Trump is rambling.

Let's take the worst case scenario (which will never actually happen by the way) that Hunter Biden is guilty and goes to jail. Then what ? Joe Biden will still be President, the Dems will still run both houses of congress and nothing tangible would've changed for either party or the American people. So why the bizarre obsession with someone's kid ?
Dude there are emails directly admitting Joe had knowledge of the pay for play scheme. Have you not looked at this info? It’s all over the web. The photos and videos of Hunter, the emails which have been verified by the people in those email chains. It’s all true. Once again we have a person who at best is compromised due to his relationship with the Chinese Communist Party and directly involved in manipulating an investigation while he was VP that would have indicted his son. If that’s not an impeachable offense I don’t know what is. What’s worse? Biden even admitted it on tv what he did with the Ukraine prosecutor. Why are there a different set of rules for democrats as opposed to republicans? Why does the media ignore and block information about democrats but then run with unverified stories and in some case were complicit in spreading disinformation?
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Dude there are emails directly admitting Joe had knowledge of the pay for play scheme. Have you not looked at this info? It’s all over the web. The photos and videos of Hunter, the emails which have been verified by the people in those email chains. It’s all true. Once again we have a person who at best is compromised due to his relationship with the Chinese Communist Party and directly involved in manipulating an investigation while he was VP that would have indicted his son. If that’s not an impeachable offense I don’t know what is. What’s worse? Biden even admitted it on tv what he did with the Ukraine prosecutor. Why are there a different set of rules for democrats as opposed to republicans? Why does the media ignore and block information about democrats but then run with unverified stories and in some case were complicit in spreading disinformation?

All debunked in the WaPo article. Please read it.
All debunked in the WaPo article. Please read it.
It’s not debunked. That is exactly what I’m talking about. They played it down but these things actually happened and they were released for everyone to see because of the media’s attempt to black it out. WaPo is exactly what I meant when I mentioned complicity.
It’s not debunked. That is exactly what I’m talking about. They played it down but these things actually happened and they were released for everyone to see because of the media’s attempt to black it out. WaPo is exactly what I meant when I mentioned complicity. keep getting your Sherlock Holmes on and let us know how it goes. The rest of us are going to be busy going back to normal life after 4 years of bizarro world corruption. keep getting your Sherlock Holmes on and let us know how it goes. The rest of us are going to be busy going back to normal life after 4 years of bizarro world corruption.
Normal... that’s an interesting choice of words considering Biden just killed 8,000 Us jobs with the swipe of a pen yesterday and killed US oil independence. How long before the new narrative will be “well the US was never energy or oil independent anyway”. Lmfao you guys are like serial liars. F’ing scary.
Normal... that’s an interesting choice of words considering Biden just killed 8,000 Us jobs with the swipe of a pen yesterday and killed US oil independence. How long before the new narrative will be “well the US was never energy or oil independent anyway”. Lmfao you guys are like serial liars. F’ing scary.

8k is a drop in the bucket compared to how many will be created by passing an infrastructure bill and repurposing archaic fossil fuel jobs into clean energy jobs, which is a much faster growing sector.
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8k is a drop in the bucket compared to how many will be created by passing an infrastructure bill and repurposing archaic fossil fuel jobs into clean energy jobs, which is a much faster growing sector.
Well yeah because he did such a bang up job for 8 years with Obama. Remember Solendra?
So you didn’t watch the video where he explains how he withheld a billion in guaranteed loans unless that prosecutor was fired? That in and of itself is enacting policy. Nice try (sarcasm).

"He" doesn't get to do anything. The President makes policy.
"He" doesn't get to do anything. The President makes policy.
So air was Obama that withheld a billion dollar loan from Ukraine and Joe was lying? So you’re admitting now that it did happen and I’m now confused. Are you blaming Joe or Obama for what Trump was impeached for?
So air was Obama that withheld a billion dollar loan from Ukraine and Joe was lying? So you’re admitting now that it did happen and I’m now confused. Are you blaming Joe or Obama for what Trump was impeached for?

LOL. Please don't ever apply for a job as an investigator.
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LOL. Please don't ever apply for a job as an investigator.
You said it not me lmao. Listen man it’s not my fault your a dumbass who has sold his soul for his party. You’ve proven time & time again you’ll lie to cover for whatever narrative the dems push. I’m just making light of it!
You said it not me lmao. Listen man it’s not my fault your a dumbass who has sold his soul for his party. You’ve proven time & time again you’ll lie to cover for whatever narrative the dems push. I’m just making light of it!

LOL. The irony.
8k is a drop in the bucket compared to how many will be created by passing an infrastructure bill and repurposing archaic fossil fuel jobs into clean energy jobs, which is a much faster growing sector.
I’m sorry but COVID-45 did not have the grace and decency to memorialize nearly 400,000 lives lost. But he can be all lathered up with allegations about somebody’s kid. His own Vice President and wing man could not even muster up mentioning 45’s name in his final speech!!! Please challenge yourself and stay away from toxic new sources.
I’m sorry but COVID-45 did not have the grace and decency to memorialize nearly 400,000 lives lost. But he can be all lathered up with allegations about somebody’s kid. His own Vice President and wing man could not even muster up mentioning 45’s name in his final speech!!! Please challenge yourself and stay away from toxic new sources.

money post! It’s hard for incumbents to lose. You gotta be a guy that never should have won (Carter because of post Nixon mess) or get third party ****ed (Perot). Trump shot himself in the dick! He motivated just enough lazy ****s to get out and vote to beat himself and the GOP sad really.Georgia was intentional by him. A **** you on the way out.
most of my extended family lives in GA. i was born there but moved to S. FL at 2.

they post so much off the wall shit on facebook. they already want Biden impeached even though he's done nothing wrong. i don't know how a bratty guy from NY could fool them so badly. i guess it's all because he talked about Jesus really and making America great again.

i think America has always been great in my 41 years. i know some things still need working on, but overall this is the best country in the world, imo. i won't pretend to know what it's like to be a minority though. i've seen blatant racism with my own eyes many times and i'm always like wtf? it's not hard to respect everyone no matter the color or what they look like.
This is meaningless trash. She is more likely to get frogmarched out of the Capitol for inciting insurrection than her hilariously idiotic attempt at a publicity stunt ever getting taken seriously.
The new buzzword “insurrection”. Why ain’t that same word being used for Antifa out in Portland after the last two days? More double standards
The new buzzword “insurrection”. Why ain’t that same word being used for Antifa out in Portland after the last two days? More double standards

Its more than a buzzword - its a real thing that just happened. Only unhinged right wingers who don't want to deal with the reality the rest of the world lives in, would deny it. People will go to jail, people will get kicked out of Congress, and Trump may actually get convinced in the Senate over this wacky buzzword.
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Its more than a buzzword - its a real thing that just happened. Only unhinged right wingers who don't want to deal with the reality the rest of the world lives in, would deny it. People will go to jail, people will get kicked out of Congress, and Trump may actually get convinced in the Senate over this wacky buzzword.
And you avoided answering the question. (Again) why is it not “insurrection” with what is happening in Portland?
And you avoided answering the question. (Again) why is it not “insurrection” with what is happening in Portland?

I know right wingers are obsessed with drawing some sort of equivalency between the two, but there really is no such thing. The random violence that occasionally flares up is not attempting to violently overthrow a sitting government in a nation state. Random acts of vandalism can be deal with at the local level - attempts to overthrow the United States government cannot. Is it clear now ?
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I know right wingers are obsessed with drawing some sort of equivalency between the two, but there really is no such thing. The random violence that occasionally flares up is not attempting to violently overthrow a sitting government in a nation state. Random acts of vandalism can be deal with at the local level - attempts to overthrow the United States government cannot. Is it clear now ?
Again you are a liar. Antifa took over a police station, govt buildings in Portland in the summer of 2020, and continue with their goals of anarchy. You’re just a simple buffoon and a liar. My question is why? What is your motive for lying? Are you also a anarchist and sympathize or are you just that radicalized?
Again you are a liar. Antifa took over a police station, govt buildings in Portland in the summer of 2020, and continue with their goals of anarchy. You’re just a simple buffoon and a liar. My question is why? What is your motive for lying? Are you also a anarchist and sympathize or are you just that radicalized?

Who cares if they took a police station. Its not the same thing as the federal government. It can therefore be dealt with at the local level. This shouldn't be a difficult concept to grasp, even for someone with your limited cranial capacity.
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Who cares if they took a police station. Its not the same thing as the federal government. It can therefore be dealt with at the local level. This shouldn't be a difficult concept to grasp, even for someone with your limited cranial capacity.
Lmfao I’m waiting for anyone who identifies as a liberal to agree with your statement. You are by far the nuttiest of the nuts in the lounge.

Do you identify as a socialist or are you a full blown communist?
Lmfao I’m waiting for anyone who identifies as a liberal to agree with your statement. You are by far the nuttiest of the nuts in the lounge.

Do you identify as a socialist or are you a full blown communist?

That may be because you're a conspiracy theorist who invents his own reality, then gets mad because normal people decline to live in it. Try embracing objective facts for a change and life will suddenly make a lot more sense.
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Heritage is

You know she's a Q Anon cook that literally said three mass shootings (one where my goddaughter was evacuated at Stoneman) were false flags right? Be like someone quoting an actual radical leftist.
Oh I know she’s a bit nuts but the facts are there for everyone to see and have been. The info has been confirmed by numerous people in the media and by govt officials. The facts aren’t even in question at this point. It’s the media blackout and pure ignoring of it by the people who are supposed enforce these laws.

Scary when the FBI plays favorites
That may be because you're a conspiracy theorist who invents his own reality, then gets mad because normal people decline to live in it. Try embracing objective facts for a change and life will suddenly make a lot more sense.
Yep full blown conspiracy theorist... yeah Russian collusion which you were so easily duped by. Did you feel stupid after that or did you crawl into your safe space and pretend it didn’t happen?
Yep full blown conspiracy theorist... yeah Russian collusion which you were so easily duped by. Did you feel stupid after that or did you crawl into your safe space and pretend it didn’t happen?

None of the above, since that story is still a work in progress.
Oh I know she’s a bit nuts but the facts are there for everyone to see and have been. The info has been confirmed by numerous people in the media and by govt officials. The facts aren’t even in question at this point. It’s the media blackout and pure ignoring of it by the people who are supposed enforce these laws.

Scary when the FBI plays favorites
Let me get this straight. The Federal Bureau of Investigations while lead by Trump, mainstream media both left and right and government officials in the Trump administration all believe this to be resolved but an admitted nutter and some "fringe" websites are the accurate information?
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Heritage is

You know she's a Q Anon cook that literally said three mass shootings (one where my goddaughter was evacuated at Stoneman) were false flags right? Be like someone quoting an actual radical leftist.
it's crazy that some think the HS shooting was staged. i grew up in coral springs.

i have a crazy cousin who thinks it was all staged. she doesn't live down here of course or she would know it was real.

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