More bogeyman. You can see why all this is bull. Even thousands of loons does not represent millions. Besides, left wing terror far outpaced right wing in 2020, anyone with eyeballs can see that no matter what propaganda graph you produce. Right wing lunatics stormed the Capitol, heinous, but one event that lasted hours. Left wing loons held the entire country hostage for about 9 to 10 months straight. They forcefully took over a city and held it with force, murdering and countless acts of violence in the process. They attacked multiple state and federal buildings and razed them, sometimes attempting to trap people inside, they attacked and burned police stations, communities. Attacked and looted multiple cities, attacked the white house. Many, many police officers were injured and some killed. If the right did what the left did for months straight what would you say? Yet, the left does all this, which was politically and ideologically driven...which means it was terrorism....and no terror alert for the left...its painfully obvious the agenda. So you can get off your high horse. The left and right has loons. I know the loons dont represent the majority on the right. I assume the loons on the left dont represent the majority on the left.