Your strange.
People who support Trump no matter what he says or does are strange. The rest of us are normal.
Your strange.
Praying for a repeat on 11/3. That was a fantastic night.LOL these people. Didnt his poll tell us Hillary would win by 9pm. I stayed up to the end that night. What a great night it was indeed.
Sort of like you and others still claiming Trump was never impeached.Great post. But you know all the time you took for that means absolutely 0 speaking with a left wing Lib.
Lol Morning Consult one of the most inaccurate polls in 2016. Morning Call had Crooked Hillary up by 6 points in PA the day before election in 2016 and we all know what happened. Total fake poll. Go ahead and believe it all you want. You are in for another big disappointment man. just like 2016 all over again.