Trumps Executive Order....

So the Collusion Illusion House you speak about. Do you think that has been good for this country even though Trump has managed to STEAMROLL thru them. A House that not a single demorat would voice against the violence in your Demorat led cities. Watch Marc Levin interview with Bill Barr last night and he explains how your party are communists since your boy OBAMA LAMA ****ed up the country. Not to mention the coup attempt by your party.

I actually saw on CNBC today as I watched my SRNE Stock SKYROCKET that they think this move by Trump over the weekend gets him re-elected. They said that during the pandemic that Fox News is blowing away your Leftwing Communist Networks by huge margins than ever before. 4 MORE YEARS, 4 MORE YEARS.
Stop talking stupid conspiracy nonsense nobody cares about. We don't need gimmicks....and "moves". We need leaders that bring people together in a crises because they understand what the hell they are doing. Trump has about as much idea of what he is doing as Willie Taggart. Probably less!
Biggest bunch of complete BULLSHIT I have ever read in a single thread.

FACT 1 No real republican (not cucked) thinks this is even remotely an acceptable course of action. Stop being ridiculous. I doesn't matter why he did it. We are talking about trillions of dollars. The president can't execute it.

FACT 2 Nobody in their right mind and understands politics believes Congress should even be removed from this process. See you have people on both sides that know how government actually works right? Then you have your cuck that will just follow Trump and be against Democrats they are Democrats.

They don't understand The house is the people's say. We the people. Think about it. You are saying every red cent of our tax dollars? The people should have no say in where or how it is spent. Now that's stuck on stupid. You trust someone who has been bankrupt 6 times to make decisions with your money. Sorry... NOT!

FACT 3 We need a real leader. Not grandstanding. Art of the deal? What happened? This has been the worst deal making I have ever seen.
Now you know how everyone feels when you write anything!!!! We didn’t have a president before 45. He was giving our country away !!!!
Now you know how everyone feels when you write anything!!!! We didn’t have a president before 45. He was giving our country away !!!!
Please this president is a dumb ass that doesn't even read. Don't compare him to one who does.
If this doesn't prove this guy is a Moron I don't know what does.

After spending years of criticizing Obama for executive orders we get this? The president doesn't have the legal authority for this...but I am sure his hyena fan base believes he does.

Some big time people with power in the republican party have come out against this too. They are starting to turn against this moron and I never thought I would see that. Because they are cuck made for power. This is the last straw though.

What is a real possibility is both parties get together and agree on something to make it veto proof to put the genie back in the bottle.

This has gotten completely out of hand. What a dumpster fire!!!
Dems were not negotiating in good faith. Had to be done. Elections have consequences young man.
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Dems were not negotiating in good faith. Had to be done. Elections have consequences young man.
It's back fired because it isn't legal or feasible. Now he is begging pelosi to get back to the negotiating table. This is amateur hour. Mitch blood Green vs a Cus D'Mato trained Mike Tyson. He is way out of his league.
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It's back fired because it isn't legal or feasible. Now he is begging pelosi to get back to the negotiating table. This is amateur hour. Mitch blood Green vs a Cus D'Mato trained Mike Tyson. He is way out of his league.
It's back fired because it isn't legal or feasible. Now he is begging pelosi to get back to the negotiating table. This is amateur hour. Mitch blood Green vs a Cus D'Mato trained Mike Tyson. He is way out of his league.
LOL he is begging Pelosi. Is that what your FAKE NEWS CLINTON NETWORK SAID? LOL LOL LOL LOL

Trump has Pelosi by the balls and yes I think she has a set.
The Democrat states are just mad that the state has to cover 25 percent of the unemployment check. They just want handouts. They don't want to actually have to pay for it. That would go against everything they believe.

you do realize these “big blue states” pay more in taxes than they get back. They essentially subsidize residents in red states. Poor Red states are actually the leaches in America.
No sh-t Sherlock! Everyone knows that but when the “do nothing Democrat’s” refuse to compromise on a bill, the President has no other choice. People are hurting at the expense of your dumb ass liberal democrats!

lol. Do nothing Democrat’s. You realize the Democrats passed a bill in the house in May. When Mitch McConnell was asked if he was gonna pass a bill in the senate he said “no, he wants to wait”. Then 3 weeks ago when all this shit was going to end is when the senate actually started working on something. And because republicans couldn’t even agree on anything Mitch said he would just accept whatever compromise the White House and the democrats negotiated.

the actual do nothing party right now are the republicans. They are literally sitting back and waiting. Mitch isn’t even involved in the negotiations. Here are some links so you can read. Stories&pgtype=Homepage
Agreed Cash. Chief justice was the deciding vote & I believe it was in JUly. So if they allow 1 president to give benefits to illegal citizens in our country, and right now ppl need it, how can they not allow the potus to give $ to people in need. Many industries are closed down and an extra $400 a week on top of Each state is helpful.

FYI, FL is still at 275 a week even if U make 6 figures at your job & some states (Colorado is 618 a week), so they were getting 600 on top of that. So Trump lowered it to 400. But I think thats him negotiating to get congress to approve the extensions w/o adding in all that extra garbage. If this was really about a virus, then just extend the $$$ I was never into politics before but being locked inside all this time especially in the beginning, I've done 7-8 hours a day of researching this & other stuff & its opened my eyes

DACA never gave $ to immigrants. It only gave them status (made them legal on a renewable 2 year visa). It Allowed them to stay and go to work or school. No DACA recipient gets money from the government. In actuality DACA recipients actually pay into the government. They pay taxes on income but receive no benefits. Which actually helps us, not hurt us.

in regards to unemployment you’re right. $275 in fla isn’t shit! Can’t live on that. The additional $600 is needed especially in a state like fla. if you got kids and rent of like $800 you cannot survive on $275 a week. No money for food, electricity, etc.
DACA never gave $ to immigrants. It only gave them status (made them legal on a renewable 2 year visa). It Allowed them to stay and go to work or school. No DACA recipient gets money from the government. In actuality DACA recipients actually pay into the government. They pay taxes on income but receive no benefits. Which actually helps us, not hurt us.

in regards to unemployment you’re right. $275 in fla isn’t shit! Can’t live on that. The additional $600 is needed especially in a state like fla. if you got kids and rent of like $800 you cannot survive on $275 a week. No money for food, electricity, etc.
Agreed, i think he did the Temp 400 a week to get them to come to the table to increase it back to 600. FL is horrible. Did U know Colorado gets 618 a week besides the extra $.
I am not saying anything negative on Daca, my wifes' an immigrant. But if O approved by supreme court gave citizenship path to illegal citizens even if they are tax payers, then Trump should be able to give a tiny 400 bucks a week to tax paying citizens and 0 interest no payments on Student loans. . ITs only temp anyway. Ppl need $$$
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On a side note. Who is LOVING SRNE like I AM. :)
Not I. Sorrento has shown years of shady transactions, shameless promotions and staggering losses. Sorrento has not even conducted tests in animals much less humans at this point. Sorrento has been successful at little more than burning investor cash. There are better options.
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Agreed, i think he did the Temp 400 a week to get them to come to the table to increase it back to 600. FL is horrible. Did U know Colorado gets 618 a week besides the extra $.

yeah it varies by state. My friends wife is from Minnesota and she said the max you can get there is $745 a week. It’s based on the income of your previous job. So not people get that but essentially in Minnesota you could get $1345 a week. I feel like they need to taper it using benchmarks of the disease. Once we reach certain thresholds decrease it by a $100 each mark.

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