the right of every American citizen. They have freedom of speech. Just like you have freedom of speech or freedom to arm yourself. You don't get to pick and choose what freedoms certain people have. We have the same freedoms.
As someone of Native American Heritage and also married to someone of Native American heritage, we don’t sit and worry or focus on any abuses that have occurred.

I also find it funny how race was an after thought to most people prior to 2008. The media loves to segregate us by color. If we would stop allowing this to happen, we could move forward.
As someone of Native American Heritage and also married to someone of Native American heritage, we don’t sit and worry or focus on any abuses that have occurred.

I also find it funny how race was an after thought to most people prior to 2008. The media loves to segregate us by color. If we would stop allowing this to happen, we could move forward.
since 2008? C'mon cash. I have way more respect for you to believe that you think that was when things went to crap between different races. This isn't about politics. It's a societal problem. If there was no notice of it until 2008, then it maybe because of willingness to ignore it, because I promise you it's been a problem for as long as there was sand in the desert and water in the sea.
These athletes EARN their money. It isn't GIVEN to them. It is THEIR money and are required to pay TAXES on what they earn. So, they pay MORE than the rest of us I am sure. So, this has nothing to do with you they are treated as people. MONEY is not EVERYTHING. You shut your mouth because that is what YOU decided is what is best for YOU. That doesn't apply to everyone because the fact is, we have a right to open our mouths if we choose to just like you have a right to shut your mouth. It is the right of every American citizen. They have freedom of speech. Just like you have freedom of speech or freedom to arm yourself. You don't get to pick and choose what freedoms certain people have. We have the same freedoms.
No one said it's given to them...stop with the oppression b's...