This is a great man, an honorable man


Shittin me, my dad raised me loving this man.

Most Democrats i know always respected and and his way of politics. Its some sore losers in the lounge tonight baby. Fu@k Trump
Reading all these posts, I’m coming around to the opinion that Trump’s trashing of McCain pre and post his death may have cost him Arizona. Self destruction by DJT?
When the biden/obama campaign was running against mcain they along with the liberal media and all of hollywood called him every unholy name in the book. Nazi, war monger, grandma killer, racist, greedy, crooked etc. the only reason you guys respect mcain is because he was an establishment republican that never stood in the way of liberal policies. This guy, god rest his soul, did jack shit for the republican party. He is a big part of the reason why we wanted trump in the first place. If you respected him so much you should have voted for him instead of obama but you didn’t and that’s a big reason why we’ve had four years of Trump. Trump was absolutely blow back from eight years of liberal policy and do nothing establishment republicans.

Aside from his service, what exactly is it that you respect him so much for? Admit it, you only like him cause he was a never trumper.
Respect McCain's war record but he started the fake Russian Dossier mess and leaked it to Buzz Feed and also killed the overturn of Obamacare.He was a real jerk at the end.
McCain is literally an American Treasure.
He is rotting in he deserves to be. Man spent the last 10 years of his life trying to get revenge on Trump. Didn't work. BRAIN CANCER!!! To hell with him. Let him rot.
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He is rotting in he deserves to be. Man spent the last 10 years of his life trying to get revenge on Trump. Didn't work. BRAIN CANCER!!! To hell with him. Let him rot.
He was a tale of 2 men. One was a legitimate war hero, the other the epitome of what’s wrong with Washington politics. The one I remember was a power hungry piece of shit.
But Trump went to far attacking him and is paying for it
He was a tale of 2 men. One was a legitimate war hero, the other the epitome of what’s wrong with Washington politics. The one I remember was a power hungry piece of shit.
But Trump went to far attacking him and is paying for it
I think his mind got messed up after spending so much time in an enemy prison. There is zero room for the swamp longer. We need to take up arms. I have never even owned a gun in my life. But I am buying one tomorrow. This bullshit will stop. Cash will make fun of me. Just a .22. I don't wanna take over the world! But I will eliminate any animal who comes even close to my castle.
I think his mind got messed up after spending so much time in an enemy prison. There is zero room for the swamp longer. We need to take up arms. I have never even owned a gun in my life. But I am buying one tomorrow. This bullshit will stop. Cash will make fun of me. Just a .22. I don't wanna take over the world! But I will eliminate any animal who comes even close to my castle.

So we know he was drunk but does this sound like sane talk?
Your Dad raised you loving John McCain? LMAO

My father was a WW2 vet, we lost an uncle in Nam. My dad was a true patriot all his brothers served. The uncle was on Mom's side but my dad was close to him. He wasn't to keen on the war but loved the warriors. So yes, he was a big Ike guy and McCain was treated with reverence. The Maverick was a big deal in our home. As I got older I learned to appreciate him even when we differed because of his adherence to principle.
McCain is literally an American Treasure.

Now he is a treasure but when he was in office and ran for president he was called every name in the book by the left..

Pathetic and the gull you fuccking Dems have...
Its always the flavor of the day with you clowns...
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My father was a WW2 vet, we lost an uncle in Nam. My dad was a true patriot all his brothers served. The uncle was on Mom's side but my dad was close to him. He wasn't to keen on the war but loved the warriors. So yes, he was a big Ike guy and McCain was treated with reverence. The Maverick was a big deal in our home. As I got older I learned to appreciate him even when we differed because of his adherence to principle.

Haha.. ur so full of shitt...

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