Self made real billionaire George Soros donates his fortune bulk to progressive foundation

Yeah as he fled he stopped to help the Nazis steal from his own people! This scumbag literally went door to door with the SS stealing anything of value!! @rerun you are a real scumbag!! Have a clue what you are talking about before running off at the mouth!! Soros the worlds biggest scumbag

Watch interview! @Rerun is the typical lying liberal who repeats whatever CNN and MSNBC tell him. @Rerun is a total fraud! Fast forward to 6:50 and listen to this scumbag. Literally tells the interviewer he doesn’t feel bad at all for selling his people out. Total scumbag.
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Watch interview! @Rerun is the typical lying liberal who repeats whatever CNN and MSNBC tell him. @Rerun is a total fraud! Fast forward to 6:50 and listen to this scumbag. Literally tells the interviewer he doesn’t feel bad at all for selling his people out. Total scumbag.
You're such a G damned liar. Soros accompanied his step father who confiscated property. He was a child!!!
He played no role! Lying douche bag @PalmaBoy .
Jew hater and racist.
Funny part is, he admits it in video! Nice try though. Again, make up all the bullshit you want. Facts on my side. @rerun is a total scumbag. And explain to me where I was racist and how I hate Jews all while I was defending them in my posts! Again, @Rerun you are full of hate and lies.
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I've had the good fortune of meeting George before. Good guy who has spent considerable sums of his fortune on promoting democracy and governance in former eastern block countries.
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I've had the good fortune of meeting George before. Good guy who has spent considerable sums of his fortune on promoting democracy and governance in former eastern block countries.
I’ll call bullshit, either way. If he’s promoting democracy why do all these countries say he isn’t?? Wouldn’t they know better than you?? Govt actually ban him. Real bad guy!
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I've had the good fortune of meeting George before. Good guy who has spent considerable sums of his fortune on promoting democracy and governance in former eastern block countries.


You are a hoodwinked person who is being played by a predator.

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I’ll call bullshit, either way. If he’s promoting democracy why do all these countries say he isn’t?? Wouldn’t they know better than you?? Govt actually ban him. Real bad guy!

Because some of them are run by authoritarians obviously. For example, George funded a scholarship for Viktor Orban's education years ago. Orban then turned into a Hungarian ultranationalist who viewed George's democracy promotion programs as a threat to his authoritarian ambitions. Rinse and repeat with Putin and others.
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Because some of them are run by authoritarians obviously. For example, George funded a scholarship for Viktor Orban's education years ago. Orban then turned into a Hungarian ultranationalist who viewed George's democracy promotion programs as a threat to his authoritarian ambitions. Rinse and repeat with Putin and others.
Ireland “authoritarian”?? England would love to see him rot of cancer. And he’s destroyed more than he’s built!! Guys a piece of shit! Period
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You know nothing about him other than what your masters in the right wing media order you to believe.
Typical soap box response!! There’s plenty of info left and right proving the fact he’s a scumbag. Watch the 60 minutes interview. Total scumbag!
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Typical soap box response!! There’s plenty of info left and right proving the fact he’s a scumbag. Watch the 60 minutes interview. Total scumbag!

Its a great piece that paints him in a pretty fair light. There's nothing negative about it.
Its a great piece that paints him in a pretty fair light. There's nothing negative about it.
Nothing negative??? Are you insane?? Let’s just talk about the part when he sold out his people to Nazi’s?? Raoul what happened to the honesty and decorum you preached about?? Goes out the window when you need to spin a narrative?
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Nothing negative??? Are you insane?? Let’s just talk about the part when he sold out his people to Nazi’s?? Raoul what happened to the honesty and decorum you preached about?? Goes out the window when you need to spin a narrative?

Nothing at all. I've met the guy and have a pretty comprehensive knowledge about his life and work. If you step outside the misinformation and paranoia of the right wing bubble, you'd see the guy is straight out of the top drawer. Not only one of the most successful traders and political economists ever but also one of the great humanitarians of our time. Look at his catalog of work with the Open Society Foundations for example.
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Nothing at all. I've met the guy and have a pretty comprehensive knowledge about his life and work. If you step outside the misinformation and paranoia of the right wing bubble, you'd see the guy is straight out of the top drawer. Not only one of the most successful traders and political economists ever but also one of the great humanitarians of our time. Look at his catalog of work with the Open Society Foundations for example.
You meeting him aside, which i highly doubt. Misinformation? What part is misinformation he sold out his own people? And he’s not a trader at all, having meet him you’d know this. Runs a hedge fund which is almost total opposite of “trading” and the “humanitarian” line is a joke!! Soros has funded radical militants and violence all over the world!!! Why can’t Liberals ever be honest?? Why is that so hard?
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You meeting him aside, which i highly doubt. Misinformation? What part is misinformation he sold out his own people? And he’s not a trader at all, having meet him you’d know this. Runs a hedge fund which is almost total opposite of “trading” and the “humanitarian” line is a joke!! Soros has funded radical militants and violence all over the world!!! Why can’t Liberals ever be honest?? Why is that so hard?

He has historically been turned into a bit of a pantomime villain by right of center media because of his support for move's voter programs. Before that, he was quite a good guy. All of this is basically ginned up by Hannity and O'Reilly about a decade ago and has taken on a life of its own on right wing talk radio. The more paranoid and non-factual the better.
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He has historically been turned into a bit of a pantomime villain by right of center media because of his support for move's voter programs. Before that, he was quite a good guy. All of this is basically ginned up by Hannity and O'Reilly about a decade ago and has taken on a life of its own on right wing talk radio. The more paranoid and non-factual the better.
Totally disagree, sealed his fate when he turned on his own people! Plenty of dirt under his nails way before Hannity and the right. Bank of England menuver alone he showed his cards. Soros is anti democracy and this “open border” policy of his is nothing except for his financial gain. Total scumbag
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Totally disagree, sealed his fate when he turned on his own people! Plenty of dirt under his nails way before Hannity and the right. Bank of England menuver alone he showed his cards. Soros is anti democracy and this “open border” policy of his is nothing except for his financial gain. Total scumbag

The Bank of England issue was pure genius. He played the game by the rules and won. If the Brits are upset by that they lost out then they should lobby to change the rules of the financial system rather than blame the participants.
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Not his country, but rather a politician from a right wing Putin backed government. If you've lived in Hungary before you would know about Orban and Fidesz. Orban is an authoritarian who deeply resents George's influence and democracy promotion, and is constantly using Putin style tactics to pass laws that weaken him. They have been at it for years.
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The Bank of England issue was pure genius. He played the game by the rules and won. If the Brits are upset by that they should lobby to change the rules of the financial system rather than blame the participants.
Genius and on them for exposing the populous to speculators such as Soros. However how long did England suffer?
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Genius and on them for exposing the populous to speculators such as Soros. However how long did England suffer?

That is their problem for mismanaging their own currency - Soros played the game by the rules and won.
Not his country, but rather a politician from a right wing Putin backed government. If you've lived in Hungary before you would know about Orban and Fidesz. Orban is an authoritarian who deeply resents George's influence and democracy promotion, and is constantly using Putin style tactics to pass laws that weaken him. They have been at it for years.
Lol I’m sure you lived in Hungary and know these guys also, anyways Soros has funded anarchists all over the world to destabilize Governments which we all know the population suffers. And I notice anyone you don’t align with is “authoritarian”? Wasn’t he elected by the people?
That is their problem for mismanaging their own currency - Soros played the game by the rules and won.
Not exactly, they were placating the ERM and it hurt them. Should have looked out for themselves and not Europe! Which they finally started recently
Lol I’m sure you lived in Hungary and know these guys also, anyways Soros has funded anarchists all over the world to destabilize Governments which we all know the population suffers. And I notice anyone you don’t align with is “authoritarian”? Wasn’t he elected by the people?

I lived there from 2011-12. As for Orban, he is well known as an authoritarian who is constantly running afoul with Brussels. Putin himself has come to Budapest to get Orban in line with his anti-Europe project. They are two peas from the same pod.
I lived there from 2011-12. As for Orban, he is well known as an authoritarian who is constantly running afoul with Brussels. Putin himself has come to Budapest to get Orban in line with his anti-Europe project. They are two peas from the same pod.

Please go back and spend the rest of your life in Europe. Please...we don’t need you
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I lived there from 2011-12. As for Orban, he is well known as an authoritarian who is constantly running afoul with Brussels. Putin himself has come to Budapest to get Orban in line with his anti-Europe project. They are two peas from the same pod.
Yeah ok