Are you therefore implying that TDS victims look at him objectively???
By the way ellu, people historically vote their pocket books. It’s even better inTrumps case When you like his economics and politics.
All you do is knock Trump, I havent heard you expound on all the wonderful platforms of joe that you endorse????
TDS is a marketing phrase used to counter folks who point out the consistent absurdities that Trump employs. It is a blanket employed to suppress truth. If you point out that Trump likes to embellish, obfuscate and flat out lie, TDS is used as a defense. If you cite his misrepresentations and inconsistencies its TDS. If you literally quote him stating x in one breath and y 24 hours of breath later, its TDS. Often his supporters state he is joking when he says offensive outrageous things, then they support policies that are designed to enact those things he was "joking about" and then they literally support him in saying the outrageous things, gaslighting that they never disbelieved his intent, pointing out this untruth is called TDS.
If his policies are opposite of conservatism, its TDS. Conservatives have forever been free market, suddenly, approaching treatise the way Bernie Sanders does is "conservative" and pointing this out is TDS.
Democrats were the emotional appealing sorts that painted the hard cold logic of the GOP as Spockian in its pragmatic application of real world solutions founded on intellectualism, not emotion. Trumpism rejects intellectualism, pragmatism and is steeped in recrimination, punitive retribution and divisiveness. He makes statements that demonstrate this, frequently, and to point them out results in the label of TDS.
So I tend to ignore TDS when employed, certainly when "victims look at him objectively" is concatenated with the phrase. Use of the phrase itself requires a subjective assessment.
Historically people do not vote their pocketbooks. Again, I reference Hillbilly Elegy, but for specific examples. Black middle and upper class do not. Dr. King, a Ph.d. voted with sanitation workers. Thurgood Marshall and Walter White, attorneys, voted with the poor. Personally I vote for equality and economic equality over my own economic positions. Frankly I find it selfish to even imply that self-centered fiscal voting is the single issue. I'd vote for a position that supports the men and women who serve in the military before I'd vote in a way that worked best for my 401k. I can think of a number of examples of things that would place my financial wealth secondary; civil rights, children's rights, parental rights, immigration, religious freedoms, autonomy of health (pre-existing, women's autonomy, healthcare as a right) I think you get the point.
Republicans that cut social support systems, reduce government assistance and eschew expanding medical care opportunities under the ACA also find enormous support in populations that rely on welfare, food stamps, WIC and public health care systems. Red states are full of these and they are labeled "working class" when white. None of these folks, when voting for the current adminsitration, are voting for their fiscal best interest. And that's fine by me, I'm pointing out the inconsistency in the statement you made. Many of the MAGA I know are quite poor folks who vote on their emotion, not their wallets.
As for Joe. I do like some of his policies. But make no mistake, I'm far more interested in the cult of personality, RINO that is Trump being removed.
I like Biden's history of working with both sides of the aisle to reach resolution, his respect of and belief in the institution of the US government, his moderate fiscal policies that emphasize balancing budgets, rejecting deficit spending (unless necessary due to force majures). I like the idea of putting Americans back to work with infrastructure improvement projects. I like his plan for vocational training and community college access. I like his desire to reduce carbon emissions and to be at the front of the global transition to alternative energy sources. I like his hawkish tendencies.
Those are just quick things that come to mind, I've many more but this post is long enough.
Basically a man that can unite the center right and center left will always be more attractive to me than one who literally dismisses half of the country. When Colin, Kasich and Fiorina endorse Biden its disingenuous to paint his positions as baseless or you could just hide behind the excuse of the marketing device and repeat the mantra of the inculcated...TDS.