There Is Something That Isn’t Adding Up About Michael Cohen.


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2007
Hometown: Coral Gables; Currently: Downtown FTL
The mainstream media wants the public to believe that Michael Cohen committed bank fraud by using the proceeds of a home equity line to pay off Stormy Daniels when his client, president Donald J Trump, is a billionaire and can pull a $130K check out of his ass... Something isn’t adding up. Also, this has nothing to do with collusion and is not even an impeachable offense. Just Mueller going rogue to satisfy a personal vandetta. This is truly grasping at straws in the 11th hour and 1 1/2 years of liberal bitchassness and conspiracies theories have failed.
The mainstream media wants the public to believe that Michael Cohen committed bank fraud by using the proceeds of a home equity line to pay off Stormy Daniels when his client, president Donald J Trump, is a billionaire and can pull a $130K check out of his ass... Something isn’t adding up. Also, this has nothing to do with collusion and is not even an impeachable offense. Just Mueller going rogue to satisfy a personal vandetta. This is truly grasping at straws in the 11th hour and 1 1/2 years of liberal bitchassness and conspiracies theories have failed.

Same thing Ken Starr did back in the 90s. He was appointed to look at the white water issue and went after him for monica. You remember Right? When everyone was so so mortified by what Clinton did. Now those same people are just fine with paying off a porn star in exchange for silence. Gotta love the hypocrisy.
The mainstream media wants the public to believe that Michael Cohen committed bank fraud by using the proceeds of a home equity line to pay off Stormy Daniels when his client, president Donald J Trump, is a billionaire and can pull a $130K check out of his ass... Something isn’t adding up. Also, this has nothing to do with collusion and is not even an impeachable offense. Just Mueller going rogue to satisfy a personal vandetta. This is truly grasping at straws in the 11th hour and 1 1/2 years of liberal bitchassness and conspiracies theories have failed.
Last time I checked, Robert Mueller has no jurisdiction over the FBI who were the ones who obtained the subpoenas and conducted the raid. From my understanding law enforcement officials have to jump through a shitload of hoops to get a judge to sign off on a search warrant of an attorney's law offices because of attorney/client privilege etc. You know what else doesn't add up? A lawyer taking out a $130K home equity loan to pay hush money to a whore for his multibillionaire client without his knowledge or the prospect of being repaid who can as you say pull that kind of bread out of his ass.
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Same thing Ken Starr did back in the 90s. He was appointed to look at the white water issue and went after him for monica. You remember Right? When everyone was so so mortified by what Clinton did. Now those same people are just fine with paying off a porn star in exchange for silence. Gotta love the hypocrisy.

There is no hypocrisy. Bill’s affair with Monica happened while Bill was IN OFFICE. Trump’s “alleged” shindig with Stormy occurred more than a DECADE ago when Trump was a private citizen.

There is no hypocrisy- only liberals’ double standards to drive a false narrative and achieve a self-serving agenda which nobody in this country outside of coastal liberalism gives a shit about after 1 1/2 years.
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Last time I checked, Robert Mueller has no jurisdiction over the FBI who were the ones who obtained the subpoenas and conducted the raid. From my understanding law enforcement officials have to jump through a shitload of hoops to get a judge to sign off on a search warrant of an attorney's law offices because of attorney/client privilege etc. You know what else doesn't add up? A lawyer taking out a $130K home equity loan to pay hush money to a whore for his multibillionaire client without his knowledge or the prospect of being repaid who can as you say pull that kind of bread out of his ass.

You’re correct that Mueller went to the federal lawyers and the federal court, but he did go to federal lawyers and drive the bus on this one.
There is no hypocrisy. Bill’s affair with Monica happened while Bill was IN OFFICE. Trump’s “alleged” shindig with Stormy occurred more than a DECADE ago when Trump was a private citizen.

There is no hypocrisy- only liberals’ double standards to drive a false narrative and achieve a self-serving agenda which nobody in this country outside of coastal liberalism gives a shit about after 1 1/2 years.

Really? They didn't interview all of Bill's girls from before he was President?
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Okay....lmao. Seriously? You are blaming Mueller and the liberal bitchassness media or whatever that is you love to say about liberals? Like my grandmamma loves to say....CHILD PLEASE!

It's not our fault that Trump is trying to sue a woman he claims he doesn't know to keep something quite he never knew about.....ROLMAO....You're damn right something doesn't seem right. Either you knew her and she is lying? Upon which if true why is your lawyer saying he paid her? You didn't know her and she is lying. Upon which if true why is your lawyer saying he paid her? You were set up. Upon which why is your lawyer saying he paid her? you see where this is going? At the end of the day, his own lawyer has said he paid her man.

So, your theory implies his own lawyer is lying on him.....right?
You’re correct that Mueller went to the federal lawyers and the federal court, but he did go to federal lawyers and drive the bus on this one.
This could be nothing or it could be something, I do know this. Obtaining a search warrant for an attorney's office isn't as easy as getting one for a crackhouse.
Isn't Trump obstructing justice by telling the entire world he fired Comey because he was investigating him regarding Russia? Hmmmmmmmm?
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Correct. And the whole thing with Monica happened while he was in office. It is an apples to oranges comparison, the Liberals love to make it every day because they hate Trump and want him out at any and all costs, even if they have to make a double standard for it

Agree but don’t think wanting him out is limited to liberals. He’s stirred up whole DC Foundation. I’ve said for years both parties are in it together.
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That's the thing with these investigations. If Mueller finds additional crimes that are outside his remit then he is obliged to refer them to the appropriate jurisdiction for follow up. In this case it was the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Southern District. Its not Mueller's problem that Cohen is corrupt.
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That's the thing with these investigations. If Mueller finds additional crimes that are outside his remit then he is obliged to refer them to the appropriate jurisdiction for follow up. In this case it was the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Southern District. Its not Mueller's problem that Cohen is corrupt.

“If” “woulda” “then” “might”... Remarkable that Democrats can’t make an argument about Trump being impeached without invoking some trigger hypothetical word. All speculation. All hypothetical. 1 1/2 years... Conspiracy. Proven. Wrong. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Liberal. Meltdown. So good.
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“If” “woulda” “then” “might”... Remarkable that Democrats can’t make an argument about Trump being impeached without invoking some trigger hypothetical word. All speculation. All hypothetical. 1 1/2 years... Conspiracy. Proven. Wrong. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Liberal. Meltdown. So good.

Except there's no if, then, woulda or mights on the laundry list of indictments and guilty pleas that have already gone down. If this was a nothing case then it would've wound down a long time ago, but it has instead been repeatedly people who are lifelong Republicans no less. The very people who Trump himself appointed to their jobs are playing a big part in continuing the Mueller investigation. That should tell you all you need to know in terms of the substance of the evidence.
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He was impeached because Monica sucked on his balls underneath the White House desk

Actually he was not impeached for that. He was impeached for lying about it. Nothing illegal about getting his balls sucked. And I noticed you didn't answer the question. But I will tell that he did indeed interview all of those women including pre-presidency. What's happening now is almost identical to what happened to Clinton. Except Clinton didn't pay hush money.
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“If” “woulda” “then” “might”... Remarkable that Democrats can’t make an argument about Trump being impeached without invoking some trigger hypothetical word. All speculation. All hypothetical. 1 1/2 years... Conspiracy. Proven. Wrong. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Liberal. Meltdown. So good.
Probably because democrats understand how government works in this modern climate. You can't impeach a sitting president when his party has both chambers of congress. It is embarrassing for them. They won't do it unless there is absolutely no other choice. Any moron knows this.
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“If” “woulda” “then” “might”... Remarkable that Democrats can’t make an argument about Trump being impeached without invoking some trigger hypothetical word. All speculation. All hypothetical. 1 1/2 years... Conspiracy. Proven. Wrong. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Liberal. Meltdown. So good.

Again same exact thing that Starr did. Monica was not the reason he was appointed and we saw where that went
Except there's no if, then, woulda or mights on the laundry list of indictments and guilty pleas that have already gone down. If this was a nothing case then it would've wound down a long time ago, but it has instead been repeatedly people who are lifelong Republicans no less. The very people who Trump himself appointed to their jobs are playing a big part in continuing the Mueller investigation. That should tell you all you need to know in terms of the substance of the evidence.

Cool story. Wake me up When Trump is impeached
Again same exact thing that Starr did. Monica was not the reason he was appointed and we saw where that went

Another thing that people who are complaining about how long this investigation is dragging on are forgetting is that the Bill Clinton investigation lasted over 4 years from start to finish.
It needs to be thoroughly investigated where as there is no doubt. Dig deep as I can assure everyone if the second special council is appointed it too will be a deep dive. Should be interesting
Another thing that people who are complaining about how long this investigation is dragging on are forgetting is that the Bill Clinton investigation lasted over 4 years from start to finish.

Wow. Don't remember it lasting that long but I'll take your word for it. The Donald is losing his patience though. Only a matter of time until he makes the fatal mistake of firing Mueller. Then the real fun begins
Wow. Don't remember it lasting that long but I'll take your word for it. The Donald is losing his patience though. Only a matter of time until he makes the fatal mistake of firing Mueller. Then the real fun begins
Yep....i am pretty sure it is coming. I just don't know when. The reason i am sure it is coming is because i am pretty sure Trump is a spineless coward. He is so stupid. The fact is when he fires Mueller it is the beginning of the end for him. Not to mention we have an election coming up this year.
Sounds good enjoy your daily Trump meltdown I’ll sit back and relax and worry about stuff when he’s actually impeached for something

I'm not worried at all and I don't think he's getting impeached at this moment. Only way impeachment becomes a possibility is if he's dumb enough to fire Mueller, which is a solid possibility given his recent meltdowns.

Seems like you are worried though since you started the thread.
Yep....i am pretty sure it is coming. I just don't know when. The reason i am sure it is coming is because i am pretty sure Trump is a spineless coward. He is so stupid. The fact is when he fires Mueller it is the beginning of the end for him. Not to mention we have an election coming up this year.

Yeah I think the only way impeachment becomes a possibility is if he fires Mueller. Obviously he is dumb and irrational enough to do it. He certainly wants to. People around him I'm sure have talked him down. But the number of rational people around him is dwindling rapidly
No, Trump is safe up to the point of the mid terms and if or when he fires Mueller. Everyone knows this. He is a sitting president and people are stupid enough to ask where are the charges. You don't charge a sitting president like that. That just a stupid notion. They get impeached....and that happens when there is pretty overwhelming evidence. Less overwhelming if the dems get control of either chamber of congress.
I’m not so sure about that. I don’t think he’ll fire him but even if he does, I don’t think he’ll be facing to much angst. Never know though.

Good. I wouldn't worry until he fires Mueller. Then the shit might hit the fan.
I think there’s enough ill will to impeach him if they get some dirt, but so far he’s been unscathed by the investigation.

No, Trump is safe up to the point of the mid terms and if or when he fires Mueller. Everyone knows this. He is a sitting president and people are stupid enough to ask where are the charges. You don't charge a sitting president like that. That just a stupid notion. They get impeached....and that happens when there is pretty overwhelming evidence. Less overwhelming if the dems get control of either chamber of congress.
I don’t. I want Mueller to dig as deep as he can, identify anything and everything he finds, and prosecute those deserving it. Then I want the second special council to do the same, digging deep, identifying everything, and prosecuting the rest.

Then we can all move on, hopefully understanding how out of control our government has become, and work together to fix it.

I hope he does it.
I don’t. I want Mueller to dig as deep as he can, identify anything and everything he finds, and prosecute those deserving it. Then I want the second special council to do the same, digging deep, identifying everything, and prosecuting the rest.

Then we can all move on, hopefully understanding how out of control our government has become, and work together to fix it.

That would probably be the ideal outcome. All depends on if the Donald is disciplined enough to not fire him. He's not getting impeached if he doesn't. I don't think he can help himself though
Lol....50/50 but I think he’ll hold off.

That would probably be the ideal outcome. All depends on if the Donald is disciplined enough to not fire him. He's not getting impeached if he doesn't. I don't think he can help himself though
Yep....i am pretty sure it is coming. I just don't know when. The reason i am sure it is coming is because i am pretty sure Trump is a spineless coward. He is so stupid. The fact is when he fires Mueller it is the beginning of the end for him. Not to mention we have an election coming up this year.

He is at least as stupid as you.
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