THE HILL... Quote, The polls are wrong

Prime example of the fake polls. ABC/WashPost today has Biden up 17points in WI. Trafalgar who got it right 4 years ago has Biden up 1. ABC/WashPost Quinnipiac Monmouth NYTimes YouGov etc etc are a joke this year. It’s as if they’ve double downed from their debacle 4 years ago. They will be totally disgraced in a week unless you see them miraculously cut 8-12points off all their phony polls in the next 5-6days. Stay tuned.
Go to Philly you’ll get your wish.
I am from PA. The other side of PA that is good and not run by mostly democrats. I remember we played Philly Ben Franklin in a basketball tournament and you exchange gifts with the other team before the games. We had gifts, they didn't because they were so poor. Regardless i got my first glimpse of playing against a 21 year old teen with a full beard.
I am from PA. The other side of PA that is good and not run by mostly democrats. I remember we played Philly Ben Franklin in a basketball tournament and you exchange gifts with the other team before the games. We had gifts, they didn't because they were so poor. Regardless i got my first glimpse of playing against a 21 year old teen with a full beard.

Ben Franklin located right on Broad St. Friend of mine taught there when first teaching in Public school system, he ended at Frankford and coached Football. He told a story of playing Shawnee HS in Medford NJ. ( Nice Suburban Community) . Their coach says we’re a school of 410 Freshman, 410, Sophomores, 405 Juniors, 400 Sr. He says back were 250 Fr, 200 So, 140jr, 100 Sr. Welcome to Philly public school system.

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