I’m not saying it’s ok but it’s not new and there’s nothing our country can do to keep other countries from trying other than improved software. This fantasy of we need to force everyone to be on the honer system when for decades we’ve been meddling in other foreign elections is beyond ludicrous. This has been going on for over fifty years and it’s not going to stop under anyone any time soon to put it lightly.
The only thing the dems can do to render “election meddling” is to stop doing crazy ass corrupt shenanigans that they keep getting exposed for. It’s almost gotten to the point where it’s a don’t kill the messenger type situation as far as im concerned. I mean what’s worse, the guy trying to rat out the bad guy for doing bad shit or the bad guy doing bad shit? If you dems don’t give the countries that we have zero control over a reason to hack emails than their attacks as you know it will be rendered useless. The attitude of Trump’s below the law because he’s the pres but the left politicians can do what ever they want so long as they dont get exposed for it and when they do it’s below the belt is just bizarre.
stop being shady! It’s not Russias fault that the clintons and the bidens (two families that the left has rigged their party to be the reps of) are shady as hell. It’s you’re alls fault that you chose these guys as your guys knowing full well how shady they are. If they didn’t have so many freaking skeletons in the closet none of this would be an issue. Pick decent ppl for a change and than you’d actually have a leg to stand on when throwing stones. In fact i can guarantee you that other countries are trying to expose Trump but at the end of the day theres nothing that the other countries can expose him for that the media and the left haven’t already been working over time spying and leaking but it’s just not enough. Sorry no email gate for trump or shady family foreign affairs for trump. Guy made his money before he was a politician. No influence over russia where hillaries brother owns a massive oil refinery or justin bidens 500 mill dollar construction contract in iraq or hunters multi million dollar natural gas contract in Ukraine or joes meddling in foregn affairs of Iraq and Ukraine while in charge if those regions. Sorry can’t expose trump for chinnanagins of that mag. You guys tried to use kerry as your front runner. Surprise surprise his son had a multi million dollar oil refinery contract in china with whitey bulgers nephew, WHITEY FREAKING BULGERS nephew! Guess what, I didn’t need foreign email hacking to find this info either because it’s common public knowledge! You guys are the ones that keep picking these crooked schmucks. I’m sorry but when trump is an ass hole that hooked up with stormy is the best you can come up with, it’s just not enough because no one cares so long as he’s boosting the economy and keeping the country safe. That’s another thing. Only a democrat would vote for someone because he has the cool factor and speaks well. Like never mind the fact that he or she’s a career politician that sucks at their job because at the end of the day they’re the kind of person you’d want to have a beer with and are “nice” and thank god don’t have messed up hair. Democrats are about symbolism and image. Republicans are about results. I swear if this country was a 69 Shelby mustang, the left would be rooting for the rust in hopes of getting rid of it so they could build a new honda civic.
The only thing the dems can do to render “election meddling” is to stop doing crazy ass corrupt shenanigans that they keep getting exposed for. It’s almost gotten to the point where it’s a don’t kill the messenger type situation as far as im concerned. I mean what’s worse, the guy trying to rat out the bad guy for doing bad shit or the bad guy doing bad shit? If you dems don’t give the countries that we have zero control over a reason to hack emails than their attacks as you know it will be rendered useless. The attitude of Trump’s below the law because he’s the pres but the left politicians can do what ever they want so long as they dont get exposed for it and when they do it’s below the belt is just bizarre.
stop being shady! It’s not Russias fault that the clintons and the bidens (two families that the left has rigged their party to be the reps of) are shady as hell. It’s you’re alls fault that you chose these guys as your guys knowing full well how shady they are. If they didn’t have so many freaking skeletons in the closet none of this would be an issue. Pick decent ppl for a change and than you’d actually have a leg to stand on when throwing stones. In fact i can guarantee you that other countries are trying to expose Trump but at the end of the day theres nothing that the other countries can expose him for that the media and the left haven’t already been working over time spying and leaking but it’s just not enough. Sorry no email gate for trump or shady family foreign affairs for trump. Guy made his money before he was a politician. No influence over russia where hillaries brother owns a massive oil refinery or justin bidens 500 mill dollar construction contract in iraq or hunters multi million dollar natural gas contract in Ukraine or joes meddling in foregn affairs of Iraq and Ukraine while in charge if those regions. Sorry can’t expose trump for chinnanagins of that mag. You guys tried to use kerry as your front runner. Surprise surprise his son had a multi million dollar oil refinery contract in china with whitey bulgers nephew, WHITEY FREAKING BULGERS nephew! Guess what, I didn’t need foreign email hacking to find this info either because it’s common public knowledge! You guys are the ones that keep picking these crooked schmucks. I’m sorry but when trump is an ass hole that hooked up with stormy is the best you can come up with, it’s just not enough because no one cares so long as he’s boosting the economy and keeping the country safe. That’s another thing. Only a democrat would vote for someone because he has the cool factor and speaks well. Like never mind the fact that he or she’s a career politician that sucks at their job because at the end of the day they’re the kind of person you’d want to have a beer with and are “nice” and thank god don’t have messed up hair. Democrats are about symbolism and image. Republicans are about results. I swear if this country was a 69 Shelby mustang, the left would be rooting for the rust in hopes of getting rid of it so they could build a new honda civic.
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