Trump's Final Report Card...It's Not Good


Gold Member
Dec 22, 2006
Parkland, Florida
Employed145.6 Million142.6 Million
Deficit$584 Billion$3.3 Trillion
Debt$19.9 Trillion$27.7 Trillion
Only president to be impeached 2 times in 4 years; lead an insurrection against our government
Covid-19: 412K+ Deaths
Trump's Campaign Promises
Repeal Obama Care FAIL
Invest In Infrastructure FAIL
Bring Back Manufacturing FAIL
Grow The Economy FAIL
Build Wall & Make Mexico Pay For It FAIL

Not what Trump and his followers wanted to see.
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Employed145.6 Million142.6 Million
Deficit$584 Billion$3.3 Trillion
Debt$19.9 Trillion$27.7 Trillion
Covid-19: 412K+ Deaths
Trump's Campaign Promises
Repeal Obama Care FAIL
Invest In Infrastructure FAIL
Bring Back Manufacturing FAIL
Grow The Economy FAIL
Build Wall & Make Mexico Pay For It FAIL

Not what Trump and his followers wanted to see.
Have you ever taken a class on statistics? You’re not fooling anyone outside your echo chamber. You sound like al golden trying to spin coach no d’s d using “facts”. Sometimes I even wonder if you know what the meaning of the word science is that you’ve used regularly. Cracks me up. It’s like when people on here constantly substitute the word literal for metaphor or evidence for here say.
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Have you ever taken a class on statistics? You’re not fooling anyone outside your echo chamber. You sound like al golden trying to spin coach no d’s d using “facts”. Sometimes I even wonder if you know what the meaning of the word science is that you’ve used regularly. Cracks me up. It’s like when people on here constantly substitute the word literal for metaphor or evidence for here say.
Do you disagree with any of my facts? Please share your counter facts. Also, I did take a statistics class in college. But this thread is not about statistics instead it's about facts of Trump's failed presidency.
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The only thing CEMS forgot was (Only president in American history to be impeached twice in a single term....and the only president to lead a insurrection against America.)
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He appointed 300 judges, ignored convention and appointed a SCOTUS during an election bringing the total to 3...oh wait that was all McConnell.

He did refurbish a good deal of the fencing structure and built about 12 new miles of it and called it a wall.

He also renamed part of the air force as Space Force.

He brought racial unity (more white college educated folks voted Dem than any since Carter)

He signed a middle east treat between Israel and Sudan which had a history of beef and three other secular countries that had no real beef with Israel but that's better than nothing right?

He sold the Kurds out, was nice to the Saudi prince after they killed an American National...oh wait
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Do you disagree with any of my facts? Please share your counter facts. Also, I did take a statistics class in college. But this thread is not about statistics instead it's about facts of Trump's failed presidency.
Yes. Your “facts” aka studies are compromised making them anything but facts. You clearly don’t know the meaning of the word fact. If you took stats in college you’d know that “facts” aka studies are statists and can be you used in misleading ways that ultimately compromise the reality of a situation making the big picture anything but a fact. This happens in court rooms every day. It happens with the al goldens in college football every day. A fact is real and not just something on paper any more than a lie is just something you don’t want to believe because you can’t comprehend it. The world is flat is not a fact just because people said it was. 2+2=4 is a fact because there’s no other explanation. See how that works. Now when I put forth a chart that says different, you’re just going to call it fake news with the expectation that I just except your source where ever you got it from as “fact”. That’s called irrational. You truly don’t know the meaning of the word fact so please stop using it incorrectly.

Fact-something that actually exists; reality; truth.

you only think you know what liberal propaganda networks have brainwashed you to think. Like facts and science mean bias/agenda driven studies or lies mean something that’s not proven by your manipulated bias agenda driven research.

i can very easily do the same as you suggest i do but we both know it’ll ultimately go on as an infinite cats game due to the manipulation of stats/agenda driven bias research and not facts that can’t really be proven with out question.
Trump = epic failure in sooo many ways.

but what would anyone expect from a lifelong narcissist con man porn ho bang’n Jack ass with a 15 yr old mentality?
Yeah he did exactly what I and many others here expected. What we said he would do...and he didn't disappoint. The dude filed for bankruptcy 6 times! What did republicans think of this? He is a great businessman....LMAO. Great businessmen don't file for bankruptcy 6 times and to the point no American bank would loan him money at all.

He pretty much did to America what he has done in all of his businesses. Run it into the ground by turning it into a shit hole where people rush the capital and kill cops along with other people.
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Employed145.6 Million142.6 Million
Deficit$584 Billion$3.3 Trillion
Debt$19.9 Trillion$27.7 Trillion
Only president to be impeached 2 times in 4 years
Covid-19: 412K+ Deaths
Trump's Campaign Promises
Repeal Obama Care FAIL
Invest In Infrastructure FAIL
Bring Back Manufacturing FAIL
Grow The Economy FAIL
Build Wall & Make Mexico Pay For It FAIL

Not what Trump and his followers wanted to see.

Look at those deficit and debt numbers. No sane conservative should be happy with that.
Look at those deficit and debt numbers. No sane conservative should be happy with that.
That's what you would think but there is nothing they aren't happy with as far as Trump is concerned as long as he is making them feel like they are better than immigrants and other minorities. It doesn't really matter what he does. There just is no limit.
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That's what you would think but there is nothing they aren't happy with as far as Trump is concerned as long as he is making them feel like they are better than immigrants and other minorities. It doesn't really matter what he does. There just is no limit.

Spot on. The GOP has gone from being a party of ideas and optimism, to a white identity preservation scheme.
Yes. Your “facts” aka studies are compromised making them anything but facts. You clearly don’t know the meaning of the word fact. If you took stats in college you’d know that “facts” aka studies are statists and can be you used in misleading ways that ultimately compromise the reality of a situation making the big picture anything but a fact. This happens in court rooms every day. It happens with the al goldens in college football every day. A fact is real and not just something on paper any more than a lie is just something you don’t want to believe because you can’t comprehend it. The world is flat is not a fact just because people said it was. 2+2=4 is a fact because there’s no other explanation. See how that works. Now when I put forth a chart that says different, you’re just going to call it fake news with the expectation that I just except your source where ever you got it from as “fact”. That’s called irrational. You truly don’t know the meaning of the word fact so please stop using it incorrectly.

Fact-something that actually exists; reality; truth.

you only think you know what liberal propaganda networks have brainwashed you to think. Like facts and science mean bias/agenda driven studies or lies mean something that’s not proven by your manipulated bias agenda driven research.

i can very easily do the same as you suggest i do but we both know it’ll ultimately go on as an infinite cats game due to the manipulation of stats/agenda driven bias research and not facts that can’t really be proven with out question.
I can't believe I actually read your bullshzt. As usual, you make no sense. That's a fact!
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He appointed 300 judges, ignored convention and appointed a SCOTUS during an election bringing the total to 3...oh wait that was all McConnell.

He did refurbish a good deal of the fencing structure and built about 12 new miles of it and called it a wall.

He also renamed part of the air force as Space Force.

He brought racial unity (more white college educated folks voted Dem than any since Carter)

He signed a middle east treat between Israel and Sudan which had a history of beef and three other secular countries that had no real beef with Israel but that's better than nothing right?

He sold the Kurds out, was nice to the Saudi prince after they killed an American National...oh wait
Thank god he appointed those judges otherwise we might be under martial law with the wrong judge. Lol
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Spot on. The GOP has gone from being a party of ideas and optimism, to a white identity preservation scheme.

You all enjoying your echo chamber? Lol

White identity....that's the left trying to create a bogeyman for all the spineless leftists to be afraid of. I'm white and I dont know a single person who gives a shit about white identity and over the past 40 years I have been around a lot of white folk.

I think because the left divides people by skin color and cant stop thinking about everyone's race that they assume everyone else is obsessed with skin color too. I can tell you, most are not.
You all enjoying your echo chamber? Lol

White identity....that's the left trying to create a bogeyman for all the spineless leftists to be afraid of. I'm white and I dont know a single person who gives a shit about white identity and over the past 40 years I have been around a lot of white folk.

We know its true because of the recent spike in right wing terrorism, the Charlottesville rally ("Jews will not replace us"), the storming of the Capitol, and the embrace of Trump by the likes of David Duke and his friends. Just this morning, DHS issued a rare domestic terrorism alert across the country. This is what the conservative movement has devolved into.

We know its true because of the recent spike in right wing terrorism, the Charlottesville rally ("Jews will not replace us"), the storming of the Capitol, and the embrace of Trump by the likes of David Duke and his friends. Just this morning, DHS issued a rare domestic terrorism alert across the country. This is what the conservative movement has devolved into.

More bogeyman. You can see why all this is bull. Even thousands of loons does not represent millions. Besides, left wing terror far outpaced right wing in 2020, anyone with eyeballs can see that no matter what propaganda graph you produce. Right wing lunatics stormed the Capitol, heinous, but one event that lasted hours. Left wing loons held the entire country hostage for about 9 to 10 months straight. They forcefully took over a city and held it with force, murdering and countless acts of violence in the process. They attacked multiple state and federal buildings and razed them, sometimes attempting to trap people inside, they attacked and burned police stations, communities. Attacked and looted multiple cities, attacked the white house. Many, many police officers were injured and some killed. If the right did what the left did for months straight what would you say? Yet, the left does all this, which was politically and ideologically driven...which means it was terrorism....and no terror alert for the left...its painfully obvious the agenda. So you can get off your high horse. The left and right has loons. I know the loons dont represent the majority on the right. I assume the loons on the left dont represent the majority on the left.
More bogeyman. You can see why all this is bull. Even thousands of loons does not represent millions. Besides, left wing terror far outpaced right wing in 2020, anyone with eyeballs can see that no matter what propaganda graph you produce. Right wing lunatics stormed the Capitol, heinous, but one event that lasted hours. Left wing loons held the entire country hostage for about 9 to 10 months straight. They forcefully took over a city and held it with force, murdering and countless acts of violence in the process. They attacked multiple state and federal buildings and razed them, sometimes attempting to trap people inside, they attacked and burned police stations, communities. Attacked and looted multiple cities, attacked the white house. Many, many police officers were injured and some killed. If the right did what the left did for months straight what would you say? Yet, the left does all this, which was politically and ideologically driven...which means it was terrorism....and no terror alert for the left...its painfully obvious the agenda. So you can get off your high horse. The left and right has loons. I know the loons dont represent the majority on the right. I assume the loons on the left dont represent the majority on the left.

As I showed in the other thread - right wing terrorism is the predominant form of terror in this country now. Attempting make this a right vs left issue doesn't change that.
As I showed in the other thread - right wing terrorism is the predominant form of terror in this country now. Attempting make this a right vs left issue doesn't change that.

Obviously cant have an honest conversation with you. What's the point.
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Obviously cant have an honest conversation with you. What's the point.

I posted factual information, you responded with deflections and whataboutism. So yes, there's really no point attempting to have an honest conversation.
So the unemployment rate for Trump nearly a year into a worldwide pandemic with blue states purposely refusing to open to skew these numbers was the same as Obama in YEAR 5 of his administration. Obama was a pathetic failure.
I posted factual information, you responded with deflections and whataboutism. So yes, there's really no point attempting to have an honest conversation.

I posted factual information. There is nothing I posted that wasnt an irrefutable fact, it there was please let me know. The reason we cant move forward is because you cant bring yourself to acknowledge those facts.
So the unemployment rate for Trump nearly a year into a worldwide pandemic with blue states purposely refusing to open to skew these numbers was the same as Obama in YEAR 5 of his administration. Obama was a pathetic failure.

So called blue states didn't shut down to raise Trump's unemployment numbers - both blue and many red states shut down because of a national emergency that required us to tackle the spread of a deadly virus. You'd think this much was plainly obvious to everyone, but apparently not. It is true however that various red states opened up early for political reasons - namely following pressure from Trump so that his numbers wouldn't look as bad as they actually were.
I posted factual information, you responded with deflections and whataboutism. So yes, there's really no point attempting to have an honest conversation.
They are not facts at all if you leave out what happened all summer long. I wonder how terrorized the innocent people were that got dragged from their cars and beaten or killed by those that were upset with a court decision that didn't go the way they expected? The scumbags that do these things fit the very definition of domestic terrorism.
So called blue states didn't shut down to raise Trump's unemployment numbers - both blue and many red states shut down because of a national emergency that required us to tackle the spread of a deadly virus. You'd think this much was plainly obvious to everyone, but apparently not. It is true however that various red states opened up early for political reasons - namely following pressure from Trump so that his numbers wouldn't look as bad as they actually were.
It's funny how those blue states are opening now when nothing is any different other than a new person in the white house.

Can you explain Obama's pathetic unemployment numbers? You can't, and you won't as usual. Just repeat what CNN tells you.
So called blue states didn't shut down to raise Trump's unemployment numbers - both blue and many red states shut down because of a national emergency that required us to tackle the spread of a deadly virus. You'd think this much was plainly obvious to everyone, but apparently not. It is true however that various red states opened up early for political reasons - namely following pressure from Trump so that his numbers wouldn't look as bad as they actually were.

Lol. As soon as Biden was sworn in Cali and NY start talking about how we need to reopen all of sudden. A complete 180. Another painfully obvious agenda.
They are not facts at all if you leave out what happened all summer long. I wonder how terrorized the innocent people were that got dragged from their cars and beaten or killed by those that were upset with a court decision that didn't go the way they expected? The scumbags that do these things fit the very definition of domestic terrorism.

They are facts no matter how you try to hide from them. Inconvenient facts for the leftist.
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Lol. As soon as Biden was sworn in Cali and NY start talking about how we need to reopen all of sudden. A complete 180. Another painfully obvious agenda.

I'm sure that had nothing to do with the actual data coming out at the time. The fact that you people turn everything into a paranoid grievance in lieu of actually analyzing the data is pretty funny.
It's funny how those blue states are opening now when nothing is any different other than a new person in the white house.

Can you explain Obama's pathetic unemployment numbers? You can't, and you won't as usual. Just repeat what CNN tells you.

What's there to explain - here's a chart plainly showing Obama's progress after stabilizing the great recession into a recovery and pre-COVID pandemic. As you see....the Trump years were merely a continuation of the Obama trend.

I'm sure that had nothing to do with the actual data coming out at the time. The fact that you people turn everything into a paranoid grievance in lieu of actually analyzing the data is pretty funny.

Yeah, because politicians wouldn't ever think of playing politics with peoples lives. As Biden would say...come on, man.

The staunchest and most extreme authoritarian lockdown proponents suddenly want to change course when the " data" is as bad as it's ever been. Nothing to see here, they just had an epiphany and want to reopen all of a sudden.
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Lol. As soon as Biden was sworn in Cali and NY start talking about how we need to reopen all of sudden. A complete 180. Another painfully obvious agenda.
That a lie, California has been closed since the beginning of the year.
Yeah, because politicians wouldn't ever think of playing politics with peoples lives. As Biden would say...come on, man.

The staunchest and most extreme authoritarian lockdown proponents suddenly want to change course when the " data" is as bad as it's ever been. Nothing to see here, they just had an epiphany and want to reopen all of a sudden.

There's competent public policy based on listening to scientists and following the data and science, and there's what Trump did, which is suppress the science for political gain. I know which side I would entrust with dealing with a national emergency.
There's competent public policy based on listening to scientists and following the data and science, and there's what Trump did, which is suppress the science for political gain. I know which side I would entrust with dealing with a national emergency.

So now, cali and NY all of sudden want to follow Trumps policy and other red states and open.
That a lie, California has been closed since the beginning of the year.

Your not following, that's the point. There lockdowns have been draconian, now they want to change direction even though numbers have not changed. I guess the only other conclusion is they finally saw the effectiveness and success of Trump and red state policies and wanted to follow, which I concede could be the case and they had no nefarious intentions. Just made a liberal mistake.
Your not following, that's the point. There lockdowns have been draconian, now they want to change direction even though numbers have not changed. I guess the only other conclusion is they finally saw the effectiveness and success of Trump and red state policies and wanted to follow, which I concede could be the case and they had no nefarious intentions. Just made a liberal mistake.

There is no success of red state policies. It was the early reopening of states like GA and FL that contributed to the spike in cases after we had cases down to a very low daily count in early June. Ultimately, people travel from state to state so unless you have an aggressive national shutdown, you are simply going to keep getting more and more cases.

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