When did sports not include politics? Is it the politics that you disagree with or the athlete expressing them. Last check, sports has been at the forefront of politics for as long as major leagues existed. some good, Babe Zaharias, Jim Thorpe, Jesse Owens, some good and bad Branch Rickey, Teofillo Stephens, Jack Dempsey, and some bad Marge Schott, Lenny Dykstra, Jim Brown ... its just not new.
But here is the real thing, why the distaste for someone expressing their 1st amendment right? I mean its literally the first, and if you don't like it you can tune it out. Hell feel free to "cancel" it. I don't have to agree with shit Herschel Walker says but I can respect his right to say it. I don't agree with Colby Covington, didn't agree with Machmoud Abdul Raof, but I'm not going to be upset over them saying.
So for those that don't watch X because they don't want to hear Y, that's the way to do it. As for me, I want to see BLM stickers on helmets because Black Lives do Matter. You have every right to cancel those who feel the same, call its something different since "cancel" has become toxic.