He is very good at the west coast system of reading short to long, just has to get through those progressions quicker, so he can get the ball out early enough to hit the deep balls. With more experience the game should speed up for him.
N'Kosi has a tougher road in this system, he is dead set on reading deep middle first and foremost. He has to change his mentality nearly 90 degrees and doesn't seem quite able to. He should probably transfer to a heavy run/RPO system that baits the safetys to cheat up. That system is very limited however (hello Rosier).
N'Kosi has a tougher road in this system, he is dead set on reading deep middle first and foremost. He has to change his mentality nearly 90 degrees and doesn't seem quite able to. He should probably transfer to a heavy run/RPO system that baits the safetys to cheat up. That system is very limited however (hello Rosier).