the vaccine

In these tense times, here's something we can all agree on:

1 The vaccine should be tested on politicians first.

2 If they survive, the vaccine is safe.

3 If they don't, the country is safe.

hello thousand have been used in the safety trials...
Both vaccines look promising (over 90% success rate so far), so if all goes well we should start seeing mass production soon.
Huge difference. Pay attention fool.

Cems Cems Cems.... When they where giving out brains you thought they said get on the train...
U r a pathetic little little girly man... Do us all a favor go play in the middle of the street during rush hour will ya...
This just in...

Biden wins Georgia AGAIN!

GA finished the entire hand count and same result. Yeah like anyone with a brain couldn’t figure that out.

Absolute landslide win and by over 5 million votes. Biden tore Trump a new one lol
Cems Cems Cems.... When they where giving out brains you thought they said get on the train...
U r a pathetic little little girly man... Do us all a favor go play in the middle of the street during rush hour will ya...
You got caught not knowing the difference between a vaccine and a therapeutic drug. Admit it and lets move to a subject more to your brain capacity like playing marbles.
Come mi polla!!!!

I grew up in a neighborhood with lots of Puerto Rican brothers.
WOW... You want another man doing that to you.... Cems I didn't know you swing that way..
When did u come out of the closet... ???

No thanks bro I’ll stick with my Colombian mamacitas...
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