Trump Supporters Invading DC!!

Love it! I know DC extremely well. Remember when Trump tried to flex last time and the Mayor had the city write BLACK LIVES MATTER on that block? LMAO... Black people run that city big time.
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It finally happened!! The radical Right has invaded our capital. Wearing their MAGA hats, no social distancing and of course no face mask, this super spreader event will leave the capital a cesspool of Covid-19. When will this insanity stop. Oh, noontime January 20, 2021.

Serious? There was a 1000+ Celebration in Chicago following the election, joined by our mayor and the Dem Governor who had just tested positive.
Your hypocrisy when it comes to demonstrations is laughable. The left have been "super" spreading from the get go while they have been burning, rioting and looting....but now you are concerned. Lol
Look no further than the WH. SUPER SPREADER HOT SPOT!!!
It finally happened!! The radical Right has invaded our capital. Wearing their MAGA hats, no social distancing and of course no face mask, this super spreader event will leave the capital a cesspool of Covid-19. When will this insanity stop. Oh, noontime January 20, 2021.
Retard nation at its best. Deplorable‘s. Can’t teach stupid.
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Love it! I know DC extremely well. Remember when Trump tried to flex last time and the Mayor had the city write BLACK LIVES MATTER on that block? LMAO... Black people run that city big time.
Just brilliant. Another Brilliant statement from little cd .
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Outside of the Mall and a couple of affluent areas DC is already a cesspool of murder, violence and poverty. You know, the hallmarks of dem leadership.
I was stationed in DC in 1982-84 it was shyt then and shyt now. Just a short 2 blocks in any direction and you can get killed. It was a great duty station though really enjoyed it.
You fellas really need to think before you respond.
So, these wearing of masks are the answer to stopping the spread of Covid. The Republican Party and Donald Trump are the cause of the spread. How do account for the lockdown of Italy again as well as Spain? How do you account for over 200,000 deaths in Brazil and other countries that are currently suffering? You going to blame that on Trump and the Republicans?
Since the blame game is played here, how come you do not blame the source of this virus, the Chinese military lab?
Now we will have a President who's son and I am sure with his knowledge, has taken bribe money from these Communist countries for which China may have hit the West with this bio weapon! You cannot discount this as a possibility. But of course, all the deaths from Covid to include foreign countries will be blamed on Donald Trump and Republican protestors. The rift between these different groups is going to get a lot worse and unfortunately more violent . It is obvious .
You fellas really need to think before you respond.
So, these wearing of masks are the answer to stopping the spread of Covid. The Republican Party and Donald Trump are the cause of the spread. How do account for the lockdown of Italy again as well as Spain? How do you account for over 200,000 deaths in Brazil and other countries that are currently suffering? You going to blame that on Trump and the Republicans?
Since the blame game is played here, how come you do not blame the source of this virus, the Chinese military lab?
Now we will have a President who's son and I am sure with his knowledge, has taken bribe money from these Communist countries for which China may have hit the West with this bio weapon! You cannot discount this as a possibility. But of course, all the deaths from Covid to include foreign countries will be blamed on Donald Trump and Republican protestors. The rift between these different groups is going to get a lot worse and unfortunately more violent . It is obvious .

The problem globally is that people continue to travel for work and vacations, so the virus is obviously going to continue to propagate and spike in various areas. That doesn't however absolve Trump from not doing anything significant to curtail the spread here. We are 4% of global population but have 25% of the cases and are soon going to have about 3,000 people per day dying of COVID. That's one 9/11 every day because Trump was incompetent and prioritized his own political interests over the lives of the citizens he was supposed to be leading. No wonder the public kicked him to the curb last week.
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The problem globally is that people continue to travel for work and vacations, so the virus is obviously going to continue to propagate and spike in various areas. That doesn't however absolve Trump from not doing anything significant to curtail the spread here. We are 4% of global population but have 25% of the cases and are soon going to have about 3,000 people per day dying of COVID. That's one 9/11 every day because Trump was incompetent and prioritized his own political interests over the lives of the citizens he was supposed to be leading. No wonder the public kicked him to the curb last week.
So people are not supposed to work? Maybe in a liberal welfare world which I would not subscribe to. As I mentioned, some countries are shut down to travel. An example is Canada that is having a spike. Not much travel nowadays. Again, you seem to avoid the fact that the China Virus started from a military lab in China. Not Donald Trump.
Dumb ass Biden is talking about shutting down the economy for 6 weeks. He has early dementia. How can the libs trust his geriatric ass? Crazy...
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You fellas really need to think before you respond.
So, these wearing of masks are the answer to stopping the spread of Covid. The Republican Party and Donald Trump are the cause of the spread. How do account for the lockdown of Italy again as well as Spain? How do you account for over 200,000 deaths in Brazil and other countries that are currently suffering? You going to blame that on Trump and the Republicans?
Since the blame game is played here, how come you do not blame the source of this virus, the Chinese military lab?
Now we will have a President who's son and I am sure with his knowledge, has taken bribe money from these Communist countries for which China may have hit the West with this bio weapon! You cannot discount this as a possibility. But of course, all the deaths from Covid to include foreign countries will be blamed on Donald Trump and Republican protestors. The rift between these different groups is going to get a lot worse and unfortunately more violent . It is obvious .
Lets discuss how a soon to be former president tried to bribe an ally.
Your point?
It's a simple point; none of these measures stop the spread of a virus. Maybe slow but won't stop. Viruses are one of the smallest organisms known to man. They can penetrate most of the masks people are wearing. In addition to masks are people washing their hands frequently? Are they assuming everyone they come into contact with are positive? Are they touching their faces? So many factors and yet we see a spike in cases. It's not a political conversation either Cems. It is the nature of viral spread. I wear a mask in my building, in restaurants, in grocery store. I wash and sanitize my hands all day in my house, car, publix, wherever. You think everyone is doing that?
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It's a simple point; none of these measures stop the spread of a virus. Maybe slow but won't stop. Viruses are one of the smallest organisms known to man. They can penetrate most of the masks people are wearing. In addition to masks are people washing their hands frequently? Are they assuming everyone they come into contact with are positive? Are they touching their faces? So many factors and yet we see a spike in cases. It's not a political conversation either Cems. It is the nature of viral spread. I wear a mask in my building, in restaurants, in grocery store. I wash and sanitize my hands all day in my house, car, publix, wherever. You think everyone is doing that?
I hear ya but not wearing a mask makes things much worse. I hope you agree with that?
I hear ya but not wearing a mask makes things much worse. I hope you agree with that?
I agree that wearing a mask blocks my spit from flying into your face and your's mine. That's good but not 100%
Your party has failed the American people. Biden will win by 6 million+ votes. You have nothing but corruption, misery and death to offer this country. Do the right thing and quit your lawless party.
Hey is this true? I mean it’s way out there for a congressman to make this statement & be that specific.
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Your party has failed the American people. Biden will win by 6 million+ votes. You have nothing but corruption, misery and death to offer this country. Do the right thing and quit your lawless party.
Damn & then there’s this. Surely if all the votes were legal they’d be able to certify the vote. You probably don’t want to know what happens if they can’t certify the vote.
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