Uncle Joe! Despite GOP Opposition Polls Show Bidens COVID Relief plan retains broad popularity.

We also discovered not 1 but 3 vaccines in America. The point is the predictions, the work done, and where the numbers are today. I'm not sold that every one of the 500,000+ deaths was a DIRECT result of Covid but I'll give you that.

whether you want to acknowledge that all those deaths were attributed to Covid or not, It was the deadliest year in US history. More people died last year than any year in history. On average we lose 2.2 million people per year. Last year more than 3 million. You can continue to be a skeptic and not believe the Covid deaths but the likelihood is that we undercounted vs over counted.

We also discovered not 1 but 3 vaccines in America. The point is the predictions, the work done, and where the numbers are today. I'm not sold that every one of the 500,000+ deaths was a DIRECT result of Covid but I'll give you that.

Of course you're not.
Last March Fauci and the Surgeon General said masks would be "ineffective."

thats not Accurate. What they said was the regular medical mask or cloth mask would not prevent you from getting Covid. It can prevent you from spreading it. And if you have Covid or test positive you should wear a mask. Where the change in the guideline came was that if wearing a mask prevents you from spreading it, let’s assume everyone has it and then it can help stop transmission. Only n95 mask can prevent you from getting it.

and in March there was already a critical shortage of masks that they didn’t want everyone to run out and buy mask and leave hospitals with no supply. Which is what woulda happened if they told the general public to all get a mask then. There wasn’t enough supply.

still to this day mask, especially improperly worn, give you minimal protection against Covid. They weren’t wrong or lying.
whether you want to acknowledge that all those deaths were attributed to Covid or not, It was the deadliest year in US history. More people died last year than any year in history. On average we lose 2.2 million people per year. Last year more than 3 million. You can continue to be a skeptic and not believe the Covid deaths but the likelihood is that we undercounted vs over counted.

How many went without important tests and treatments due to Covid? THINK MAN!
thats not Accurate. What they said was the regular medical mask or cloth mask would not prevent you from getting Covid. It can prevent you from spreading it. And if you have Covid or test positive you should wear a mask. Where the change in the guideline came was that if wearing a mask prevents you from spreading it, let’s assume everyone has it and then it can help stop transmission. Only n95 mask can prevent you from getting it.

and in March there was already a critical shortage of masks that they didn’t want everyone to run out and buy mask and leave hospitals with no supply. Which is what woulda happened if they told the general public to all get a mask then. There wasn’t enough supply.

still to this day mask, especially improperly worn, give you minimal protection against Covid. They weren’t wrong or lying.

April 3, 2020
How many went without important tests and treatments due to Covid? THINK MAN!

i am thinking. Lol. It’s doesn’t make up the gap in numbers. But all medical experts said we needed to keep Covid #s modest so that hospitals and medical system doesn’t collapse bc then you’ll have more routine deaths. And unfortunately people didn’t heed that advice and here we are. The deaths are real despite what you’ve heard or read.
We also discovered not 1 but 3 vaccines in America. The point is the predictions, the work done, and where the numbers are today. I'm not sold that every one of the 500,000+ deaths was a DIRECT result of Covid but I'll give you that.
You don't believe Trump lost the election. So what's new?
you do realize 2-3 million people is if we did nothing. Absolutely nothing and kept life going as if nothing was happening. Not caring what goes on in hospitals, at work, with our friends and family. No masks. We still have lost in one year more people than in WW1, WW2, Korea, and Vietnam. Where people are intentionally trying to kill Americans. You can applaud the bare minimum we did here. We still lost more people than any country in the world. 2x the second most country. I don’t know why you think we did a “good job” here

Et tu CD? You've come to bury Trump, not to praise Joe! Except, in spite of overwhelming opposition from the Libs, who fought his efforts all the way, Trump put us on this path to recovery. The path that Joe sniffs his way along without changing to his 'scientific methods, one iota. And, Joe positions/plagiarises (just put that in as a reminder of his formative years) himself for full credit.
i am thinking. Lol. It’s doesn’t make up the gap in numbers. But all medical experts said we needed to keep Covid #s modest so that hospitals and medical system doesn’t collapse bc then you’ll have more routine deaths. And unfortunately people didn’t heed that advice and here we are. The deaths are real despite what you’ve heard or read.
People have gone above and beyond.
Now it is up to 70%. Health insurance premiums will go down to almost zero for many people. The people are finally getting what respect they deserve.

Joe just keeps winning. Lol
What has he done? He only told congress what he wanted to fix this train wreck Trump left and this got covid relief for Millions. He only provided us a real global effort to fight this pandemic. Not the Neanderthal concept that you are on your own....or leave it up to the states. He is providing real leadership which is why his overall approval rating is where it is.

Leaving his critics to nitpic, because the fact is he is going to allow the covid relief package to open schools. It isn't about red or blue states. Only divisive people even think in such a manner. This is about THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. There is only THE UNITED STATES....and Joe will do all he can to follow the science. Not people with political ambitions.

THATS CALLED LEADERSHIP! Although a four legged stool has more leadership ability than our last president.
You said "Cuomo is who I'm going to follow right now!!! A real leader !!!" You have no credibility when it comes to judging leadership ability- NONE- ZERO.
You said "Cuomo is who I'm going to follow right now!!! A real leader !!!" You have no credibility when it comes to judging leadership ability- NONE- ZERO.
I said "right now"! Comprehension! That's telling you this can change. So...I don't think anyone that follows Trump can talk to me about leadership. Thanks anyway.
how can you say people went above and beyond when no other country has experienced this amount of death and suffering?
Yeah...this is just more Trump worship. Party worship....or whatever. No objective person on the planet thinks this last Administration went above and beyond. It's nonsense. All you have to do is look around the world to see how others have handled this. Prioritizing money over human lives is just void of any moral compass. Only a POS would entertain the idea. You can't take money with you.
Yeah...this is just more Trump worship. Party worship....or whatever. No objective person on the planet thinks this last Administration went above and beyond. It's nonsense. All you have to do is look around the world to see how others have handled this. Prioritizing money over human lives is just void of any moral compass. Only a POS would entertain the idea. You can't take money with you.
Money over lives...............Death by 1000 swords.
Money over lives...............Death by 1000 swords.
Nope.. which is why people with common Sense told Trump Gtfooh. Man makes the money. Money doesn't make the man.... unless there is nothing there meaningful.
I said "right now"! Comprehension! That's telling you this can change. So...I don't think anyone that follows Trump can talk to me about leadership. Thanks anyway.
Mr." What About Trump "? Totally predictable and pathetic. The dirtbag whose boots you were licking a few months ago is now going down, and you want to talk about Trump. Why don't you defend your hero and ask for due process? He was a"real leader" then but not now I guess.You clearly have no comprehension of what leadership is.
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Mr." What About Trump "? Totally predictable and pathetic. The dirtbag whose boots you were licking a few months ago is now going down, and you want to talk about Trump. Why don't you defend your hero and ask for due process? He was a"real leader" then but not now I guess.You clearly have no comprehension of what leadership is.
You do? You follow Trump. Lol
Yeah...this is just more Trump worship. Party worship....or whatever. No objective person on the planet thinks this last Administration went above and beyond. It's nonsense. All you have to do is look around the world to see how others have handled this. Prioritizing money over human lives is just void of any moral compass. Only a POS would entertain the idea. You can't take money with you.
Money talks and bullshit walks

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