Schumer calls for Trump"s removal


Gold Member
Jan 9, 2003
from office immediately using 25th amendment. He also states if that's not done he should be impeached. All this when Trump has already stated he will be peacefully leaving in less than two weeks. Didn't the Dems talk about uniting the country? What a crock of shit. They continue to stoop to new lows as they continue to ignore 75 million Americans. More to come.
from office immediately using 25th amendment. He also states if that's not done he should be impeached. All this when Trump has already stated he will be peacefully leaving in less than two weeks. Didn't the Dems talk about uniting the country? What a crock of shit. They continue to stoop to new lows as they continue to ignore 75 million Americans. More to come.
He's stated before he'll leave peacefully but still actively tries to incite violence. Do you think that we should take him on his word and wait til more people die?

Schumer shouldn't be the one calling for it, this should come from top republicans but it absolutely should happen unless they can assure he will be kept away from public for next 13 days.
from office immediately using 25th amendment. He also states if that's not done he should be impeached. All this when Trump has already stated he will be peacefully leaving in less than two weeks. Didn't the Dems talk about uniting the country? What a crock of shit. They continue to stoop to new lows as they continue to ignore 75 million Americans. More to come.
Schumer and Pelosi better hope they don't get suicided in the next 13 days. Of course, Trump is Mr. NICE GUY. I know what I would do if I had that power.
And the idiots wandering why the Trump supporters protest
Because they are moronic puppets of the most bigly POS president in history. He tricked them into his BS election lies and the sheep fell for it. Disgraceful
Because they are moronic puppets of the most bigly POS president in history. He tricked them into his BS election lies and the sheep fell for it. Disgraceful
So Bidens supporters are not moronic puppets and sheep? Biden’s have been bought by China and his sheep fell for it .Disgraceful
I say let the turd wear the title of President it’s only ten more days. He’s been in a rabbit hole since November 7th anyway.

After Jan 20...Lock Him Up!
I say let the turd wear the title of President it’s only ten more days. He’s been in a rabbit hole since November 7th anyway.

After Jan 20...Lock Him Up!
So it is ok to call President Trump a turd and Not President Biden. Should Biden be lock up being bought by Chinese?

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