The Dems Convention Focusing on "We The People"


Aug 14, 2007
That's what it is about....not this idea of when America was great for certain demographic. Let's make America great for all demographics. In the words of the great Chuck D.....Power to the people no delay!!!
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Now if the Democrats could only control AOC's big mouth. Why she felt the need to attack Kasich tonight is beyond me. He represents exactly the type of reasonable Republican that the Democrats should be trying to bring over. But no she has to shit on him right before he speaks. Totally clueless and exactly the reason why so many people can't identify with the party.
Yep speaking for the people, BLM, ANTIFA, looting ,riots, no police, no law and order, hate America, hate capitalism, supporters of communism,baby killers, Inner city’s total destruction by black on black crime run by Democrats, family structure Destruction, much more but biggest of all ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY.
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Eva Longoria was last nights convention hostess- here’s a good lie she told - Trump is purposely slowing down the mail and all Sr citizens will not be getting their Social Security checks on time in the future .
98.8 % of SS checks are direct deposit
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We the people lol. Name one bill that he passed unanimously that benefited the people. He talks about unite, but what he really means is unite the dems with commies/anarchists. All he did during his tenure was alienate the middle which was why Trump won every swing state in the first place.
Eva Longoria was last nights convention hostess- here’s a good lie she told - Trump is purposely slowing down the mail and all Sr citizens will not be getting their Social Security checks on time in the future .
98.8 % of SS checks are direct deposit
Another lie told during last nights speeches...

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That's what it is about....not this idea of when America was great for certain demographic. Let's make America great for all demographics. In the words of the great Chuck D.....Power to the people no delay!!!

so by we the people, did they mean the people that live here? Or is it give me your vote and live with status quo?


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