Universities are in trouble

Not only are they going to get sued for Covid outbreaks among students on campus, like UNC’s insane lack of control, but now students are suing schools for failure to provide in person classes while maintaining same tuition prices:

-also funny that this lawsuit is coming from notorious tort reforming state like Texas
It wouldn't happen if we didn't lock down...that was pure lunacy
All lockdowns did was exacerbate the problem by keeping a lid on it. See Sweden...
I worked a foot away from a guy in March...was covid positive no mask I got zero symptoms..he found out when he donated plasma and had antibodies in his it is not as contagious as they say or we don't need masks
I worked a foot away from a guy in March...was covid positive no mask I got zero symptoms..he found out when he donated plasma and had antibodies in his it is not as contagious as they say or we don't need masks
"so it is not as contagious as they say or we don't need masks"...both are true, imo.

Thanks for sharing that experience. I mean, the impetus behind this is so obvious it will tie you up in knots if you let it.
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All lockdowns did was exacerbate the problem by keeping a lid on it. See Sweden...

This romance with Sweden is a total joke. Sweden’s death rate per 1million population is even worse than the poor performance in the US. If you want to admire a country’s anti Covid performance, take a look at the death data in New Zealand, Germany and Canada.
Not only are they going to get sued for Covid outbreaks among students on campus, like UNC’s insane lack of control, but now students are suing schools for failure to provide in person classes while maintaining same tuition prices:

-also funny that this lawsuit is coming from notorious tort reforming state like Texas
Haven’t you been listening to the “Honeys” of the world..It’s all fake news and not real..
I worked a foot away from a guy in March...was covid positive no mask I got zero symptoms..he found out when he donated plasma and had antibodies in his it is not as contagious as they say or we don't need masks
Now that folks is called emprical evidence!
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This romance with Sweden is a total joke. Sweden’s death rate per 1million population is even worse than the poor performance in the US. If you want to admire a country’s anti Covid performance, take a look at the death data in New Zealand, Germany and Canada.
Canada and Germany. NZ is and will always be a very tight border. They're super controlled about invasive species - animals, plants, etc.
Haven’t you been listening to the “Honeys” of the world..It’s all fake news and not real..
It's a hoax, but we're close to herd immunity. It will go away, but young people don't get sick from it.
It's a hoax, but we're close to herd immunity. It will go away, but young people don't get sick from it.
There is a virus...i give u that....but to stay masked up and 6 feet is crazy to me....i don't wear a mask...i will to go in a store...but I deliver pizzas and don't wear one and either do they...i am disabled with ms
There is a virus...i give u that....but to stay masked up and 6 feet is crazy to me....i don't wear a mask...i will to go in a store...but I deliver pizzas and don't wear one and either do they...i am disabled with ms
It's not crazy. It's considerate. It's caring. Especially for people who suffer from and have to manage underlying health conditions.
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It's not crazy. It's considerate. It's caring. Especially for people who suffer from and have to manage underlying health conditions.
Wouldn't it be more considerate for them to reduce their exposure to the outside world and let the 80% or so of this population to get on with life. Almost all the people in the highly at risk pool have one thing in common, the Social Security Administration sends them a check every month. Stay Home! Or don't, but dont tell me it is my responsibility that nothing bad can happen if they leave the house.
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It's a hoax, but we're close to herd immunity. It will go away, but young people don't get sick from it.
The hoax is that lockdowns worked, zero evidence of that happening in the US. As for herd immunity, probably a little way off however we are at a point where the spread either has or soon will diminish to the point where it's a minor nuisance. Look at the NE, they tripped over their dicks to get to this point but cases have almost gone away and now it is a minor nuisance, they should be much more open than they currently are. I feel bad for all the businesses that are going to go under due to poor over cautious lack of leadership. Probably good for us in FL though, people from the NE are going to be flooding here and the economy will jump right back quickly.
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There is a virus...i give u that....but to stay masked up and 6 feet is crazy to me....i don't wear a mask...i will to go in a store...but I deliver pizzas and don't wear one and either do they...i am disabled with ms

Sorry about the MS. Hopefully you aren't taking DMTs that reduce your white blood count. If you are and still not wearing a mask then I would reconsider that choice. Seriously it's not worth making a political statement over, which is what you're doing
Not only are they going to get sued for Covid outbreaks among students on campus, like UNC’s insane lack of control, but now students are suing schools for failure to provide in person classes while maintaining same tuition prices:

-also funny that this lawsuit is coming from notorious tort reforming state like Texas
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This romance with Sweden is a total joke. Sweden’s death rate per 1million population is even worse than the poor performance in the US. If you want to admire a country’s anti Covid performance, take a look at the death data in New Zealand, Germany and Canada.
But nowhere as bad as NY, NJ, etc.
Yep, Sweden reached herd immunity. Locking us down for a prolonged period doesn’t allow us to reach it. Sad.
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Not only are they going to get sued for Covid outbreaks among students on campus, like UNC’s insane lack of control, but now students are suing schools for failure to provide in person classes while maintaining same tuition prices:

-also funny that this lawsuit is coming from notorious tort reforming state like Texas
Tort reform is not to protect a business against the failure to provide the service for which they are paid. These Universities want their cake and eat it too if you follow me. They want full tuition and in some cases payment for housing etc...but don't want to provide the full experience for which they seek the money. Ironically but not lost on me is that it is the Republicans who want immunity from these Covid lawsuits. Democrats do not.........
This romance with Sweden is a total joke. Sweden’s death rate per 1million population is even worse than the poor performance in the US. If you want to admire a country’s anti Covid performance, take a look at the death data in New Zealand, Germany and Canada.
A "total joke"? Sweden has a mortality rate of .00058, primarily the Elderly. They never locked down a thing. No romance Cortez, just facts.
A "total joke"? Sweden has a mortality rate of .00058, primarily the Elderly. They never locked down a thing. No romance Cortez, just facts.


I believe your mortality rate could be based on the % of those infected who die. Interesting but not the bottom line.

‘The bottom line = how many people die of Covid as a % of the population. The data (from RealClearPolitics updated daily);

deaths/1 million pop

Sweden 568
USA. 531
Canada 243
Germany 112
Norway 49
New Zealand 4.5

So, if you want to admire Scandinavia, get to Norway rather than Sweden.

I believe your mortality rate could be based on the % of those infected who die. Interesting but not the bottom line.

‘The bottom line = how many people die of Covid as a % of the population. The data (from RealClearPolitics updated daily);

deaths/1 million pop

Sweden 568
USA. 531
Canada 243
Germany 112
Norway 49
New Zealand 4.5

So, if you want to admire Scandinavia, get to Norway rather than Sweden.
Cortez, I don't admire, romanticize, look up to, or care about any of these Countries. However, 568 people out of 1,000,000 who are medically compromised and/or elderly passing away does not warrant shutting down a society/economy. Sweden knew this and now appears to be through it.
By the way, 1,600 Americans will die from Cancer today, tomorrow, and every day.

I believe your mortality rate could be based on the % of those infected who die. Interesting but not the bottom line.

‘The bottom line = how many people die of Covid as a % of the population. The data (from RealClearPolitics updated daily);

deaths/1 million pop

Sweden 568
USA. 531
Canada 243
Germany 112
Norway 49
New Zealand 4.5

So, if you want to admire Scandinavia, get to Norway rather than Sweden.

Counting covid deaths from county to country is a fools errand. Every country in the world counts them differently and every population has different demographics (population age, general health, access to healthcare etc).

The only way to look at success or failure is to look at all cause mortality compared to past years. In every location barring ridiculous outliers like NY and NJ the overall deaths will be relatively unchanged.

Here is Sweden which is on pace to be nearly identical to the past 5 years at ~90k deaths for the year.

The US by state is here: The excess deaths at the state level are minuscule and in the majority of states non-existent.
Tort reform is not to protect a business against the failure to provide the service for which they are paid. These Universities want their cake and eat it too if you follow me. They want full tuition and in some cases payment for housing etc...but don't want to provide the full experience for which they seek the money. Ironically but not lost on me is that it is the Republicans who want immunity from these Covid lawsuits. Democrats do not.........
Schools should be all virtual for the first semester.
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Counting covid deaths from county to country is a fools errand. Every country in the world counts them differently and every population has different demographics (population age, general health, access to healthcare etc).

The only way to look at success or failure is to look at all cause mortality compared to past years. In every location barring ridiculous outliers like NY and NJ the overall deaths will be relatively unchanged.

Here is Sweden which is on pace to be nearly identical to the past 5 years at ~90k deaths for the year.

The US by state is here: The excess deaths at the state level are minuscule and in the majority of states non-existent.

"It is clear that not only are the rates of viral infection, hospitalisation and mortality (per million population) much higher than those seen in neighbouring Scandinavian countries, but also that the time-course of the epidemic in Sweden is different, with continued persistence of higher infection and mortality well beyond the few critical weeks period seen in Denmark, Finland and Norway," said, lead author Professor David Goldsmith.
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Schools should be all virtual for the first semester.
Wow, I can't believe you took that position.
In my opinion, we should ONLY wear masks in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities, stop this ridiculous testing, open all schools, churches, and Businesses, and switch from new normal to normal.
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The hoax is that lockdowns worked, zero evidence of that happening in the US. As for herd immunity, probably a little way off however we are at a point where the spread either has or soon will diminish to the point where it's a minor nuisance. Look at the NE, they tripped over their dicks to get to this point but cases have almost gone away and now it is a minor nuisance, they should be much more open than they currently are. I feel bad for all the businesses that are going to go under due to poor over cautious lack of leadership. Probably good for us in FL though, people from the NE are going to be flooding here and the economy will jump right back quickly.

im up in Pa. we are still having a ton of cases, like 600-1000 a day but very few hospitalizations and deaths. Leads me to believe there are a significant group of laundered April/May cases and antibody positives counted.
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im up in Pa. we are still having a ton of cases, like 600-1000 a day but very few hospitalizations and deaths. Leads me to believe there are a significant group of laundered April/May cases and antibody positives counted.
Now they are catching a lot of the asymptomatic cases due to testing at school work hospitals etc. Back in April-May you had at least 10 probably close to 20 undiagnosed cases for every 1 diagnosed. Now due to widespread testing that number is probably closer to 4 or 5, which also means that the just confirms that this is not very deadly at all. All this adds up to tens of thousands getting the virus everyday and likely hundreds of thousands contracting everyday with only around 1000 deaths and falling. By September this will be vastly diminished and nationwide will be back in the 500 less daily range. At this point all schools should reopen and most importantly football fans back in the seats (with some distancing, don't need to be greedy).
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Now they are catching a lot of the asymptomatic cases due to testing at school work hospitals etc. Back in April-May you had at least 10 probably close to 20 undiagnosed cases for every 1 diagnosed. Now due to widespread testing that number is probably closer to 4 or 5, which also means that the just confirms that this is not very deadly at all. All this adds up to tens of thousands getting the virus everyday and likely hundreds of thousands contracting everyday with only around 1000 deaths and falling. By September this will be vastly diminished and nationwide will be back in the 500 less daily range. At this point all schools should reopen and most importantly football fans back in the seats (with some distancing, don't need to be greedy).
Sounds logical to me. Not being greedy with space is a piece of cake at The Rock.
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Now they are catching a lot of the asymptomatic cases due to testing at school work hospitals etc. Back in April-May you had at least 10 probably close to 20 undiagnosed cases for every 1 diagnosed. Now due to widespread testing that number is probably closer to 4 or 5, which also means that the just confirms that this is not very deadly at all. All this adds up to tens of thousands getting the virus everyday and likely hundreds of thousands contracting everyday with only around 1000 deaths and falling. By September this will be vastly diminished and nationwide will be back in the 500 less daily range. At this point all schools should reopen and most importantly football fans back in the seats (with some distancing, don't need to be greedy).

The problem is these PCR tests are so touchy that they detect viral shed for up to 10 - 12 weeks after the infection. So they could keep this up for a long time.

I do think we're seeing a lack of demand for testing as evidenced by the low test numbers (as well as driving by many of the Palm Beach County testing sites which are empty) and people are choosing that getting tested is pointless which is a good thing. There is no reason to get tested unless you are sick.

You guys on this thread keep agreeing with each other and congratulating yourselves for your medical wisdom. Post after post within the Trump echo chamber.

You have your beliefs. Fine. Repeating those beliefs again and again on CaneSport does not make you more correct. Rather, it emphasizes your isolation from the American mainstream that overwhelmingly believes that Trump has totally mishandled the pandemic.

You are out of touch with the majority of Americans. You are not the silent majority. You are the noisy minority that does not understand how Americans are feeling.

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