Dude there are emails directly admitting Joe had knowledge of the pay for play scheme. Have you not looked at this info? It’s all over the web. The photos and videos of Hunter, the emails which have been verified by the people in those email chains. It’s all true. Once again we have a person who at best is compromised due to his relationship with the Chinese Communist Party and directly involved in manipulating an investigation while he was VP that would have indicted his son. If that’s not an impeachable offense I don’t know what is. What’s worse? Biden even admitted it on tv what he did with the Ukraine prosecutor. Why are there a different set of rules for democrats as opposed to republicans? Why does the media ignore and block information about democrats but then run with unverified stories and in some case were complicit in spreading disinformation?Let's take the worst case scenario (which will never actually happen by the way) that Hunter Biden is guilty and goes to jail. Then what ? Joe Biden will still be President, the Dems will still run both houses of congress and nothing tangible would've changed for either party or the American people. So why the bizarre obsession with someone's kid ?