Tremendously shocked at how well Biden is doing in Georgia

I lived there for 18 years, just shows you how crazy this world is getting

People are afraid of what 4 more years will look like under him. He did it to himself. If he had listened to his moderate base and not disregarded the warn4he would've won by a landslide. I for one am glad. Decriminalize marijuana.
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Don't they know Biden will try to take their guns away ?
30 years in coweta, they kicked my Obama signs out of my yard. What a change never saw it coming. But Trump did it to himself. Back home in Miami now, I hope this place Changes Back.
I thought Biden would win GA, North Carolina is changing too. When I played football there is a lot different now thanks to the 2007 financial crisis and the growth of banking in Greater Charlotte.
Somewhat not. We have a lot of transplants coming in, due to the low cost of living. Problem always is, they flee one area and but bring in their previous problems with them

That is true, definitely alot of transplants.
People are afraid of what 4 more years will look like under him. He did it to himself. If he had listened to his moderate base and not disregarded the warn4he would've won by a landslide. I for one am glad. Decriminalize marijuana.

yea because it has been so bad these past 4 years...
Hopefully the Republican observers can weed out the Democratic voter fraud.
yea because it has been so bad these past 4 years...

Obviously some feel it has been. He has himself and only himself to blame. And the Republican party can thank him for putting Democrats in place to run the country for the next decade. So don't direct your anger and frustration at me. Send former President Trump your letter of dissatisfaction.
Its not a coincidence that Trump was significantly ahead and Blue counties waited to see what they needed in 6 states. This has been planned. Its a mess. Why else would Democrats sue in states to count late arriving ballets with no signature verification?
If Biden gets in he will fade away and the unpopular Commie Harris will be president. The Reps will take back the house in 2 years and she will be a 4 year lame duck president. There will be no court packing ,there will be no socialism and since the supreme court Conservatives will override Traitor Roberts there will be no Presidential edicts regarding Immigration that will pass muster. Plus if the Dems win by cheating and its clearly demonstrated even if the courts don't act it will further enrage the part of the country that has any sense of propriety and justice.
The founders of the country placed safeguards for tyranny .Its pretty clear that cheating with mail in ballots was the plan and it was very well coordinated. Whats startling is about 40 percent of the country doesn't care if they win by subterfuge and cheating. The Democrats are dangerous ,filled with hate and lack any moral compass.
Trump will wait and see how it plays out and if Biden gets to 270 he will then make a call to his “guys” on the Supreme Court and they will in turn “make him President “....Trumps no idiot and has been planning for this eventuality since January 20, 2017...
Its not a coincidence that Trump was significantly ahead and Blue counties waited to see what they needed in 6 states. This has been planned. Its a mess. Why else would Democrats sue in states to count late arriving ballets with no signature verification?
If Biden gets in he will fade away and the unpopular Commie Harris will be president. The Reps will take back the house in 2 years and she will be a 4 year lame duck president. There will be no court packing ,there will be no socialism and since the supreme court Conservatives will override Traitor Roberts there will be no Presidential edicts regarding Immigration that will pass muster. Plus if the Dems win by cheating and its clearly demonstrated even if the courts don't act it will further enrage the part of the country that has any sense of propriety and justice.
The founders of the country placed safeguards for tyranny .Its pretty clear that cheating with mail in ballots was the plan and it was very well coordinated. Whats startling is about 40 percent of the country doesn't care if they win by subterfuge and cheating. The Democrats are dangerous ,filled with hate and lack any moral compass.

Or maybe.. and hear me out, maybe he is just losing. No funny business, just a loss. I mean a Republican controlled Senate investigation literally said that foreign powers meddled in 2016, an election decided by 72k votes spread over three states and everyone told the shrew to sit her ass down somewhere.

Count the votes. Diversify your news sources. Read things that present view points you don't agree with, exit the echo chamber.

Most of all ****ing breathe. This isn't over just yet. Those blue counties you complain of? Especially in GA? the Secretary of State and Governor are Trump supporters and this was their mandate. Arizona been red AF for how long? Took Trump shitting on McCain and Mexicans for 3 years to flip it.

Here is an article from October 14, yes it requires reading. A simple google search of "why does it take so long for Pennsylvania votes to be counted" yielded it. Didn't even need to restrict by dates.

Stop being intellectually lazy. Its very Trumpian and not very Republican.
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See even he recognizes he isn't GOP, question is are Trump voters all Trumpians or are there still those who are Republicans who voted for Trump?
I lived there for 18 years, just shows you how crazy this world is getting
I'm less surprised by it.
Basically, Biden is turning out inner city votes and inner-metro ring suburbs. Then he's doing slightly better than Hillary in the further suburbs and exurbs.

Atlanta is growing in size and influence. Savannah too.
I'm less surprised by it.
Basically, Biden is turning out inner city votes and inner-metro ring suburbs. Then he's doing slightly better than Hillary in the further suburbs and exurbs.

Atlanta is growing in size and influence. Savannah too.
WTF? Facts? your gonna catch hell for those.

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