You asked me what is a hillbilly and I said you. You look and sound like someone of low IQ and a Trump supporter. That's you!!I was born in Havana Cuba you clown..
ur as ignorant as they come no wonder u & CD get along so well...🤡🤡🤡🤡
You asked me what is a hillbilly and I said you. You look and sound like someone of low IQ and a Trump supporter. That's you!!I was born in Havana Cuba you clown..
ur as ignorant as they come no wonder u & CD get along so well...🤡🤡🤡🤡
I hurl facts like Trump is a POS. You agree?I'm with you on that. Trump lost. I'm talking specifically about you and the cubano guy. You both just hurl the same insults back and forth daily. Was just wondering if it got old for both of you.
Do you also agree the Republican party is now a hate group? Here is a list of some of their members:I'm with you on that. Trump lost. I'm talking specifically about you and the cubano guy. You both just hurl the same insults back and forth daily. Was just wondering if it got old for both of you.
What's lacking? Another run by Trump for president.What's lacking in your life that being a troll provides?
EvangelicalI have never said stop the steal. Race and identity politics are the base of the dem ideology. That's not even a debate. You all do nothing but judge by the outside and divide everyone into their boxes.
If Joe went tran you have an issue with that? or you just going for yucks? you don't seem the type that would care what someone does for their own personal well being. Maybe its just the libertarian in me, let folks live if they not breaking the law or hurting others in the process. Joe and Mika are married, if he wanted to become a she, why do I care? seems like a Mika issue.I thought it was funny watching Joe sneak out from under Mika's skirt. Is it just me or does Mika become more masculine and Joe more feminine by the day? They are becoming America's transexual couple in front of us every morning. Hawaiian Cane must be so proud.
I don’t expect someone with low integrity to see this as a lie:Evangelical
2nd Amendment Folks
Blue Collar
Trump not only targeted those groups but he played to the things that they shared collectively, coalesced their identities into his "base". Frequently targeting immigrants, Muslims and "democrat run cities" as thinly veiled racial euphemisms and the counterweight to the other topics.
There are posts here that are anti-trangender right now, that is a literal form of identity politics.
There are posts prior about Islam, also identity.
Both parties traffic in it, the last party that peddled it all the way to the white house was GOP.
I don't say that its wrong I just think it odd fo you to make the statement in bold when you had a President whose first speech labeled Mexicans as criminal with "some" (not most, not a majority) as good people, in fact he started with "not sending there best", a man who crafted a "total and complete shut down of Muslims" until the Courts said, to broad, its racist that way, tone it down and he limited to certain states, a man who said a federal judge who was born American couldn't be fair because of where his parents where born and a man who stated "look at my African American" and then against his own military leadership's advice banned trans from the military.
A guy that panders to worst of the Evangelical base, not people of faith but megachurch millionaires that are dirty as hell like Falwell and co.
So again, not saying that it inapplicable to both, just wondering how with the recent history, it can be so simply dismissed.
He will never admit to being wrong. CD2 has lost it. The days of sensible debates with this cat are gone after he got caught lying.Your trying to redirect in a direction you want to go. Do you want to argue that the dems dont peddle in identity politics? or quabble about who does more? So you either agree with my statement or you don't? Yes or no?
You may live in a binary world of rhetorical device. I don’t. I was pointing that both parties engage in it. Your statement was “Race and identity politics are the base of the dem ideology”. I disagree. I think it can said that the new Trump base (differs from actual Republicans in a traditional sense) are literally defined by grievance based identity politics. Biden voters, at least those voting Dem last time, were comprised of a good number voters who people who were repelled by Trumpism’s identity politics.Your trying to redirect in a direction you want to go. Do you want to argue that the dems dont peddle in identity politics? or quabble about who does more? So you either agree with my statement or you don't? Yes or no?
Ur an idiot , you know what they say u can take a pig out of his pen clean him up but he’s still a pig....You asked me what is a hillbilly and I said you. You look and sound like someone of low IQ and a Trump supporter. That's you!!
Didn't point out 1 thing racist sorry dufus
You invested substantial time and energy to in your missive while doing little more than launching ad hominem. I don’t think I’m enlightened at all, I think most in this board are intentional about their obfuscations, when called on that they get defensive, avoid the debate issue and eschew cogent reasoning for insults. Colloquially the attitude could be described as “it’s the likes for me”.Lol. You must be in a position where people have no choice but to listen to your droning bullshit so you think you make convincing arguments. Hold on while I get my boots so I can wade thru your bullshit. You live in a world of confirmation bias. You keep talking to me about Trump and Republicans. I dont care about either and haven't ever sung his praises. I'm speaking about democrats. Anywho, save your dissertation response about Republicans or how much more enlightened you are then everyone else. I'm not someone who is held hostage by your position and have no choice but to your not that compelling.