You used to be one of the best posters on this board. Now, you're conservative bullshit is aggravating and out of control! Go back to football
Let me explain something to you, because you are as clueless as Alicia Silverstone.
I voted for John Kerry for President in 2004. Anybody who voted for John Kerry for President in 2004 is not full of "conservative bullshit"- so you can take that self serving commentary and stick it right up your ass. I have voted and supported Katherine Fernandez Rundle, who is a longtime DEMOCRAT, and the longtime State Attorney for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit in and for Miami-Dade County. She is an excellent State Attorney, an excellent attorney, and an excellent person. I am a BIG fan of Patrick (Erin) Murphy, who is currently a DEMOCRATIC Congressman for Florida. He is a moderate, well-educated, well-respected politician who has a BRIGHT future in politics and who comes from a great family. He is what I consider the "Rubio" of the Democratic party, and who will probably run for Senate one day in the future- and if he does, then I will vote for him.
So, I have a PROVEN track record of supporting and voting for Democrats in various areas of both law and politics, because I am an ISSUE guy, and even though I am a PROUD REGISTERED REPUBLICAN, I am of high intellect, high education, and high political awareness.
Now that that is out of the way, let me REALLY spoon feed a healthy dose of reality about the political state of affairs in this great country.
FLAMING FAR LEFT LIBERALS are trying to run this great country down a dark, dishonest, and dangerous political road. Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, and Debbie Wasserman Shultz- four FAR LEFT LIBERAL CRHONIES who are about as politically dishonest as it gets.
What far left liberals want to do is SUPPRESS free speech when that free speech contradicts THEIR self-serving agendas. Liberals are fast to champion themselves as the "group of tolerance", but are too often the first ones at the political forefront to condemn free speech which opposes their point of view. That degree of hypocrisy is disgusting at every level, and Americans have become fed up with that bullshit. Far left liberals are also the group who want to use the United States Supreme Court as a forum for social engineering experimentation. Far left liberals are the group who want to UNDERMINE the United States Constitution- look no further than Obama's long laundry list of ILLEGAL executive orders which violate the Separation of Powers Doctrine. The Executive Branch ENFORCES the law- it does NOT create law where Congress has not acted. That is a lesson which Obama has NEVER learned, and one of many reasons why he will go down as arguably the WORST, MOST DIVISIVE President in U.S. History. If all that isn't enough to piss off any reasonable, proud American, far left liberals want to create an economy that is not rooted in private capitablism, but rather that is rooted in public socialism. Look no further than the delusional 74 year old Senator from Vermont who has beaten Crooked Hillary 20 something times in your Democratic Primary. Or, you can just look at the fact that MORE Americans are OUT of the labor force and ON WELFARE/ENTITLEMENT PROGRAMS now than when Obama took office. This is AMERICA- not SPAIN. Finally, far left liberals have a DISTURBING track record of BLAMING AMERICA for the failures of individuals in this country, instead of holding those same individuals accountable for their respective actions.
The great Teddy Roosevelt once said: "The first responsibility of every citizen of this Country is to pull his weight." Well, you know what, it is time for you far left liberals to start embracing the fundamental American values that made this country great, or get the hell out of here and move to Scandavia. It is time to take this country back from the hands of far left liberals who, led by Obama, have implemented failed political, social, and economic policies for EIGHT YEARS RUNNING.
All of these far left liberals can wallow in their liberal circle jerk of bullshit all they want, but the time for far left liberalism, is, as honeyiv would say, OVA!
GOP 2016.