Supporting actual fascism, imagine that lmao
Supporting actual fascism, imagine that lmao
Big tech in the pockets of Democratic Party..
I quess free speech only belongs to the left...
How dare Twitter, a private company, choose not to do business with someone because they... incited a lynch mob again their own Vice President, resulting in the deaths of 5 people. For shame! I agree with you CashvilleCane1 that we need federal intervention in the private marketplace to force Twitter's hand and restore Trump's account.Supporting actual fascism, imagine that lmao
How dare Twitter, a private company, choose not to do business with someone because they... incited a lynch mob again their own Vice President, resulting in the deaths of 5 people. For shame! I agree with you CashvilleCane1 that we need federal intervention in the private marketplace to force Twitter's hand and restore Trump's account.
How dare Twitter, a private company, choose not to do business with someone because they... incited a lynch mob again their own Vice President, resulting in the deaths of 5 people. For shame! I agree with you CashvilleCane1 that we need federal intervention in the private marketplace to force Twitter's hand and restore Trump's account.
Isn’t that what trump has done for 4 years. YesNo it's not. Suppression of news is a Communist tactic.
The BLM & Antifa riots caused 30 death u don’t hear about that do u... Hypocrites ..!!!
Those deaths were caused by right wing nut jobs
BLM & Antifa where rioting but the right caused the 30 death...
Hahaha, ur brain is fried.. Keep smoking that crack...
Look what they did on Jan 6th all pushed by trump and his worthless puppets
Should have been done awhile ago.
Why do you hate people of the Jewish Faith? Why do you defend someone that calls for Genocide of Jew's?