Serious question; Can anyone point to even 1 area where America is better off in 17 months?

What? Your stupidity is overwhelming. The British Royal Family publicly mocked Brandon. What are you talking about? The post about nobody having the capacity to outwit you didn't age well. Stop humiliating yourself.
Last time I checked the Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Charles wife , was not a corrupt authoritarian leader in Saudi Arabia. LOL! Wrong again.
What? Your stupidity is overwhelming. The British Royal Family publicly mocked Brandon. What are you talking about? The post about nobody having the capacity to outwit you didn't age well. Stop humiliating yourself.
I've done well against a pea brain like you. Stay focused.
You clearly misinterpreted a post and made a fool of yourself again. At this point everybody is used to it. BTW, the Duchess of Cornwall does not live in Saudi Arabia.Maybe you'll get it right some day. Keep posting.
You clearly misinterpreted a post and made a fool of yourself again. At this point everybody is used to it. BTW, the Duchess of Cornwall does not live in Saudi Arabia.Maybe you'll get it right some day. Keep posting.
You may have been discussing a Duchess but I was talking about that Prince who is a murderer and Trump ignored it Got it?
You praising another corrupt authoritarian leader is stunning. In fact, he's a murderer. He can stay his ass in Saudi Arabia.
Your dumb post was totally off topic. Nobody was even talking about Saudi Arabia. If they were, produce the post .I challenge you to produce it, but you can't .Do you ever stop talking out of your ass? You just waste space here.
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Your dumb post was totally off topic. Nobody was even talking about Saudi Arabia. If they were, produce the post .I challenge you to produce it, but you can't .Do you ever stop talking out of your ass? You just waste space here.
Actually, the only space I waste is that empty space in your head.
Thinking outside the box I like that. Now how has that helped your family? Your money? Your health? Your wellbeing?
What about the lib “traitors” urging others on? And why won’t the police allow access to all the videos? And what about the recent trial that was dismissed because the judge ruled that one cannot “trespass” when the police actually let you in? And why did the Capitol Police and congressional democrats refuse Trumps offer of providing Guard troops to protect the proceedings? And why did the top officials of the Capitol Police act like they got ptsd and cried about the “invasion”.
CNN producer laughing about it caught in video how they were told to act horrified about it. Laughing. Playing chump libs. I doubt even you think it was that big of a deal.
Too many inconsistencies and convenient incidences.
And why isn’t the same outrage by folks like you concerning the Supreme Court Justices having scumbag libs—encouraged by the president-to riot in front of the residences?
You’re being played. You’re watching the nation crumble but are too ashamed to admit you made a mistake. There is no defense of your position.
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Trump was the ultimate failure like you.
Name some failures. And name ANY successes the Dotard has accomplished. Everything was supremely better under Trump even with all the distractions and lies the libs attacked him with. The media against him. Hollywood. And nothing really crippled his presidency. Brandon has been crippling his term all by himself.
Things are only gonna get worse.
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Name some failures. And name ANY successes the Dotard has accomplished. Everything was supremely better under Trump even with all the distractions and lies the libs attacked him with. The media against him. Hollywood. And nothing really crippled his presidency. Brandon has been crippling his term all by himself.
Things are only gonna get worse.
You may have been discussing a Duchess but I was talking about that Prince who is a murderer and Trump ignored it Got it?
Thank you for that brilliant non sequitur which had nothing to do with the topic, Trump or Saudi Arabia.
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What about the lib “traitors” urging others on? And why won’t the police allow access to all the videos? And what about the recent trial that was dismissed because the judge ruled that one cannot “trespass” when the police actually let you in? And why did the Capitol Police and congressional democrats refuse Trumps offer of providing Guard troops to protect the proceedings? And why did the top officials of the Capitol Police act like they got ptsd and cried about the “invasion”.
CNN producer laughing about it caught in video how they were told to act horrified about it. Laughing. Playing chump libs. I doubt even you think it was that big of a deal.
Too many inconsistencies and convenient incidences.
And why isn’t the same outrage by folks like you concerning the Supreme Court Justices having scumbag libs—encouraged by the president-to riot in front of the residences?
You’re being played. You’re watching the nation crumble but are too ashamed to admit you made a mistake. There is no defense of your position.
I don't think you are speaking to me with this reply. ? I think Jan 6th sucked and was awful. But it was a couple hundred pissed off fools not some carefully coordinated act. It wasn't to overthrow anyone or an insurrection. It was people who felt their voices weren't being heard and they were hot about it. When they got into the Capital what did they do? Take pictures, sit at desks. They should all get in trouble it was a stupid thing to do. Played right into the liberal MSM hand too.
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I don't think you are speaking to me with this reply. ? I think Jan 6th sucked and was awful. But it was a couple hundred pissed off fools not some carefully coordinated act. It wasn't to overthrow anyone or an insurrection. It was people who felt their voices weren't being heard and they were hot about it. When they got into the Capital what did they do? Take pictures, sit at desks. They should all get in trouble it was a stupid thing to do. Played right into the liberal MSM hand too.
Nice take on an obvious insurrection. Next time you post, I'm certain you will say the BLM marches were, "it was people who felt their voices weren't being heard and they are hot about it". Sounds familiar? GTFOH
Nice take on an obvious insurrection. Next time you post, I'm certain you will say the BLM marches were, "it was people who felt their voices weren't being heard and they are hot about it". Sounds familiar? GTFOH

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