Trump ahead 5 Points

Latest poll today has Biden up 50-44 after RNC...Trump did narrow the gap from 52-42 ..
For you Trump worshippers, if Trump has done a great job why is he trailing in the polls?

it’s pretty well known in media and political circles that trump is pulling away. Nancy is melting down, the riots are stopping, Hillary is telling him not to concede, and Joe is coming out of the basement. Yeah I’m sure Biden is up huge lol.

Interesting thing about the Flordia numbers is Trump was once neck and neck with Biden before COVID, but has consistently been stuck in reverse once voters saw how he dealt with the virus.

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Interesting thing about the Flordia numbers is Trump was once neck and neck with Biden before COVID, but has consistently been stuck in reverse once voters saw how he dealt with the virus.

Do you think Cuomo will stay in office after he killed those Nursing Home residents by signing an order to admit Covid Positive folks?
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Do you think Cuomo will stay in office after he killed those Nursing Home residents by signing an order to admit Covid Positive folks?

Absolutely. Look at NY's numbers in the present compared to FL, GA, TX etc. Cuomo has done a great job of reopening NYC while the other big states continue to flounder as we enter September.
Raoul, NY has roughly 4,000 more deaths than FL, GA, and TX COMBINED! How in God's name is that a great Job??

They also have greater population density and got hit hard early when people were still discovering how to react. By May/June, everyone figured out that a combination of masks, social distancing, and handwashing would severely curtail the spread, which is precisely what happened in NY...while the other states were flippant about it and continued gaining cases and deaths.
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it’s pretty well known in media and political circles that trump is pulling away. Nancy is melting down, the riots are stopping, Hillary is telling him not to concede, and Joe is coming out of the basement. Yeah I’m sure Biden is up huge lol.
And I've got some prime swamp land to sell you.
They also have greater population density and got hit hard early when people were still discovering how to react. By May/June, everyone figured out that a combination of masks, social distancing, and handwashing would severely curtail the spread, which is precisely what happened in NY...while the other states were flippant about it and continued gaining cases and deaths.
Right, and Trump provided resources out the wazoo to accommodate Cuomo. In Fact, Cuomo was quite complimentary of the aid Trump provided until the "Party" told him to stick to the narrative. No matter how early in the game, however, it was certainly known that you don't introduce old Nursing Home patients to Covid positive people.
Cuomo wasn’t the only one that screwed up - 4 more liberal Governors NJ, Mich, Pa and Illinois all sent the infected back to nursing homes . Why did the other 45 states comply correctly and these 5 basically f*uck up .
Over 70,000 deaths in only 5 states and the liberals try and lay blame on Trump .
This comes up at

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New polling came out today post Convention and Trump got a bump in his approval polling..31% to 32%...Biden was up near 50%..Recent polls regarding the horse race has Biden comfortably ahead 50-42...I almost forgot..Lol...Lol...
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You'll be crying on November 4th.
America will be crying if Biden wins.The trifecta of tax increases,increased regulation and climate change will throw wet blanket over the US economy.

The main reason Biden leads in any poll is 24/7 anti Trump hate by Democratic owned media,it’s a disgrace.
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Absolutely. Look at NY's numbers in the present compared to FL, GA, TX etc. Cuomo has done a great job of reopening NYC while the other big states continue to flounder as we enter September.

NYC is not open! In addition, anyone who can stay out of the city is doing so.
America will be crying if Biden wins.The trifecta of tax increases,increased regulation and climate change will throw wet blanket over the US economy.

The main reason Biden leads in any poll is 24/7 anti Trump hate by Democratic owned media,it’s a disgrace.
Then get your own dam media and stop whining.
Most of the Polls are phony Rasmussen has been consistently accurate(it was in 2016) and shows Trump popularity at 52 percent and a 9 percent gain with African Americans. The current trends favor his reelection.

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