Trump admin. had no vaccine rollout plan per Biden's team

You mean 100 more days of exactly the same thing we have been doing for a year straight....what a plan. That should make a difference.
No. Hopefully much better compliance. That would be the change. Unlikely tho. As such; the result won’t be much different.

the point of the thread seemed to be that Biden conceding that disease arc was about 90 days was somehow him doing nothing.
You now imply that folks will do nothing different even when requested to do so. As such, how is that a Biden failure? I’m generally confused as to how you reconcile the two positions unless your point is that people should be able to do the same thing and get a different result.
No. Hopefully much better compliance. That would be the change. Unlikely tho. As such; the result won’t be much different.

the point of the thread seemed to be that Biden conceding that disease arc was about 90 days was somehow him doing nothing.
You now imply that folks will do nothing different even when requested to do so. As such, how is that a Biden failure? I’m generally confused as to how you reconcile the two positions unless your point is that people should be able to do the same thing and get a different result.

No, I'm pointing out that Bidens master plan is to keep doing exactly what we have been doing. There is nothing anyone can do to stop a virus. It will spread until vaccines work or herd immunity is achieved. Even the brilliant dems have no answers except to keep doing what we have been doing...but attach slogans to it. I know your goal is to spin everything and confuse simple subjects but you will need to try harder.
Fauci just publicly denied the claim the Trump left Biden with no vaccine plan. Fauci is no conservative .In a few months Trump will be laughing at these people. While he plays golf and loves life with his wonderful family he can maneuver behind the scenes and keep em guessing. They are scared to death of him. He has risked his wealth and well being to help the country. Get your popcorn ready.

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