Tulsi Gabbard (Classy)

The commentators are full of shit. The journalist are excellent. Sadly the majority of viewers hate the actual journalist, hell they ran Shepard Smith off and he’s the most fair and balanced on any of the major three cable news networks.
I like Hannity and Tucker and Laura. They are exactly who they say they are conservative opinion commentators. They are at least honest about that fact and don't hide from it.
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I like Hannity and Tucker and Laura. They are exactly who they say they are conservative opinion commentators. They are at least honest about that fact and don't hide from it.
Yep. The only issue I have is when folks watch them and treat it as news. It’s not. It’s flack, spin, theater. Sadly many don’t get it. I love Rush’s delivery, he writes poetry without a script daily and his quips are amazing. He’s also hypocritical, bigoted and racist. But knowing it’s an act is the beauty of it. Mega dittos. The problem I have is the folks who think Rush is real, he’s about as serious as a Phil Hendrie character. Same for Hannity, Laura and Tucker.
Anyone who knows how Rupert Murdoch rolls knows that Fox is pure propaganda. If Trump didn't have the lineup of evening stooges gaslighting the redneck masses each evening, he wouldn't have won the Presidency and if in office, his ratings would be somewhere in the mid twenties.
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Anyone who knows how Rupert Murdoch rolls knows that Fox is pure propaganda. If Trump didn't have the lineup of evening stooges promoting gaslighting the redneck masses each evening, he wouldn't have won the Presidency and if in office, his ratings would be somewhere in the mid twenties.
Disagree. Fox doesn’t have the audience to make him win.

Voter Supression did.
The left, the Bernie Bros crying about Hillbot, the emails from the Homie Comey, the Marc Lamont Hill’s yelling “super predator” and the electoral college system that says all American votes are not equal all were voter suppression.

These factors let a person who lost by 3 million votes win because they got 72k more votes spread over three states and that’s how the electoral college works.

before you blame Fox Blame Joe and Mika, Jimmy Fallon, my Personal friend Reince, Jill Stein, Susan Sarandon, Nina Turner and every other lefty that were #NevrHillary and shout out to all the black folks that stayed home or voted for Hennesy and harambe.
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Disagree. Fox doesn’t have the audience to make him win.

Voter Supression did.
The left, the Bernie Bros crying about Hillbot, the emails from the Homie Comey, the Marc Lamont Hill’s yelling “super predator” and the electoral college system that says all American votes are not equal all were voter suppression.

These factors let a person who lost by 3 million votes win because they got 72k more votes spread over three states and that’s how the electoral college works.

before you blame Fox Blame Joe and Mika, Jimmy Fallon, my Personal friend Reince, Jill Stein, Susan Sarandon, Nina Turner and every other lefty that were #NevrHillary and shout out to all the black folks that stayed home or voted for Hennesy and harambe.

That would be true if the Dem party was a left party, when in fact most of its voters are fairly standard, middle of the road centrists based around the Obama coalition. Needless to say, if Trump didn't have a Tv and talk radio propaganda apparatus, he wouldn't be President. Also, worth noting that the WH routinely shares its talking points with Fox News pundits, who then go out on their shows to promote specific narratives Trump wants to get out. This wouldn't happen if he didn't consider it absolutely crucial to keeping his base hypnotized.
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That would be true if the Dem party was a left party, when in fact most of its voters are fairly standard, middle of the road centrists based around the Obama coalition. Needless to say, if Trump didn't have a Tv and talk radio propaganda apparatus, he wouldn't be President. Also, worth noting that the WH routinely shares its talking points with Fox News pundits, who then go out on their shows to promote specific narratives Trump wants to get out. This wouldn't happen if he didn't consider it absolutely crucial to keeping his base hypnotized.
You lefties crack me up. You single out Fox for supplying the right with hype, yet, you ignore MSNBC and the leftist opinion people on CNN. They all speak truth, right?
You lefties crack me up. You single out Fox for supplying the right with hype, yet, you ignore MSNBC and the leftist opinion people on CNN. They all speak truth, right?

That's because the two other channels are not leftist. They are centrist, establishment corporate owned networks that are populated by a lot of people who previously worked in Republican administrations.
That would be true if the Dem party was a left party, when in fact most of its voters are fairly standard, middle of the road centrists based around the Obama coalition. Needless to say, if Trump didn't have a Tv and talk radio propaganda apparatus, he wouldn't be President. Also, worth noting that the WH routinely shares its talking points with Fox News pundits, who then go out on their shows to promote specific narratives Trump wants to get out. This wouldn't happen if he didn't consider it absolutely crucial to keeping his base hypnotized.
I blame the left. Its not the right's job to vote against their own interest. The left chopped off the centrist's dick. **** em.
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MSNBC is centrist? That’s hilarious!

Its owned by a corporation (Comcast).

Joe Scarborough is a former Republican congressman. Nicole Wallace worked for the Bush administration. They also previously hired Greta Van Sustern from Fox and NBC hired Megyn Kelly from Fox. These are standard, middle of the road establishment people. We know this because people on the far right consider them to be RINOs and people on the far left consider them to be right wingers.
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Yep. The only issue I have is when folks watch them and treat it as news. It’s not. It’s flack, spin, theater. Sadly many don’t get it. I love Rush’s delivery, he writes poetry without a script daily and his quips are amazing. He’s also hypocritical, bigoted and racist. But knowing it’s an act is the beauty of it. Mega dittos. The problem I have is the folks who think Rush is real, he’s about as serious as a Phil Hendrie character. Same for Hannity, Laura and Tucker.
The 9:00 am news team as far back as Bill Hemmer, and Meaghan Kelly Have always been honest reporting. I agree Hannity is the most rah rah guy, then again he makes 40 Million a year.
Evening tends to be opine shows vs news. While cnn, msnbc, etc always subjectively present The news
Yep. The only issue I have is when folks watch them and treat it as news. It’s not. It’s flack, spin, theater. Sadly many don’t get it. I love Rush’s delivery, he writes poetry without a script daily and his quips are amazing. He’s also hypocritical, bigoted and racist. But knowing it’s an act is the beauty of it. Mega dittos. The problem I have is the folks who think Rush is real, he’s about as serious as a Phil Hendrie character. Same for Hannity, Laura and Tucker.
They are who they are. They bring forth solid information albeit from their vantage point.
Its owned by a corporation (Comcast).

Joe Scarborough is a former Republican congressman. Nicole Wallace worked for the Bush administration. They also previously hired Greta Van Sustern from Fox and NBC hired Megyn Kelly from Fox. These are standard, middle of the road establishment people. We know this because people on the far right consider them to be RINOs and people on the far left consider them to be right wingers.
MSNBC is a left wing biased TV station. They no longer try to even hide it.
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Its owned by a corporation (Comcast).

Joe Scarborough is a former Republican congressman. Nicole Wallace worked for the Bush administration. They also previously hired Greta Van Sustern from Fox and NBC hired Megyn Kelly from Fox. These are standard, middle of the road establishment people. We know this because people on the far right consider them to be RINOs and people on the far left consider them to be right wingers.
Once again you present half truths as the whole story.
Scarborough was on his knees praising Trump throughout 2016. He changed when Trump dissed him publicly. Greta’s ratings were in the craper, Fox didnt want to pay for another failed face job.
Megyn flopped and was taken off the air.
Obviously they aren’t part of AOC’s, Harris’s co authored Green New Deal,....yet.
Not sure that makes them centric
Once again you present half truths as the whole story.
Scarborough was on his knees praising Trump throughout 2016. He changed when Trump dissed him publicly. Greta’s ratings were in the craper, Fox didnt want to pay for another failed face job.
Megyn flopped and was taken off the air.
Obviously they aren’t part of AOC’s, Harris’s co authored Green New Deal,....yet.
Not sure that makes them centric

Scarborough was actually critical of Trump in 2016, but carry on.
MSNBC is a left wing biased TV station. They no longer try to even hide it.

If you think MSNBC is left wing, then you are probably extremely right wing to where the center looks like the left.
That would be true if the Dem party was a left party, when in fact most of its voters are fairly standard, middle of the road centrists based around the Obama coalition. Needless to say, if Trump didn't have a Tv and talk radio propaganda apparatus, he wouldn't be President. Also, worth noting that the WH routinely shares its talking points with Fox News pundits, who then go out on their shows to promote specific narratives Trump wants to get out. This wouldn't happen if he didn't consider it absolutely crucial to keeping his base hypnotized.
And yet there is a much larger anti-Trump TV, newspaper, and social media propaganda apparatus, It's sad to see what the media has become.
If you think MSNBC is left wing, then you are probably extremely right wing to where the center looks like the left.
The far left routinely bemoans how many GOP and their views are on MSNBC. You really have to be extreme to watch Morning Joe and see it as left. Literally they have Claire Mc. As a liberal and she’s a blue dog as it gets.
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And yet there is a much larger anti-Trump TV, newspaper, and social media propaganda apparatus, It's sad to see what the media has become.

That’s due to Trump, not the media. When you have an individual who lies all the time and doesn’t believe in objective facts, you can bet the farm the media will point that out. If Trump wants good coverage he should have changed his ways and acted like a dignified person.
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Its owned by a corporation (Comcast).

Joe Scarborough is a former Republican congressman. Nicole Wallace worked for the Bush administration. They also previously hired Greta Van Sustern from Fox and NBC hired Megyn Kelly from Fox. These are standard, middle of the road establishment people. We know this because people on the far right consider them to be RINOs and people on the far left consider them to be right wingers.
MSNBC ...centrist organization....Come on Man! LOL!
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That’s due to Trump, not the media. When you have an individual who lies all the time and doesn’t believe in objective facts, you can bet the farm the media will point that out. If Trump wants good coverage he should have changed his ways and acted like a dignified person.
So it's Trump's fault that the media is biased? What was the coverage of the Israel-UAE agreement?
So it's Trump's fault that the media is biased? What was the coverage of the Israel-UAE agreement?

Again, the media cover factual information. If you lie all the time, you are probably going to get negative coverage. Not the media's fault.
Scarborough was actually critical of Trump in 2016, but carry on.
Towards the very end, AFTER Trump made fun of him. He promoted him daily and regularly had Trump on, several times a week if not daily.
What alternate universe do you live on???
That's because the two other channels are not leftist. They are centrist, establishment corporate owned networks that are populated by a lot of people who previously worked in Republican administrations.
That’s some of the funniest sh-t I’ve seen in a while
That’s some of the funniest sh-t I’ve seen in a while
Bruh. Go ask a lefty what they think. I’m a centrist. I watch far left and far right. Leftist HATE msnbc and cnn. Seriously I can give you some shows. They call them conservaDems. They think Pelosi and Schumer are GOP parading as Dems. They call the Neo liberals. It’s pretty much the same shit the far right says but in the inverse. Check Bernie Bros or Squad folks on social media ask them if they think CNN or MSNBC is left. Ask me how they feel about Sheppard Smith or Chris Wallace.
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That’s some of the funniest sh-t I’ve seen in a while

A network that is leftist would be promoting Democratic socialism. Democracy Now is a good choice for that.

MSNBC has a combination of centrists from both parties working there.

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