Sarah Palin running for congress - endorsed by Trump


Jan 31, 2005
While in general I am not a fan of hers, as she like too many politicians believes she is more important than the message and issue; I do have to believe this would be worthwhile in comedic value alone. Can you imagine the exploding heads in the media everytime she stepped on the house floor. It appears if she wins she would be in the house under speaker Pelosi. Now that would be worthwhile reality TV. CSpan already has more viewers than CNN, with Palin vs. Pelosi they would have 100x the audience.
Sick of these loud mouth soap box panderers that care more about seeing them selves on tv then getting anything done. I don’t disagree with anything she says I just think she’s worthless as a politician.
I think Palin is the biggest airhead to ever be in politics. I remember when McCain picked her. I heard it on the radio and thought it was a genius move, but I'd never heard of her. When I watched her speak for the first time I was disheartened but hoping she could elevate her game. When I watched the Couric interview and Palin couldn't answer what magazines she liked I was angry that McCain and/or his advisors picked this idiot. it was almost as if McCain wanted to lose the election.

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