Trump tells swamp to shove that so Called COVID relief bill up their ARSE!

So you saying Dems should have held out longer for? Cuz ummmm MAGA...

Boy she is ONE SHREWD negotiator!! I think I'll bring her with me next time I buy a car so I can overpay. Everything passed in the 900 Billion $ package could have been completed 2 months ago. NICE JOB WITCH!!

This is a unique situation. The government purposely destroyed peoples businesses and livelihoods. This is forced socialism in a way. But that's not the point the OP was trying to make...I don't think.

I think he was pointing out how the Democrats have clearly just been playing politics over the last several months. Hurting the people by destroying their lives and then refusing to fix it just to hurt Trump.

I know she had no intentions of ever passing a stimulus bill because it would benefit Trump in the elections. I think we can all agree on that. The fact she came off of $3.4 Trillion down to $900 Billion, after turning down $1.4 trillion, $1.9 Trillion and $2.2 Trillion. Yeah you want to try again scooter?

Hmmm, playing politics or the deal was unforgivably low (per Donald)?

Dems rejecting a similar bill in July and sticking to the 3t monstrosity.

CNN taking Pelosi to task about playing politics

House dems urging Pelosi to stop playing politics and make a deal

More on the bill

This could have been done in July but Pelosi wanted to hold the American people hostage for political gain.
Trumps on record several times saying at least 1200. Your misinformed
My point is Trump isn't a conservative, spends like a liberal. He wants to spend like the libs.
Mitch doesnt.
You now have Trump and Pelosi aligned on spending.
Mitch is kneecapped.
My point is Trump isn't a conservative, spends like a liberal. He wants to spend like the libs.
Mitch doesnt.
You now have Trump and Pelosi aligned on spending.
Mitch is kneecapped.
Huh?? Did you miss his video? He rails about all the billions of pork that Mitch signed off on. Shouldn’t US citizens be prioritized not Cambodia Burma Pakistan? Trump does not want to spend like the libs. The Libs want to pay all their lobbyist Trump wants to take care of the people
My point is Trump isn't a conservative, spends like a liberal. He wants to spend like the libs.
Mitch doesnt.
You now have Trump and Pelosi aligned on spending.
Mitch is kneecapped.
When Rand Paul fiscally aligns with trump Is say he’s more conservative than Mitch??

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