Todays executive order list just gets better everyday!

Of course it is a mandate. Did you just read what I said? I am not paying for your insurance if you are deciding you don't want it. That is how we got where we are. You know the funniest part when republicans like you say this shit to me? Obama got this idea from republicans....lmao. It is their own idea. Mitt Romney did this same exact thing when he was governor of as well of mass. Look it up if you don't believe me and you people act like this is something Obama is doing to you. He is doing it FOR YOU. Not unlike any insurance mandate like for auto insurance. You can't go to any states outside 1 or 2 in this country not being mandated to buy auto insurance. Health insurance is much more important than auto insurance. Do you understand why you can't wake up one day where you live and say I will not purchase auto insurance this year? Because the rest of us pick up your bill when you get into an accident usually. This shit is common sense. Not anything Obama did to us.
But you are paying. Medicaid you pay all day everyday. When a person gets treatment and can not pay the State pays. That would be the tax payer. As premiums went crazy high many bailed out. You know this.
But you are paying. Medicaid you pay all day everyday. When a person gets treatment and can not pay the State pays. That would be the tax payer. As premiums went crazy high many bailed out. You know this.
Huh? The American people pay when you can not pay your insurance in the for form of higher premiums. That is why everyone must be mandated to have it. Its not hard to understand that the cost is transferred to the American people.
Possibly, but if so, I think we are all in for a rough decade. I would like to see what happens after 4 years of the left left controlling the agenda..which they are. I dont think most Americans are on board with that. Bidens victory was more a rebuke and hatred of Trump then excitment for him or his agenda. The right grew in support with minority groups despite Donald Trump being in office and the media negative carpet bombing him daily. When you get to the core of it, most Latin and black communities have more conservative values then liberal. If the right can shed this shadow of Trump and get back to its core message, countered by the left going to far it should even out. But if Trump is still the party and he runs again in 2024 then it's over. He is to toxic and divisive.

Gotta get rid of Trump and people like the lady Greene from GA. They have hijacked conservatism, because that's not what it is.

It's not just Trump it's the Republican party as a whole right now that's being shunned. The country is evolving and the Republican party isn't keeping up. I'm neither Democrat or Republican and watch from a objective lense. I believe a balanced government is the best possible scenario for the country but the narrative is so far removed from real Republican values your party has handed government over to the dems. All I can say is if your parties leadership doesn't adapt it's over for the Republican party as we know it. You're gonna have the MAGA party and whatever else splinter groups weakening traditional Republican values.
CD it was called "the mandate" meaning if you did not buy insurance then there was a penalty price to pay on your tax return. Individual MANDATE. The Government forced you to buy insurance or levied a punishment. It was critical part of ACA.
He honestly has NO idea what you’re talking about - I had ex neighbors when I lived in the Redland , south of Cutler Bay . One was a Captain of a yacht and his girlfriend was a contractor at Ocean Reef . Neither had insurance and did not want insurance ( both probably around 35) and they were pissed that the mandate cost them around $600 each at tax time
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He honestly has NO idea what you’re talking about - I had ex neighbors when I lived in the Redland , south of Cutler Bay . One was a Captain of a yacht and his girlfriend was a contractor at Ocean Reef . Neither had insurance and did not want insurance ( both probably around 35) and they were pissed that the mandate cost them around $600 each at tax time
So fricking outrageous people had to pay that damn penalty for not getting the ACA crap insurance...
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He honestly has NO idea what you’re talking about - I had ex neighbors when I lived in the Redland , south of Cutler Bay . One was a Captain of a yacht and his girlfriend was a contractor at Ocean Reef . Neither had insurance and did not want insurance ( both probably around 35) and they were pissed that the mandate cost them around $600 each at tax time

Who do you think picks up the tab when uninsured people get into serious accidents requiring major reconstructive surgery and extended hospital visits? That’s part of the reason the mandate was put into the law - as a means to get more people to pay into the pools so that the cost would go down for everyone and taxpayers didn’t have to spend $30b a year to take care of the bill when uninsured people need medical care they can’t pay for because they elected to not be covered.
Who do you think picks up the tab when uninsured people get into serious accidents requiring major reconstructive surgery and extended hospital visits? That’s part of the reason the mandate was put into the law - as a means to get more people to pay into the pools so that the cost would go down for everyone and taxpayers didn’t have to spend $30b a year to take care of the bill when uninsured people need medical care they can’t pay for because they elected to not be covered.
Look, for all the Libs out there, no one was being turned away from the emergency room. There was free coverage for all that needed it. Unfortunately that included the illegals that don't pay and fill up the emergency room and take a place in line with those that have insurance. Everyone gets medical care. The hospital has to pick up the cost for those who don't pay. Ultimately, the tax payers pay. Agreed, taxpayers pay for it. ACA's actuaries failed as I have stated in prior posts. They didn't calculate accurately the number of younger healthier people that would enter the exchange. The result was the insurance companies were paying out to much resulting in millions lost. Naturally they will pull out of the exchanges. The ACA failed.
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Look, for all the Libs out there, no one was being turned away from the emergency room. There was free coverage for all that needed it. Unfortunately that included the illegals that don't pay and fill up the emergency room and take a place in line with those that have insurance. Everyone gets medical care. The hospital has to pick up the cost for those who don't pay. Ultimately, the tax payers pay. Agreed, taxpayers pay for it. ACA's actuaries failed as I have stated in prior posts. They didn't calculate accurately the number of younger healthier people that would enter the exchange. The result was the insurance companies were paying out to much resulting in millions lost. Naturally they will pull out of the exchanges. The ACA failed.

I agree, the ACA is inadequate and still allows private insurance to act as an unneeded middle man in the process.
I agree, the ACA is inadequate and still allows private insurance to act as an unneeded middle man in the process.
That's fine but if you are saying the government can supervise the healthcare , like socialized medicine, it will be a worse failure than the ACA.
No government involvement.
That's fine but if you are saying the government can supervise the healthcare , like socialized medicine, it will be a worse failure than the ACA.
No government involvement.

Terms like “socialized medicine” are meaningless code words in this discussion. We are currently getting ripped off by the private for profit system that has resulted in millions without coverage, exorbitant prescription drug prices, unnecessary involvement by insurance providers, and Americans having to pay unneeded premiums, deductibles, and co-pays, as well as twice as much for healthcare per person as other advanced nations. A Medicare for all system would instantly fix all of these problems, and given that it’s been tried and tested in other nations, there are really no rational arguments as to why should continue with the primitive and barbaric system we have, where citizens can actually file for medical bankruptcy. We can do much better.
Terms like “socialized medicine” are meaningless code words in this discussion. We are currently getting ripped off by the private for profit system that has resulted in millions without coverage, exorbitant prescription drug prices, unnecessary involvement by insurance providers, and Americans having to pay unneeded premiums, deductibles, and co-pays, as well as twice as much for healthcare per person as other advanced nations. A Medicare for all system would instantly fix all of these problems, and given that it’s been tried and tested in other nations, there are really no rational arguments as to why should continue with the primitive and barbaric system we have, where citizens can actually file for medical bankruptcy. We can do much better.
No, socialized medicine are not meaningless code words. That is what Socialists and Libs want. Medicare for all will have a similar look especially as to how it would be paid for. No, we don't want that. There is free medical care right now by walking into the emergency room. I don't want government dictating my healthcare to me. I would not want to wait months for an operation should I ever need one. Look at Canada as an example. Nope, you have to realize that if you can pay for it and you worked to have a major medical policy that covers you and your families needs, then you should have it.
Raoul, I have said this before, there will always be haves and have nots. The have nots can stroll right now and get free medical care in an emergency room. A humanitarian would never want to turn away a legit need for emergency help. Your medicare for all, a disquise for socialized medicine would be detrimental to the American public.
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No, socialized medicine are not meaningless code words. That is what Socialists and Libs want. Medicare for all will have a similar look especially as to how it would be paid for. No, we don't want that. There is free medical care right now by walking into the emergency room. I don't want government dictating my healthcare to me. I would not want to wait months for an operation should I ever need one. Look at Canada as an example. Nope, you have to realize that if you can pay for it and you worked to have a major medical policy that covers you and your families needs, then you should have it.
Raoul, I have said this before, there will always be haves and have nots. The have nots can stroll right now and get free medical care in an emergency room. A humanitarian would never want to turn away a legit need for emergency help. Your medicare for all, a disquise for socialized medicine would be detrimental to the American public.

All of these arguments have been answered repeatedly.

- How would it be paid for - by payroll taxes. People would no longer have to pay insurance premiums, deductibles, copays, and high prescription prices (since drug prices would be negotiated by the Gov). We would literally reduce our per head cost of providing health care to each citizen from $11 per head now under the insurance based system to about $6 per head under medicare for all, all the while providing coverage for millions more people.

- People who go into emergency rooms now for "free" aren't really free since the hospitals end up billing the government for services rendered on the back end, which results in local, state, and federal taxes having to pick up the $30b in annual tab.

- Government would not dictate your healthcare. You would continue going to your provider as now. The only difference is there would be no financial transaction at the point of service.

- Look at Canada for example - they do healthcare properly. Walk in, get treated, walk out. I witnessed it myself while there a couple of years ago. All nations who have universal healthcare love it and citizens seek to protect it because they know what a game changer it is in providing basic human security to much of the population. No more medical bankruptcies, no more having to worry about how to treat your cancer because you're out of work, o more copays, deductibles, etc. Just go to the hospital, get treated, pick up your very cheap meds, and go home.

- We shouldn't seek to improve our system because "there will always be haves and have nots". This is just an incredibly cowardly and morally bankrupt view to espouse when your fellow citizens are suffering. The polling on this issue has been pretty consistent and will only rise in the future since having a sane and effective way to do healthcare is not a partisan issue, as shown below. You can't get ~70% polling on many issues in this country anymore and yet healthcare is something that seems to unite all Americans.

Your wrong about Canada. I have relatives in Nova Scotia that have given examples of wait times for diagnostic type exams and surgery which was months off. Results of a diagnostic exams results were over 30 days later. The quality is good the wait times are unbearable.
Your example of higher taxes to pay for it is exactly what I do not and others do not want. Again, no government interference. I would rather pay for my insurance and know what I am paying for without any help from the government.
If it gets frustrating to you that this has been discussed several times, it will remain frustrating to you in that independent successful people as myself do not need any form of welfare from our government. I have not seen any numbers as to the cost per taxpaying person for socialized medicine. I do not trust government to do very much right and certainly would not trust this administration to govern my healthcare.
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All of these arguments have been answered repeatedly.

- How would it be paid for - by payroll taxes. People would no longer have to pay insurance premiums, deductibles, copays, and high prescription prices (since drug prices would be negotiated by the Gov). We would literally reduce our per head cost of providing health care to each citizen from $11 per head now under the insurance based system to about $6 per head under medicare for all, all the while providing coverage for millions more people.

- People who go into emergency rooms now for "free" aren't really free since the hospitals end up billing the government for services rendered on the back end, which results in local, state, and federal taxes having to pick up the $30b in annual tab.

- Government would not dictate your healthcare. You would continue going to your provider as now. The only difference is there would be no financial transaction at the point of service.

- Look at Canada for example - they do healthcare properly. Walk in, get treated, walk out. I witnessed it myself while there a couple of years ago. All nations who have universal healthcare love it and citizens seek to protect it because they know what a game changer it is in providing basic human security to much of the population. No more medical bankruptcies, no more having to worry about how to treat your cancer because you're out of work, o more copays, deductibles, etc. Just go to the hospital, get treated, pick up your very cheap meds, and go home.

- We shouldn't seek to improve our system because "there will always be haves and have nots". This is just an incredibly cowardly and morally bankrupt view to espouse when your fellow citizens are suffering. The polling on this issue has been pretty consistent and will only rise in the future since having a sane and effective way to do healthcare is not a partisan issue, as shown below. You can't get ~70% polling on many issues in this country anymore and yet healthcare is something that seems to unite all Americans.

A poll of 1900 people? Lololllol
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